Loved to visit Cocoa Beach (about an hour east of Orlando) for a month at a time for launches during my working days,
Ah, Cocoa Beach. Such a lovely name for a town. I'm showing my age, but whenever I hear the name Cocoa Beach I just think of 1960's astronauts partying in the sand before they went into space, doing the Twist and the Swim with their lovely young wives, or lovely young non-wives.

but the humidity and all the bugs, especially mosquitoes when you're trying to have dinner outdoors, made me happy to be back in California when the launch was over.
And then, like the astronauts, we come crashing back down to Earth.

I thought about retiring there for no state income tax, but decided I rather pay state income tax and live in California.
Yeah. Even though you may have spent last weekend doing the Twist in the sand with a lovely young lady or handsome young astronaut, the realities of bugs and humidity and rain sets in. Florida!
I imagine many imagineers will come to the same conclusion.
I think so too. I've met Imagineers in SoCal. I know the type. They aren't about to move to suburban Orlando to spend their Saturday nights at a shopping center chain restaurant, at least if they can help it.
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