Wait while I take a picture, I cant eat any more, NO KIDS! Sept 2012 Trip Report

If you need a little background on me any my wife please visit my Pre Trip Report HERE.

So with no more delay here it goes.....

We had counted down from 344 days for our arrival day. Finally it was here and all was set. So we hit the road around 8am EST and headed I-75 Sound Bound!!


Not too eventful during our trip. However I must point out while needing to fuel up before leaving Georgia we decided to visit what we felt was a pretty good deal on fuel. $3.69 per gallon.


After I swiped my card and started fueling I noticed the price was a lot different from what was on the sign. I told my wife. Wow this gas is $3.74 a gallon. Confused I kept pumping and started looking around. Then my eyes were finally able to focus on the VERY tiny notice on the right side of the HUGE Citgo sign. Notice picture zoomed in below...


Needless to say when you first get into Valdosta, GA and see a Citgo gas station, just drive a few mile further down and you will find plenty of gas stations with the same pricing and no need to pay with cash or a special gas card. Stay away from Citgo!!

Anyway nothing was going to get me upset so off we go with a tank full of gas and before we knew it....


The Florida State line and Ron Jon Surf shop signs!!! Ahead of schedule and making great time!

Of course my first stop when entering Florida is...


Thats right!! The I-75 Florida Welcome Center!!


Nothing like finally being back in Florida! This is by far my most favorite State Welcome Center!

Pat was kind enough to offer me a free cup of Orange Juice and Grapefruit Juice.


After that its always fun browsing the brochures.


So we are back on our way and once we get on the Florida Turnpike the signs point the way!


But before you can get there you have to pay the toll!!


And once you go through a lengthy countdown and make all your ADR's and travel all that way...

You arrive here........



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And Continuing.....






I did however catch this....


Before... Ghost didn't bother me. Guess cameras ward off the spirits.


Pretty cool.

After this we start making our way back as we wanted to head back to the room to relax before we head out to DTD. I was really surprised to see the scale of work being done to Fantasyland when we passed by.


So we decided to take a leisure stroll to exit the park. We stopped along the way and shopped and just had a great afternoon.


Got to see the piano player outside of Casey's Corner.


After a stroll through the shops were on our way to the buses.


Love hearing the monorail overhead.

Once we get back to our room our Mousekeeper had left us a surprise.


So when I continue we will be at DTD for our visit to Raglan Road. Not too many pictures were taken that night as I promised my wife I wouldnt take pictures during our Carriage Ride.

To be continued.


Well-Known Member
Loving your report. Your dark ride shots are wonderful. I can never get any interior shots on dark rides. We stayed at Pop! In 2011 for three nights and loved it. Following long and looking forward to the rest.


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Been awhile since I have updated this TR. Lots going on here at home now that my Disney get away is over. :(

This update will be short.

After taking a much needed break we headed out to DTD for our ADR's at Raglan Road.


I have to say I was very excited to be here. I had heard so many great things.

We were seated right way and love the look of this place.



First our drink order.

For me League of Nations Newcastle | Warsteiner | Magners Cider | Blue Moon


So at first they brought some bread and some kind of dipping sauce that I cant remember what they call it but do know its made with Guiness.



I really enjoyed this. Tasty

I ordered Lambo - Lamb shank braised in rosemary jus with mash, leeks, ake mushrooms & baby carrots.


And my wife ordered Lambo Italiano – Slow braised lamb ragout over rigatoni with tomatoes, fresh basil and reggiano.


I must be honest. Although I enjoyed my meal it wasn't the best I had ever had. Think I was thinking I was going to get something that was just going to be out of this world amazing. It was good but I didnt think it was all I had hoped it to be. I was also disappointed in how authentic the atmosphere was. Like when going to Rose and Crown everyone there is from the UK and I like hearing the accents and such. Raglan Road is not like this.

For the most part our meal was great. I enjoyed it. I don't want to tell anyone not to go there. Its a great place to visit. Think i was just expecting something different. One thing I will brag about is the beer selection. Lots of beers to choose from.

After dinner its time for dessert and I find this on the menu..


Notice the head settling. It was a great Stout! Went get along with my dessert.

Ger’s Bread & Butter Pudding


Yum! Wish I had room for it all. Was fantastic.

