Walt Disney World's new transportation system


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First with the red lines. The red line is a new monrail line. IT will run from the TTC to a station at Disney-MGM studios, and then onto Cornado Springs where it will have its own station. After that it will continue onto Animal Kingdom and back to the TTC. There will have to be a lot of monorail because it will be a big loop. Also they will travel faster to move passengers faster. Now the green lines are a smaller transportation system. I was thinking of having the Tomrmowland Transit Authorty system, but on a larget scale. I tried to link all the resots, except for the all star resorts. One loop will be around the Epcot resorts. It wil stop at each resort, and finally end up at Disney-MGM studios. There the people will be able to catch the monorail to the TTC or AK. The second loop will link the other resorts to the right of EPcot, and that will lead to Epcot's monorail station. That will go back to the TTC. These will have to be fast and big to hold a lot of people. There will still be busses, but not as many as now. I think it's a pretty good plan, but it will be expensive. It will pay itself off over the years.


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Well-Known Member
I love it!! (No offense against Chad's plan). I would love to see a TTA version to link the resorts. Although I still would like to see possibly a "Resort TTC" to link the TTA lines to the monorail, rather than have them go to MGM. Why does Coronado Springs get a stop!!! ;)

Also, where did you get the map.. is there a place online or did you scan it.


Yeah, thats a pretty cool plan, too. I think unfortunately you can't please everyone, and when new resorts are adding, they won't extend the entire monorail to those resorts, I just think that the monorail needs to go to Animal Kingdom and the Studios. I think really all you need is the red line, and that doesn't even need to go to Coronado Springs. It's that simple, and will make people happy.


New Member
But. lets's say I stayed at dixie landings, and wanted to go to mgm. I would have to get on that resort shuttle, go to epcot, wait for a monorail, go to the TTC, wait for a monorail, then go to MGM, thats alot of back tracking and switching.

If you combined both of our plans, and made the two green lines ONE line, like in my map, and then added a second TTC, then it would work better


Yeah, chad, thats exactly what I was thinking too. There has got to be some quick way for people staying at Epcot Resorts to get to the MGM monorail. Maybe they'd just have two shuttles, one that takes you to Epcot, to either go to Epcot or MK, and another that takes you to MGM, to either go to MGM of AK


New Member
Just combine the green line into one line and go to epcot and MGM, thought it would have to have alot of monorails going opposite directions

the ceo at wdw

New Member
Good idea. It seems that the green is seperate from the red; and i think it needs to be joined together. So u dont have to get off and switch monrails. Other then that its a good idea do u know how many monrails they would have to build?


Active Member
Uhmm.... Resorts?

I don't think the monorail resort thing would work out... I mean the amount of ppl comming from the resort to a park is small comapred to the ppl using the monorail to go from MK to epcot... I think just adding an extension from epcot to Disneys studios and AK is enough, and just dived up the Monorails... Like, monorail # 1 goes to MK and MGM, Monorail 2 goes from MK to MGM, Monorail 3 goes from Epcot to AK, 4 to AK to MK, To MGM to AK, and so on and on. that way they don't stop in every station, Just label the monorails and pick the monorail to the park that you want to go.


Active Member

I think they should just simply ad a conection to the monorail system to add the 2 remaining parks.


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New Member
Two points

Obviously, more monorails equals more fun. I'm for any plan that adds them.

However, did you mean for the monorail to loop through the AK? I don't think they could do that. It would probably be too much real estate to loop around it. Perhaps the loop could be built through the parking lot.

I also think that the time it takes to travel between parks is almost by design to thin the crowd as much as possible. More people on the road between parks equals more paid customers not in the parks.


Active Member

Yeah the loop thing was just like a turn, I guess it can loop anywhere, I guess the parking loot is fine...
I also think that the time it takes to travel between parks is almost by design to thin the crowd as much as possible. More people on the road between parks equals more paid customers not in the parks.

Im not sure If I understan what your saying, please explain further...


New Member
Crowd control

Basically, if you're park hopping- as many regulars do frequently- you've already paid admission (annual pass, etc.). If you're on the road travelling between parks that's less time that you spend in the park taking advantage of park facilities.

I'm sure there's statistics in park administration and imagineering for how many guests will be in transit during gieven times. Statistics like that help them to decide, for instance, how many employees to have on hand during a given day.


New Member
Re: Crowd control

Originally posted by crazyquackers
Basically, if you're park hopping- as many regulars do frequently- you've already paid admission (annual pass, etc.). If you're on the road travelling between parks that's less time that you spend in the park taking advantage of park facilities.

I'm sure there's statistics in park administration and imagineering for how many guests will be in transit during gieven times. Statistics like that help them to decide, for instance, how many employees to have on hand during a given day.

:eek: You're one crazy quacker!

P.S. Welcome to the Forum!


New Member
Original Poster
But. lets's say I stayed at dixie landings, and wanted to go to mgm. I would have to get on that resort shuttle, go to epcot, wait for a monorail, go to the TTC, wait for a monorail, then go to MGM, thats alot of back tracking and switching.

I know I would do that just to ride the monorail a lot, but that's me. At Dixie Landings and the other resorts there would be a sign that said, Epcot and Magic Kingdom board the monorail. For the Disney-MGM STudios and Animal Kingdom board the busses that go there. I see in your plan what you're talking about but I don't want to have a 2nd TTC. I'll keep thinking and maybe draw up another plan later on.

I don't think the monorail resort thing would work out... I mean the amount of ppl comming from the resort to a park is small comapred to the ppl using the monorail to go from MK to epcot...

I did the green line so it would be easier to travel between resorts, and to more people more effeciantly. Instead of having a bunch of busses running from all those resorts, just have a more effiecent and cleaner people mover system. Not a big monorail but somthing a bigger that the TTA that uses the same drive system (magnets or somting like that)

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