Well, it looks like the classics will have no home on the Disney Channel, even in the middle of the night!
I really do not understand why they think that "fresh, new" programming for 13 year-olds is right for late nights on the Disney Channel! What kids are really watching "Kim Possible" and "The Famous Jet Jackson" at midnight? [And if they are, should they be encouraging that?] Why repeat kidstuff from the daytime, when you can satisfy your core Disney fan adult audience at night! Kill two birds with one stone!
There is room for programming both the classics (such as Mickey Mouse Club and Walt Disney Presents) AND the new stuff on the Disney Channel, even during the daytime! I am 36 years old, meaning that I discovered the Disney classics during reruns after school (not during their original run), even though other (newer and color) programs were abundent. The reason, looking back, that I liked the classics so much: great writing. I know that now, and that is why they are classics. Marketing people insult kids today when they think that they are only interested in what is "new." The real key is "quality" and great stories, not how new it is! (When was "Snow White" made, uh, 1937?)
So, even though I appreciate the need for fresh faces, they don't need to be rerun to death, especially if the older "faces" are still fresh to some!
Maybe it is time for a new "Disney Classics" channel! (Although I would rather just keep them mixed in with the rest. Too much of anything ruins it.)
I really do not understand why they think that "fresh, new" programming for 13 year-olds is right for late nights on the Disney Channel! What kids are really watching "Kim Possible" and "The Famous Jet Jackson" at midnight? [And if they are, should they be encouraging that?] Why repeat kidstuff from the daytime, when you can satisfy your core Disney fan adult audience at night! Kill two birds with one stone!
There is room for programming both the classics (such as Mickey Mouse Club and Walt Disney Presents) AND the new stuff on the Disney Channel, even during the daytime! I am 36 years old, meaning that I discovered the Disney classics during reruns after school (not during their original run), even though other (newer and color) programs were abundent. The reason, looking back, that I liked the classics so much: great writing. I know that now, and that is why they are classics. Marketing people insult kids today when they think that they are only interested in what is "new." The real key is "quality" and great stories, not how new it is! (When was "Snow White" made, uh, 1937?)
So, even though I appreciate the need for fresh faces, they don't need to be rerun to death, especially if the older "faces" are still fresh to some!
Maybe it is time for a new "Disney Classics" channel! (Although I would rather just keep them mixed in with the rest. Too much of anything ruins it.)