As of now... Gone
This is what the leader of VMKU left before the site was gone...
The Dream That Was
Dear Members,
VMKUnleashed has been around for quite sometime now. VMKUnleashed started as a project with hope and a bright future with a destiny that shined throughout the hopes of many young adults and little kids hearts, it even had the older adults grasping for it's joys. VMKUnleashed which started as a strong and well supported project, had began to crumble as progression became more advanced.
It had all started one day with the closure of VMK. When this historic and well beloved game was shutdown, it broke my people's hearts and dreams. So my good friend MoomaladeMuffin and I set out on a dream with our good ol' pal Drayton to help us get through and to make an online game. What began to happen though was nothing less than mind bottling. When VMKUnleashed Forums had opened up its gates as a forums and as a website with a great staffing team and a great and amazing community, many problems began to emerge. Popularity, of all things was the main reason for the downfal for this project. As more and more people began to show up to the site daily, the more and more did myself and the rest of the developers began to stop working on stuff for a game but instead work on stuff for the forums. Although, even at this point Drayton and Etta as well as BlazinBeats were out making rooms and maps for this game to take off and for it to be historically amazing. Even I was looking to go out and turn this project into an amazing phylosophy. Well as time had went on, people change, please move on, this is how life works. This project began to take its toll when I began to fall in love with one of the most beautiful women in the entire world, "Arietta." She was so sweet and adorable, that all I began to want to do was spend time with her. My concentration on this game would eventually stop, just so I could be with her and talk to her for so long. Almost all of my ambition and work for this game all game to an aburpt halt for this amazing woman. So as time progressed and I began to build a bigger and strong relationship with Etta other stuff had been boiling up on the VMKUnleashed web site. Staff began to ask questions, which resulted mainly in them going to others looking to find the truth behind the progress of VMKUnleashed. When they didn't find anything they were looking for but a deeper and darker tunnel of questions they resulted to rebellion. This rebellion eventually leaded them into apologizing and returning back to the developement team. Then the one day happened, the one day that would totally change VMKUnleashed's aspect forever. Drayton, had decided that enough was enough! So he had left VMKUnleashed after Oatman had publically humiliated him and always put the blame on him. When Drayton had left the developement of the game had instantly stopped even more to where nothing but "PURE" and heartless lies were pouring out of the Administration department of the web site to keep members active and participating. Well time went on and Drayton had decided to return, but this time with questions. He would always preasure and ask Oatman what and how the progress of VMKUnleashed was going, and I would always say, "Its alright I guess, we just need to get more work done." Well this was never happening and was an outward LIE! So on the date of May 22nd, 2009 it had begun, what I would like to personally call myself, the civil war of VMKUnleashed. The day that would mark the end of the entire online community. On this date around 11:30 PM EST time a plot began to emerge where Mac had decided enough was enough, and he assembled the entire community to overthrow the leader of the site to show the people the truth behind the game. Then on May 23rd, 2009, The official end of VMKU the chess pieces were in their rightful place and it was time. That evening, the entire site was overthrown and was in complete control of Drayton who only wanted to show the members the truth of VMKU. When the site was taken over, a fight broke out between Drayton and I and in the midst of this fight the information for VMKUnleashed was deleted.
I would like to publicly apologize to the entire community, not only to my staff members but to those guests and normal members that endured so much of their time just to be on a site that was a pit of lies and dispair. I deeply appreciate the time taken for you to read this entire to page to find out the truth behind all of VMKU's deep secrets. As a token of my appreciation, I would like to thank GPDOT for making a place where we can all visit the once true, "Virtual Magic Kingdom!" Thank you so much fo this past year and I hope that everyone can move on with their lifes and can forgive me for my mistakes. I DEEPLY apologize.