One Little Spark...
How tall is the 7 and 5 year old? You should measure them. I only take one kid, so if she's too short, no biggie, but I can foresee a situation on your trip where one child qualifies for a ride and the other does not.
You can find ride height requirements online fairly easily.
Most of the rides that have height requirements are 36", 48", 50", and 56", as I recall.
Disney also has a "rider swap" program that you may be able to utilize for these situations, but I'm not sure.
Anyhow, something to consider.
You can find ride height requirements online fairly easily.
Most of the rides that have height requirements are 36", 48", 50", and 56", as I recall.
Disney also has a "rider swap" program that you may be able to utilize for these situations, but I'm not sure.
Anyhow, something to consider.