I understand everyone is entitled to their opinions but some people amaze me.
You had bottled water shipped to your hotel? Really? You do realize water is available FREE everywhere and Central Florida water is quite clean and healthy? Possibly more clean and healthy than whatever you had shipped in inside those chemically produced plastic bottles? ...Then you blame the staff for not immediately delivering said item with a white glove? I remind you you were staying at a moderate resort....
The PeopleMover is better than Flight of Passage and Kilimanjaro? Umm. FOP is hardly just “a simulator” - it is a massive technological advance and Kilimanjaro is an experience not found anywhere else on Earth unless you can afford a real African Safari.
You want the gift card, but your annoyed by trash.... Can’t you take out your own trash? Or forego the gift card? Again, you know it’s a moderate hotel mostly run by college kids, right? They literally paid you to accept a lower level of service, yet you don’t accept it. I bet you complained like crazy....
Finally, food. If burgers and pizza are all you really care about then ok, but in order to really evaluate WDW food experiences you need to go well beyond fast food and dive into the higher end experiences like more diverse Epcot sit down offerings, and places like California Grill, Ohana, Jiko, etc.... that’s where WDW truly can shine.
I get the desire to be cheap cheap cheap. But being that way yet also expecting high end service (entitlement) is what I find annoying. Have you tried Carnival Cruise Line? I think you might like it...