Vault Disney is closed!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, it looks like the classics will have no home on the Disney Channel, even in the middle of the night!

I really do not understand why they think that "fresh, new" programming for 13 year-olds is right for late nights on the Disney Channel! What kids are really watching "Kim Possible" and "The Famous Jet Jackson" at midnight? [And if they are, should they be encouraging that?] Why repeat kidstuff from the daytime, when you can satisfy your core Disney fan adult audience at night! Kill two birds with one stone!

There is room for programming both the classics (such as Mickey Mouse Club and Walt Disney Presents) AND the new stuff on the Disney Channel, even during the daytime! I am 36 years old, meaning that I discovered the Disney classics during reruns after school (not during their original run), even though other (newer and color) programs were abundent. The reason, looking back, that I liked the classics so much: great writing. I know that now, and that is why they are classics. Marketing people insult kids today when they think that they are only interested in what is "new." The real key is "quality" and great stories, not how new it is! (When was "Snow White" made, uh, 1937?)

So, even though I appreciate the need for fresh faces, they don't need to be rerun to death, especially if the older "faces" are still fresh to some!

Maybe it is time for a new "Disney Classics" channel! (Although I would rather just keep them mixed in with the rest. Too much of anything ruins it.)


Account Suspended
It seemed the Disney channel was showing the same 20 episodes of Walt Disney Presents! How many times did we see the "Disney on Parade" episode? Why didn't they show the late 80's versions of that show? Why didn't they ever show Theme Park specials?? Disneyland's 35th Anniversary, Walt Disney World's 15th Anniversary, The opening of Euro Disney? How fun would it have been if they had a Christmas in July Week and would show the 2 hour Christmas Parade specials form past years. TV Land makes old TV fun and cool! Disney channel didn't even try! Vault Disney was a great idea and they just let it go! You don't think todays kids would watch the 90's version of MMC? Britney and Justin in the early years? They have so many reruns of fun and interesting shows that they never let come out of the "Vault"!


New Member
Man..A MMC would be extremely successful with today's kids..What with all the popular 'pop' music..a variety show showcasing some new singers, along with bringing some old ones back (britney and the like) would be reallllllyyyy popular..

I really think the original Disney Channel needs to just call it's self the Zoog Channel..It has no relation to disney anymore, and they need to make a /New/ Disney Channel, and structure it LIKE T.V. Land..


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree with you, Chad, on both ideas.

I also want to make it clear that I think that both the ORIGINAL (1950s) and a new MMC should air: the original because it was historically significant (and, yes, would still hold people's interests -- again, good writing and fun actors), and a new one, live or tape-delay every day from Walt Disney World.

A new, live (or almost live) daily show from WDW would bring new excitement to WDW (that teen audience again) just by broadcasting from it. It would also attract an audience based partly on the potential to see a new "star on the rise," given the history with Britney, Justin, Christina, etc....

A no-brainer, I think.


New Member
Boy-o-boy an I steamed.

I just finished reading the article that prberk provided the link to and I am really insulted by Disneys reasons to cancel Vault Disney. What 12 to 17 yo is going to be up at thoes hours especially that school has just started. The article goes on to say that they were only showing a limited amount of episodes of Walt Disney Presents.Why only thoes picticular shows? My question is what about all the other episodes? What was wrong with them? why repeat a few shows to ruin them to the point of dis interesting the vewer? It also seemed to me that they could have shown some of the Wonderful World Of Disney that appeared on NBC in the 70s. I would have liked to have seen more of the programs on WDW . TWWoD on NBC had two programs on WDW. One was the preview show about the construction and the other was updated after the opening to show the resort in action. Why were the only preview shows played were on disneyland and ignore its big cousin in the east?. I would have liked to have gotten that on tape.

what really disturbed me and insulted me was that they were going to put on programing for the 12 - 17 yo demographic like even stevens and Lizzy Miguire on in late night. The age demographic there trying to capture with thoes programs should be in bed at that hour since school has started and second no child should be up all night at that hour for any reason if there school aged. My kid wouldn't be up that late for any reason if there were school age. The only demographics that would be up at that hour would be adults. either shift workers or like myself persons with insomnia. so that really insults me. Its the accountants getting in the way and taking away our programs.
I hope the ratings don't live up to what they expect, personaly i dont care for thoes shows, not that there bad programs but how many adults really watch thoes shows if there is something else on that is more apealing to them.

