WDW Dreams


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my husband and I are always saying if we win the lottery (hey I like fantasyland) that we would spend a month in every WDW resort. So I was wondering what kind of fantasy or dreams others had about WDW (ohh and I need to point out my hubby's biggest fantasy is being Goofy for a living ...ok so he is already goofy ..but he wants to be paid for it ..well if he could live at WDW he would do it for free


New Member
Right now my biggest WDW dream would be getting a job there after graduation in May.

Other fanciful ideas:

-A permanent residence on the top floor of the Contemporary.

-A return of the boat ride between Port Orleans and Downtown Disney!

-A horror movie theme park. :)


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Originally posted by Tron
Right now my biggest WDW dream would be getting a job there after graduation in May.

Other fanciful ideas:

-A permanent residence on the top floor of the Contemporary.

-A return of the boat ride between Port Orleans and Downtown Disney!

-A horror movie theme park. :)

I hope you get a job there, I cant imagine a more wonderful place to work ..I love your idea of living on the top floor of the Contemporay !!

Luau Cove

New Member
Many times I dreamt about WDW, most of them were unexplained tricks of my sub-conscience. I always dream it all wrong, like a bizarro, abstract version of WDW. For example once the monorail stopped on a huge black tower, I went in, and it was a ride. Suddenly I noticed all below as was water, and the monorail/coaster was going in circles.
Another time I dreamt I woke up in a Disney resort (which was not specified) and was too happy to be in Disney, imagine my sadness when I really woke up! :mad:



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Originally posted by Luau Cove
Many times I dreamt about WDW, -->LUAU

Maybe I am not so wierd after all ..I though I was the only person in the world that really had dreams where I was at WDW ....one I remember clearly was of having a room in a resort that was right under the monorail :) sure feels good to know I aint the only one that even has WDW adventures in her sleep :)

X Zoe X

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My disney dream would be to win a lot of money then take my mum and dad to stay in the best disney hotel for as long as they wanted and to be in charge of the whole company!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if others share this one, but here goes...

My biggest Disney dream is to work at WDW, and be involved in the creative process for additional attractions, parks, etc., but also have input into the final decision making process.

A close second would to be involved with quality assurance. Keep the parks clean, happy, and working!:lol:


New Member
If I won the lottery, I would be content to just buy a house in Orlando and work at Disney part time, and fish on my days off. I wouldn't need the money that I would make working there, so I would donate it make -a-wish. Or better yet, I would move to Orlando and work with make-a-wish to help terminally ill children make a trip to WDW.


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Originally posted by Nut4Disney
If I won the lottery, I would be content to just buy a house in Orlando and work at Disney part time, and fish on my days off. I wouldn't need the money that I would make working there, so I would donate it make -a-wish. Or better yet, I would move to Orlando and work with make-a-wish to help terminally ill children make a trip to WDW.

awwwwww thats really sweet


New Member
My Dream is to live IN MK. I would live in the Castle!
"Second" window "on the left straight on till morning"!!
After all my favorite character is Tinkerbell!!


New Member
heres my dream

i would have a estate size home in a coastal or victorian style home in celebration.
i would be a vice president in one of these areas for wdw
human resources,public relations,sales and marketing, or merchandise retail developement.
i would have a nice office in either the casting center or team disney building with an office in burbank,tokyo,paris and soon in hong kong.i woudl have a speed dial function on my phone to eisners office.
if i cant have that i would settle for the guy who walks behind the horses on main street with the "pooper scoopers":D :D :D


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Originally posted by tink2dw
My Dream is to live IN MK. I would live in the Castle!
"Second" window "on the left straight on till morning"!!
After all my favorite character is Tinkerbell!!

she is mine too !!! I sure didnt pick this nick cuz i look like her .. lol I look more like Ursula :hurl: but I just love Tink I have to say that everyone I have read so far sounds great. Everytime I have ever gone through the animation tour I have wished I could be working there ..even if it were painting cells that would just been sold and not part of any of the films .. I am just so jealous of all disney artist. My youngest granddaughter has promised she will work at Animal Kingdom when she grows up and I will be able to come and stay and she will get me in to the parks. I also want a promise that she will push me around in the wheel chair ..after all I spent 6 years pushing her stroller :lol:


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Originally posted by epcot71

if i cant have that i would settle for the guy who walks behind the horses on main street with the "pooper scoopers":D :D :D

Hey I wouldnt turn down any job at WDW but I sure like your first choice!!!


New Member
Originally posted by tinkrbel

My youngest granddaughter has promised she will work at Animal Kingdom when she grows up and I will be able to come and stay and she will get me in to the parks. I also want a promise that she will push me around in the wheel chair ..after all I spent 6 years pushing her stroller :lol:

OOOOHHHH!! I will have to use that one on my DD[Disney Daughter]!!

:cry: I don't look like tink either :eek: But we don't have to look like them thank-goodness to love them!!
Have you seen Never NeverLand yet?? Take a Hanky when you do!


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Originally posted by tink2dw

OOOOHHHH!! I will have to use that one on my DD[Disney Daughter]!!

:cry: I don't look like tink either :eek: But we don't have to look like them thank-goodness to love them!!
Have you seen Never NeverLand yet?? Take a Hanky when you do!

yeah well they do owe us pushing dont you think?? of course I was imformed a couple of years ago that they wouldnt need to push me around in a wheel chair because disney has those electric scooter/chairs and I could just rent one of those.

and yessss I saw Return to Neverland and I cried!!!!! I cant help but think that the message was lost on alot of people that saw it. Or maybe I am the only one that got it.
Now back WDW dreams .. like I said before my husband wants to be goofy .. and I mean he would really do that for free ..even if they would let him only do it for an hour or so it would be his dream come true ... his second choice is to drive a disney bus ..which he could prolly do since he has been a long haul truck driver for 18 years for J.B.Hunt


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My WDW dream is to stay at the Poly for a few weeks with a bunch of my friends...there's about 20 people who I'd love having down there with me.

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