WDW Costumes outside the park


Well-Known Member
I usually took off my top when I went somewhere. I wore a cami underneath of course, but this way I didn't look too freakish. When I started I would have been in white pants with the flag shirt, or the old purple outfit for FW. However there was one morning where I did wear the Main Street outfit (nickers and all) to pump gas. I forgot I was out....talk about weird looks. Epcot was easier to get your costume the day of since the lockers are right there, as well as your locker, but MK was a pain. The other reason I started taking mine home is because I worked outside, therefore the costumes were outside, worn sometimes by people who sweat. I liked being able to have "my own" costume.


Well-Known Member
I'm a 32 waist as well, but my particular costume (Innoventions) runs small, so I had to go up to a 33. Now can you imagine finding 33 waist!? I think I grabbed the two pair that were there from day one and washed the heck out of them.

Luckily, Innovention's costumes are just black pants and blue shirts after you take the vest off, with no distinguishing marks. I did stop by Walmart or the gas station in my costume a few times, but always just in the pants and shirt, no name tag, and no other CM identifying marks (Character lanyards, etc).


Active Member
I assume people who live in the Orlando area would be used to seeing cast members in stores or pumping gas wearing uniforms from the parks around there. It is almost like we are so used to seeing table game dealers or casino cocktail waitresses in their uniforms out in public. I know it is different with Disney having a "magic" to it, though, and being different from a casino. I just assumed the Orlando area locals would be oblivious to them.
I think this conversation with all the CMs jumping in about sizes and costume pieces gives just as much of a sick feeling as seeing someone in a costume with nametag and ID. It's bad enough people do it, don't need everyone jumping in and making it ever so much more blatant. All costume poilicies should really only be shared amongst CMs, no need to share with guests, unless you are a Keys Guide, backstage, on tour. Chipmunk feet and Basics? Really?


Well-Known Member
My costume is a business suit and I wear it to the Hess right by work when I fill up, and I see a lot of Disney CMs in costume at the grocery store and around the area. As long as it's not an Entertainment CM, you can see them about anywhere (except for on eBay).


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I'm not saying it wasn't seen. Just wishing it wasn't seen, or mentioned here. That was a 'really you need to share that?'really.
I respectfully disagree with your opinion. As a former CM (just like you), I can see its validity... however, having been set free of my leashes, and realized that albeit Disney can be considered a childish subject matter, most of the members on these forums are adults that can differentiate between Fantasy, reality, and Disney reality... and won't get hurt over it.

I'm not the only person in this thread to make mention of characters in partial costume, but I guess I'm the only one to get called out on it :)

Have a nice day! Charlottesville is absolutely beautiful.


Active Member
I think this conversation with all the CMs jumping in about sizes and costume pieces gives just as much of a sick feeling as seeing someone in a costume with nametag and ID. It's bad enough people do it, don't need everyone jumping in and making it ever so much more blatant. All costume poilicies should really only be shared amongst CMs, no need to share with guests, unless you are a Keys Guide, backstage, on tour. Chipmunk feet and Basics? Really?
Couldn't agree less! I'm actually enjoying the conversation! :wave:

head mouse

Yup...you get to take 5 home...

Only 5? My father had a whole closet devoted to just his uniforms (about 20 of them). (he was maintenance so it may be different)

In fact I have some of his "hand me downs" uniforms I wear to work in. (painter), and one of the belts issued to maintenance persons. (has Property of WDW stamped on the inside.)

BTW I think it would be cool to see a CM in costume pumping gas or shopping.

Just shows the real back bone to Florida


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Yea like two everest countdown pins and a preivew lanyard. :lookaroun

I do not know who listed them :lookaroun

Oh look.... a small box of Everest preview lanyards sitting beside a box of random LE pins in my bedroom closet. However did those get there :confused:
If you guys are opposed to seeing CMs in costume outside of Disney, then you should reeeaaally avoid the Wendy's next to Vista Way at about 1 in the morning...:lookaroun


I doubt it's any different (seeing CMs in not so obvious costume.. I'm talking about the pants/shirt set.. not all out period type stuff you may see on Main Street or whatever) as it is seeing a restaurant server doing the same thing at your local bar. As long as the name tag was off, whatever. LOL When I was working at Red Lobster, we usually looked like a band of badly dressed tourists. This was when we were sporting the fish print button downs w/ khakis. No biggie!!

And MKT.. don't admit to those ebay auctions sug. You may get called out again :animwink:

Mecha Figment

New Member
the official company policy is that regular costumed cast memebers can't been seen in public places with their costumes on. Gas stations are pushing it but i think they understand that you need gas some times. But you can't go to say walmart or burger king in it. although i've seen it done. not smart because that will get you fired.

Costumed cast memebers are not "suppose" to take home pieces. besides the undergarments they wear have really big obvious bar codes on them. I've known several characters who have been fired because they had basics in their bag.

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