If anyone rembers the early years of the Disney channel the schedual was likw this. 5am - 3pm ish was younger childrens fare. 3pm to 7pm was preteen afterschool fare. some systems cut off TDC at that time to put on other channels. if your system broadcasted 24 hours from 7pm tp 5am you got original programming for adults 30s and up. There were comedy programs like the Steve Allen show. and other program aimed at the parents of the kids that wanted the Disney channel.

I really think that every one of us WDW Magic members that care about this would write a very polite but stern letter to Burbank about this and see if it letter writing has an effect. Maybe it wont be like when Coke changed to new Coke and sales plumeted but I would like to see if they give a rats @$$ about us, evenn if were not a majority.

Here is the address that you can write to Disney.

Disney Headquarters
(818) 560-1000

Below are current names and addresses for prominent Disney personnel.

Mr. Roy E. Disney
Vice Chairman
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4873

Mr. Michael Eisner
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4873

Mr Robert A. Iger
President and Cheif Operating Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873

Mr Thomas O. Staggs
senior Exective Vice President and Cheif Financial Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873

Mr Peter E. murphy
Senior Exective Vice president and Cheif Strategic Officer
The walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873

Ms Anne M. Sweeney
Presedent, ABC Cable Networks Group and Disney Channel Worldwide
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873

These are the people that are most involved in the disicion making

This is my comments on the Vault Disney situation.


Seriously... Sister, Sister? Smart Guy? Does the Mowry family have incriminating pictures? Does Boy Meets World need more airplay? Why don't they go all out and bring back Growing Pains and The Torklesons. I mean, I can kinda see trying to promote Even Stevens or Lizzie McGuire (as if being on every day, twice a day already wasn't enough), but what do these lame- old sitcoms offer that Vault Disney doesn't?

And, what the hell is this:

"The Disney Channel is a service for kids and their families; it's not a general entertainment service for everybody," said Richard Ross, the Disney Channel's president of entertainment. "We can't be all things for all people."

Nice attitude. Why even bother? Not only won't we bother, but we'll actively reduce our potential audience. We'll air shows at a time when their target audience won't be able to see them (even though they've probably already seen them because they're on every day, twice a day) and in the process take out stuff that might be of interest to the audience that actually would be able to watch. That's brilliant. All because "we can't be all things for all people."

Well, I remember when it used to be.


Account Suspended
Disney changed the Disney Channel to copy Nick. Thats fine, but what does Nick show at night???? Classic sitcoms! It was so big it spawned its own channel! TV Land.
I had a thread for a while about a Classic Disney Channel. I came up with a possible schedule.......

Morning Shows:
Welcome to Pooh Corner
Dumbo's flying Circus
Mickey Mouse Club 50's
Mickey Mouse Club 70's
Mickey Mouse Club 90'S

Afternoon Shows:
Classic Disney Cartoons
Disney Classic Movie (With Pop up Facts like Pop Up Video)
Classic Disney Afternoon Block:
Ducktails, Gummi Bears, Tail Spin, Chip and Dale RR
Walt Disney World Inside Out

Nighttime :
The Wonderful World of Disney
Disney Legends Biography (new show)
Mickey Mouse Factory
Ink and Paint Club


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well said, Wilson and JMarc! I am glad that I am not the only one to whom the company's comments in the article made absolutely no sense.

And BTW, if the classic Disney stuff seems to have less resonance to the young viewers of today, it is probably due in part to the fact that it is hardly ever seen anymore. So, when they do see it, they don't know what to make of it. Disney used to be expert at mixing its heritage with the present and future. Isn't that the formula for Disneyland ("Frontierland, Fantasyland, Main Street USA, and Tomorrowland") that Walt touted so much and that still sets the example today? Past, present, and future are all relevant for a strong product.

After all, what happens when the current 13 year-olds grow up and Lizzie is gone? You have to cultivate a whole new audience after burning out the last one on one idea!

