Was there ever a time when you did not appreciate Disney ?


Well-Known Member
My parents took me to WDW since practically when I was born, they took me for the magic of Disney and the magic stuck with me right until this day. We know all travel over to America three times a year for Disney.

The rest of my family love it there but I am the real enthusiast of the family. :)


New Member
I'm 16 years old, and I've loved Disney my whole life. Even before I was a year old my parents were pushing me in a stroller through the MK. Even to this day I have a special bond with WDW that makes life a happy thing even when I feel down. Everyone laughs at me because as soon as we get in the car to go up to Disney(we live in Miami), I have a big smile on my face and I'm happy as ever. But as soon as we're packing our bags to head home, I suffer from the deepest depression because I have to leave my home. I love Disney and will always go the rest of my life.


Account Suspended
Hmm, i figured mkt would hate anytime during Tapestry more...

But, i was against Disney at first. Years ago. Was learning design basics and i got sorta mentored by someone fairly high up the chain and it changed my perspective. Still rely on his ideas to keep my stuff from s__________g (only a billion more years of college to go!)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
AHHH!!! Good point Merf,

let me edit that...

I hated Disney from September 2001 - December 2002 (That was my Tapestry Run. I didn't perform in it during the last few months), and once again from August 2003 - March 2004 (I was canned on the last day of July... the shock didn't set in until the first of August, and I wasn't able to find a full time job until March of 2004)


Well-Known Member
For me no. I have always loved Disney. I even worked in a Disney Store for a year. I liked it but I just need to make more money.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't say that i didn't appreciate disney, but i appreciate more than i did when i was younger. also, i look at it differently now than even when i ws a teenager.



Well-Known Member
I'm a convert. I've been to Disney 3 times. As a kid, I went to the Magic Kingdom (it was at the time the only park) and I enjoyed it. In high school, I went to Epcot (it was either that or MK) and I enjoyed it. But I didn't have a real burning desire to revisit either one.

A couple of years ago, I married a real Mickey Mouse nut. She'd never been to WDW, so I figured it would be a real treat for her to go on our honeymoon. I was looking forward to it, but I also thought I was making a bit of a sacrifice because I wasn't a Disney fan and I'd already been twice.

Well, my wife enjoyed herself. But she's not a real theme park fan and she got kind of burned out on it by the time we left. I, on the other hand, had the time of my life and can't wait to go back. Go figure.

Much like the original poster, I kind of kick myself now. I didn't truly appreciate WDW until I got back and started reflecting on it and visiting sites like this. If I had my last trip to do over again, there are so many things I'd do differently.

But now, we have a new born daughter. And in a few years, we'll take her to WDW for the first time. And I know I'll appreciate every momment of that!


Account Suspended
I remember a thread a while ago that read "what if disney were gone?" and It really got me, along with the rest the the site thinking. And here is what I came up with, the more times you go, the more you tend to overlook. The things that you once thought were magficent are now nothing more than visual perks of disney, therefore you dont notice them as you once did. you find yourself thinking "I dont want to take a picture of this, I already took one last vacation." The fact is, I think that no one really appriciates it when we are there, only when we leave do we realize how much we miss and loved it.


Well-Known Member
disneylands said:
The fact is, I think that no one really appriciates it when we are there, only when we leave do we realize how much we miss and loved it.

I agree, and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that we often hurry from place to place to make sure we pack in as many attractions as possible.

Interestingly enough, though I love rides, my fondest, clearest childhood memories of WDW have been those moments when I wasn't doing anything! Sitting and eating at the Odyssey Restaurant. Resting in the restaurant in Communicore. Sitting, waiting for Illuminations in the lamplight by the fountain in France.



Well-Known Member
I wasn't really fussed about WDW, I quite liked Disney films etc. It wasn't until I was married to my first husband who said "we are not going to WDW until our children are at least 10" that I thought "hang on" I'm not sure I really want children any how! I duely divorced him soon after.

My new boyfriend after the divorce said "why not" to a WDW trip. And to cut a long story short we are now hooked on WDW and are getting married on Saturday 15th October (in 2 days!!!!!!!) and are spending our 5th trip at WDW as our honeymoon.

I didn't get to WDW until I was 24 and I am sure making up for it now!!


Well-Known Member
yes -- in hs i was "too cool" for "another" trip to disneyland (spoiled brat, i know) so i only wanted to go to knotts that trip. My parents fought me on it and made me go... it was new years eve and totally awesome! We saw Michael Jackson there (no michael jackson kids at disneyland jokes -- we've already heard um) and my cousin and I followed him around all day -- it was really fun. that's the day i learned DISNEY AINT JUST FOR KIDS!

Globe Girl

New Member
I have been a Disney fan all my life and was always around Disney movies and music. We didn't go every year, but made the trip as a family every three years or so growing up. When I met my DH he had never been to Disney and wasn't sure why I had my heart totally set on a Disney Honeymoon. Well, needless to say once he was there he was hooked! He's on the boards and looking up stuff more than me now. I am happy we can both share this healthy obession that is Disney! :)


Well-Known Member
Globe Girl said:
I have been a Disney fan all my life and was always around Disney movies and music. We didn't go every year, but made the trip as a family every three years or so growing up. When I met my DH he had never been to Disney and wasn't sure why I had my heart totally set on a Disney Honeymoon. Well, needless to say once he was there he was hooked! He's on the boards and looking up stuff more than me now. I am happy we can both share this healthy obession that is Disney! :)

i'm hooking my wife right now -- we took our sixth trip last month -- and she pulls things out now and i just look like a deer in the headlight -- she planned the day to day last time too -- and it was the best trip ever. The family that Disney's together -- stays together.


New Member
Connor002 said:
Disney fanatic since birth.

Same here :D

I am responsible for converting a few (family members), well, they have always loved Disney, the movies, etc... But this year was there first trip to WDW. Our last night they were all sad and whining about how they did not want to go home. My uncle (who went last trip) told me the other night, he saw a WDW commercial on tv and it mad him sick, in a good way, meaning his missed it and was ready to go back . :D

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