Here it is all spread out.


This was enough to share in my opinion.

My wife got this.


Black Forest Kiss
Sweet black cherries, sumptuous chocolate mousse and biscuit with a splash kirsch.

She said she didnt enjoy it that much. i tried to help finish it but I was done for the night.

So after that we needed to work off that meal. What better way to do that is to walk around DTD. So off we go.


This guy played all night long. When we were leaving that night he was still there. He was great.

We usually take a trip to DTD to get gifts for everyone. So what better place than World of Disney.


So while the wife shopped I enjoyed checking out the store which I must add has something for the eye at every corner. Even the ceiling is decorated. Love this store. So I spent my time taking pictures.





So after we left World of Disney we hit a few more shops and its time to head to PORS for our Carriage ride for the evening so we head for the boat launch there at DTD.


I must add I promised my wife I would put down the camera for our visit there to give her my undivided attention. Although the urge to grab the camera was overwhelming I gave all attention to my wife. Before we left the boat ramp from DTD to PORS I took one last shot for the night.


Our carriage ride was wonderful and I really enjoyed seeing POFQ. What a great resort! Although the boat ride to PORS had about every spoiled rotten kid on it our ride back to DTD that night was great! Very peaceful and beautiful night to be riding the boat. Not only was the carriage ride relaxing the boat ride back was as well. However by that time all the spoiled rotten kids were off to bed.


Well-Known Member
Awww I love the Mickey and Minnie kissing. We got a set very similar for a wedding gift but they don't have actual lips like that. Instead, they have magnets that force their faces together and into a kiss. I may have to pick up that "new version" as an anniversary gift. :)

Todd L

Well-Known Member
Continuing where I left off....

After a very short wait inside the pub our table was ready. As usual were were seated out side on the veranda and requested. Although they had closed the tables with the umbrella's we were told once Illuminations started we could move to those tables if it wasn't raining. There was a pretty good rain threat that night however the rain held off.

Sorry for the next couple pictures. Was very dark outside on the veranda and I wasnt about to use my full flash. So the pictures are darker than they should be.

First thing is first. Our waitress wanted our drink order.


Yes Please!

I always enjoy my Imperial Sampler when at the Rose and Crown. I can never really decide on just one so this fits the bill. All of them are my favs.

Loved the Imerial Sampler !! Had this and a FEW Bass ales last time we ate There!!


Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh! I LOVE your photos! What kind of camera did you bring along? I have a cute little Nikon point and shoot that I LOVE. It takes really good photos for being a point and shoot, but I also have a massive DSLR that I also love. I'm a huge roller coaster girl though, so I'm debating if I should leave the DSLR at home and just bring my point and shoot, or if I should bring both, but I don't wanna leave either in a locker! Oh the issues... Haha. :)


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Oh my gosh! I LOVE your photos! What kind of camera did you bring along? I have a cute little Nikon point and shoot that I LOVE. It takes really good photos for being a point and shoot, but I also have a massive DSLR that I also love. I'm a huge roller coaster girl though, so I'm debating if I should leave the DSLR at home and just bring my point and shoot, or if I should bring both, but I don't wanna leave either in a locker! Oh the issues... Haha. :)

Thanks. I have a Canon 50D. Most of these I was using a 16-35mm 2.8 L Series Lens. Dragging along the DSLR is a choice you need to make. Although its bulky and heavy with a battery grip I still chose to bring it along. However its not a big deal to me. I would say for all around day time shots you should be fine with the point and shoot. However if your wanting to take slow shutter night time shots and really work with some landscape photos then I would bring the DSLR along with a tripod.


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Well the next day for us was more of a Rest and Relax day. We did have ADR's at Via Napoli so Epcot was on the schedule. When we woke I was was going through our DDP credits and realized we really needed to spend some of our Quick Service credits. So we went and had a quick breakfast at POP and prepared to go to Epcot. Well my biggest issue was we are only 2 hours away from our ADR with Via Napoli so........ Next visit I will be sure to book later lunch times. Having a lunch ADR for 12 when your eating breakfast around 10 is not enough time to burn some of that off. Oh well. Live and learn.

So were on the way to Epcot and we decided to walk some of our Breakfast off at Innoventions.