That sounds familiar. Hmmm. Sounds like the all-or-nothing programming that got ABC in trouble. Can anyone say, "Millionaire"?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And also, what happened to WDW Inside/Out. Still a great idea that also happens to whet kids' whistles for a trip to the Magic Kingdom ....

How in the world ("World") could that be a problem?


Well-Known Member
I am a Disney fan who wouldn't usually get mad about some of the things they do. (I wouldn't go rally out in front of Mr. Toad to keep them from closing it) But they have finally done it! I didn't watch Vault Disney religiously, but I can't think of one reason that they would ever need to get rid of it. You guys really said everything already. Kids don't, and shouldn't be up late at night watching TV, adults (who Disney aparently thinks they shouldn't target to now :hammer: :brick: ) will never watch "Zoog". The classics will be even rarer than they were before, (and they might just be doing this so we will buy all the Disney Treasures DVDs that come out........which I will do BTW)

But who knows? Mabey we will get our own channel in a few years. Just as soon as the parent channel starts bringing in any good reviews.........

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
For anyone who does care about this issue please right letters (regular mail) to the Disney Channel. Also, try not to watch the Disney Channel Starting tomorrow. We should not support the channel that does not care about us.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Isn't it interesting, by the way, that they picked now (during the 100th anniversary celebration of Walt's birth, a time when they went to great lengths to re-introduce us to the heritage of the company) to ditch that same heritage on TV...


Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by prberk
Isn't it interesting, by the way, that they picked now (during the 100th anniversary celebration of Walt's birth, a time when they went to great lengths to re-introduce us to the heritage of the company) to ditch that same heritage on TV...


I mentioned that in my letter. I said that soon people will ask who Walt even was.


New Member
Why are you surprised?

Let's see. How do I put this? It's about MONEY! $isney (or Di$ney if you prefer) sees Vault Disney as competing with tape sales. Example; I have been looking for a copy of 'Savage Sam' on E-bay; it goes for $50 or so used. Now in the old days, it was ON Vault Disney (and I was dumb enough not to record it...) so why not maximize your $ by making them pay. Hmm. Sounds like a line from Robbin Hood. I'll make them pay! Might be appropriate.


New Member
Re: Why are you surprised?

Originally posted by lelie
Let's see. How do I put this? It's about MONEY! $isney (or Di$ney if you prefer) sees Vault Disney as competing with tape sales. Example; I have been looking for a copy of 'Savage Sam' on E-bay; it goes for $50 or so used. Now in the old days, it was ON Vault Disney (and I was dumb enough not to record it...) so why not maximize your $ by making them pay. Hmm. Sounds like a line from Robbin Hood. I'll make them pay! Might be appropriate.

So based on what your saying is that anything that was on vault Disney is now being offered for sale on video. But the programs I have been looking for for 15 years aren't available on Video and was never shown on TDC. That makes a lot of sense:hammer: :hammer: :brick:


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Why are you surprised?

Originally posted by jmarc63

So based on what your saying is that anything that was on vault Disney is now being offered for sale on video. But the programs I have been looking for for 15 years aren't available on Video and was never shown on TDC. That makes a lot of sense:hammer: :hammer: :brick:

Actually, they might have a point there. With Disney releasing all of the new "Disney Treasures" DVD collections, they will probably be releasing more of the programs shown on Vault Disney. They have already released "Disneyland U.S.A", which is a collection of "Disneyland" and "Wonderful World of Color" episodes. I woudl bet we will be seeing more of these shows on these collections, as a new wave of them are comming out soon.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Why are you surprised?

Originally posted by JLW11Hi

Actually, they might have a point there. With Disney releasing all of the new "Disney Treasures" DVD collections, they will probably be releasing more of the programs shown on Vault Disney. They have already released "Disneyland U.S.A", which is a collection of "Disneyland" and "Wonderful World of Color" episodes. I woudl bet we will be seeing more of these shows on these collections, as a new wave of them are comming out soon.

But the new wave was announced (actually the next 2 waves i think) and we aren't getting anything from Vault Disney.

Plus if they were to bring this stuff to DVD we wouldn't get the whole series of shows we would only get some choice episodes. I want the whole Zorro series and the whole Spin and Marty Series. Then I will be happy.

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