WDW discount codes


New Member
Hello all ,

We are going to DIsney in September of 09 and i was just wondering how do you see if there any discount codes for my trip. I see people talk about them all the time I booked through disney so how can i find out about the codes?


Well-Known Member
MouseSavers.com and this site are you friend. All you really can do right now is sit and wait. As your trip gets closer start checking here and Mouse Savers. As soon as a new discount comes out it will be posted at both sites.
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Active Member
I would add that if you have a particular set of dates in mind to go ahead and book your room. That way you will at least have your preferred hotel in the event that no discounts come along.
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Well-Known Member
The other suggestion would be to book through Kingdom Konsultants, and if any discounts come out, they will snag them for you.
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