Walt Disney World Park Hours cut starting September 8 2020


Premium Member
Do you know what an “order of magnitude” means?

All signs point to NO.
I know what a river in Egypt is...

I never believed or promoted that this was the Black Plague...but it sure as hell hasn’t lined up with the flu either.

The truth is centered. And it requires better response and intelligence in citizenry...
And there are where the gaps are.

Hawg G

Well-Known Member
I know what a river in Egypt is...

I never believed or promoted that this was the Black Plague...but it sure as hell hasn’t lined up with the flu either.

The truth is centered. And it requires better response and intelligence in citizenry...
And there are where the gaps are.

So... you’re not going to answer my question regarding you attacking me for not understanding Covid is an order of magnitude worse than the flu, when it really ISN’T an order of magnitude worse?


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, so wishing death upon me now.

And the unbiased mods will be fine with that.
Not in a million years did I wish death upon anyone. I said "it hurts" to see people show disdain for masks, then succumb to it later. That is saying that it is NOT a pleasant thing when that happens. There have been two widely publicized cases, and there are friends of my family members to whom that happened.


Well-Known Member
Probably just for what was reported weeks ago, maybe a virtual HHN. Possibly to make a few videos. Almost impossible in these times to have enclosed house loaded with people as others jump out on you.
Not that impossible. Looking more and more like it is more than that for HHN. Nothing official yet.

4 different houses, two per week rotating operating during the day
8 houses being final inspected by the city this week



I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Looking more and more like it is more than that for HHN. Nothing official yet.

4 different houses, two per week rotating operating during the day
8 houses being final inspected by the city this week

Right now, one of the scariest things they could build would be a Kissing Booth.


Well-Known Member
As I said:

What you posted was not a scientific study. It doesn't even claim to be. It was a political report meant to prop up the disastrous COVID policies of Sweden.
To be fair isnt you calling the policy disastrous also political? I mean that would require context as to what is success vs failure and you have not provided such.


Well-Known Member
Yes, feeling no different than any other time, or maybe having mild cold symptoms would be a terrible price to pay for not wearing a mask. Succumb to the virus? Really?
Yes. Two highly publicized cases of people who scorned mask-wearing who then died of COVID-19. One was a politician. Two of my MIL's friends had exactly the same thing happen after they scoffed at mask-wearing and continued to live their lives as if nothing were different. It's incredibly sad.


Well-Known Member
Not that impossible. Looking more and more like it is more than that for HHN. Nothing official yet.

4 different houses, two per week rotating operating during the day
8 houses being final inspected by the city this week

Now that’s scarier then any house they could possibly put up! If true.. I notice the headline... rumors.. nothing official.. etc.


Well-Known Member
Universal is extending hours for some days the next two weekends, both parks alternating between staying open to 8pm and adding early park admission at 8am.


Well-Known Member
The mask folks are demanding more tests, to get more positives, to get more fear
Uhhhhh no.
Try this one on for size:

The mask folks are demanding more tests, to get more positives, so people know they have it and can quarantine so they don't kill anyone by continuing to spread the virus that's killed 190k in our country.

Y'all are unreal.


Well-Known Member
On Monday CDC lifts some travel restrictions for international air travel, removing the requirement to direct all international flights to only 15 airports and halting health screenings upon arrival. A small step on opening up international travel. This should allow MCO to resume international arrivals


Well-Known Member
On Monday CDC lifts some travel restrictions for international air travel, removing the requirement to direct all international flights to only 15 airports and halting health screenings upon arrival. A small step on opening up international travel. This should allow MCO to resume international arrivals
Who on earth is going to fly internationaly to FLORIDA right now?!?!

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