Disney probably got the best talent of all times between the 80s to the early 2000s but that was for mainstream content. As for show content within the parks that is a different story. It was strongly popular in the 80s but year after year its declined just like the quality of the shows. Rarely do you find any really amazing shows these days and what ones that are there they have to rely on prerecorded audio and special effects. That is why so many of their entertainment venues have closed over time. That is why 1 stage was closed, demolished, and turned into a parking lot and the other one is just glorified dance parties with disney characters. Both of those were in tomorrow land. That is why the encanto show at epcot is more of a glorified distraction instead of an actual show. I had thought it could become a full on show with a proper stage but sadly even that is falling apart faster than hamburger in a blender. Its a shame but disney has realized where the crowds really have their interest but sadly its not in entertainment shows any more. At the most they may have a concert here and there just to distract people but dedicated content is rarely that special to disney any more. Only on rare occasions do they put in significant effort.