Saw same report. I think it was done by a florida tv station actually.
I will say this. It seems that people often get sick at those buffets and don't report. Coincidentally in March 2002 i went to chef mickeys and woke up stomach problems next morning. I wrote it off to the stress from the day before traveling to disney and not sleeping night before. But then coincidentally members in my group were also feeling slightly queasy but we really didn't make the connection. A year later I had a friend who went to dinnery at chef mickeys and had the same symptoms but worse. But i've eaten at buffets at disney three times prior and never gotten sick. So it seems to me that although it is a coincidence, buffets "period" whether in disney or elsewhere are just breeding grounds for stuff. So when it comes to buffet eat your own risk. I know my roomate just got major food poisoning recently at a buffet here in jersey.
As for the report it was laughably funny how they were striving to make a story. What i am curious about is how many people have been paid to not talk. Was it only that eight or are there others? And does disney keep track of customer complaints as to food. It seems that the complaints they were referring to involve complaints to the State of Florida about Disney not direct complaints to disney. It seems to me they missed a possible story. But whether there is a story there or not we will never know.