After a stroll through Innoventions we head out to The Land.



Always enjoy the boat ride...



After checking out a Nine Pound Lemon we start making our way to Italy and of course I take a few pictures.




So when I was passing by Germany I decided to take a picture as it was almost empty except for a couple cast members taking a picture of their own. After taking this picture I looked and saw what is at the end of the rainbow!!


The Biergarten!!! Yes better than a pot of gold!! I swear I did not add the rainbow in this shot. Its just horrible lens flare that actually looks cool.

So here we are at Via Napoli. Not hungry at all but you know what. Im gonna eat anyway!


First up is our drink orders and anyone that has been following my TR knows Im all about trying beers.
Now I think I ordered a La Rossa but they brought it in a Moretti Glass. So I assume I had a La Rossa. Very
good beer and was needing it too. Wasn't feeling well that day.

We ordered the Italian Spicy Sausage pizza and I must say even though i was still full from breakfast this hit the spot. Very Good!!


Cant wait to go back here and actually be hungry.

So were leaving Via Napoli and its now pouring rain!


Good time to do some shopping! I asked a Cast Member for a shopping bag to cover my camera and were off visiting Germany.
We love looking at the candies while in Germany and every time we have been we wanted to have Happy Hippo's. We had a friend a few years back that used to bring them to us after his visits to Germany. So were looking and.............


We so happy I think my wife screamed. Not sure if was the excitement on finding them finally or the price per box! We got one box and we have rationed them. Matter of fact we just finished the box last week. It lasted a month. Very good candy!

Next stop China.




After seeing the movie there and browsing the shops we head over to Mexico.


And one of my most earliest memories of Epcot is inside Mexico. Dont know why I remember this area so much but it has stuck with me from when I visited back in the 80's.


And I rode the Grand Fiesta Tour. It was.... eh......


So after this we decided to go ahead and head back to our room. We were both tired and needing some R&R. So we headed back to relax by the pool and I spent some of my gift cards at Petals! Great afternoon relaxing by the pool and finally building back up an appetite. I also gave my neck a rest from carrying my DSLR. :)


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So after a great afternoon relaxing we both felt a lot better. We were planning to head out to see Fantasmic but we decided to just stay close to the room and get more rest so we would be good to go for the next day. I was wanting to go check out the new Art of Animation so thats what we did. I grabbed my tripod and we headed out to see the new resort. Next are few shots that I grabbed while there. Some of them are HDR shots and some are not.











It was getting late and were were dodging rain off and on so we headed back. I really wanted to see more of this resort but figured I would save it for next visit. We enjoyed reading all the signs around this resort with movie facts and found them very entertaining.

Before we headed back across the bridge I gave POP some love and got a shot of POP from across the lake. Always remember being able to see the unfinished buildings of what is now AOA and for the first time I got to see POP in a new way.


So we turn in early and get a good nights rest.


Well-Known Member
It's funny you mention that... I was thinking of that a few days ago (about how now that AoA is open you get to see Pop from the other side of the lake). I have lots of pictures of the unfinished "Legendary Years" section from the Pop side so getting some Pop pics from the AoA side will be lovely!


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It's funny you mention that... I was thinking of that a few days ago (about how now that AoA is open you get to see Pop from the other side of the lake). I have lots of pictures of the unfinished "Legendary Years" section from the Pop side so getting some Pop pics from the AoA side will be lovely!

Yeah it was pretty cool. Oh. I forgot to say this. A couple was headed across the bridge on the way back to AoA when we were headed back to POP. I heard the guy tell his wife/girlfriend or whoever it was that he didn't like the resort and he didn't think he would ever want to stay there and that it looked boring. Took a lot for me not to say anything. hahaha. I really like POP and even though I have seen AoA now and love it I think I will still stay at POP. Its home for us now.

OH! I hope your visit the water is still with no wind. I would have loved to have a perfect mirror image of POP in the lake on my shot.


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Love your TR! My husband and I are trying to practice with our new Nikon for our December trip! Hopefully we can get some shots even half as good as yours! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks! I have had a lot going on here at home that has kept me from continuing my TR but started working with the remaining shots I had taken this weekend. Hopefully I can finish this report up soon.

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