Their boycott list is one that I'd be proud to be on.
In addition to Disney, Neiman Marcus, Adobe, Wachovia, Nabisco, Kraft, Nike, Time Warner, Lipton, Good Humor, Axe, Bank of America, the Dallas Cowboys are on their list. They have a "for shame" list too that they don't yet recommend a boycott for but a stern, "tsk tsk." That list includes, The American Cancer Society, <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /><ST1
LACE w:st="on"><ST1
LACETYPE w:st="on">Camp</ST1
LACENAME w:st="on">Fire</ST1
LACE>, The Dr. Phil Foundation, Girls Inc., Kiwanis Clubs, Girl Scouts, Rotary Clubs, the March of Dimes, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and the YWCA.<O
I think I'll make a point of looking at their list and avoid doing business with anyone that's not on it. A reverse boycott! Woo hoo!:lol: