
Well-Known Member
Pop Century and Art of Animation are great since they don't share with other resorts like the All Stars can.
I stay at Movies quite often. I just came back, and we rarely had anyone on the bus when we got on. The Allstars do not share buses all the time.


Well-Known Member
The bus system is one of the reasons why I don't want to stay at a value anymore. The wait is not under a covered area and they jam the busses like sardines. When you stay at a mod or deluxe, its less packed.
I hotel hop when I go to WDW and the longest waits I have had for buses were at the Polynesian and Grand Floridian. Maybe because they have the monorail system the buses don't come as often, but AK is only accessible by bus and waiting 30 minutes for its bus is unacceptable. The longest I wait at Movies is 15 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Finally another sports fan! Sports (to me) is the best resort on property. I am biased because I will never pay more than $100 per night to stay on disney land. But of the values - sports is number 1. People complain about the rooms but the rooms are spacious enough for a small (or growing family) and or a couple, etc. The fridge is a nice addition as well (and wifi). And we rarely share busses - usually only when its non peak time of the day and even that is rare.

You know, I am a family of 4. We have a now 3 and 4 year old and we have one of the smallest double strollers (Maclearen). With that said, we stayed at POP in May and we could barely get in the door with the stroller. The stroller fits through any door but the way the room is setup and the way the door is at a angle it really made getting in and out difficult for us. Not to mention the room size felt cramped. We aren't really that picky, and we don't really need a lot of room but that last trip pushed us a bit over the edge. We would rather save and go to a larger mod then deal with some of the issues we didn't like at a value.

The rooms are small, the bus wait isn't covered, the buses are always jammed packed and overall, it feels like everyone is on top of each other at a value.

With all that said, if I can only afford a value, it's still way better then staying off site :D


Well-Known Member
I usually stay at Movies being the creature of habit I am. I stayed at POP my first trip but it was such a short trip and so long ago that I can't remember it. I have thought about staying there in the future. I know this isn't the thread for my next question but can someone give me some of the benefits they see in Pop over Movies? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
We stayed at POP in 2010 and never had to wait long though this was before AOA opened. Have heard there are challenges with the All Star resorts.


Well-Known Member
We stayed at POP in 2010 and never had to wait long though this was before AOA opened. Have heard there are challenges with the All Star resorts.

AoA has its own buses as well. I stayed at Pop last week and definitely did not feel any kind of pinch in our transportation needs due to AoA.


Well-Known Member
We were just at Pop and never had an issue with the buses. It was sort of funny because people were timing their bus wait on their phones and playing guessing games as to how long it would be before the next bus arrived.

Buses weren't an issue for us.


Active Member
I've stayed at value , moderate and deluxe resorts and honestly in my opinion, the higher up you go in resort quality , the lesser the bus transportation quality there is. Stayed at pop and music in recent years and last year was movies and can honestly say bus transportation was pretty good. Always seemed to be good at getting the buses to the resorts to pickup people. Really never had to wait long for a bus to anywhere, even downtown. On the flip side , had horror stories for bus pickups at the deluxe resorts. One time stayed at Poly and waited nearly an hour for the bus to downtown. Once waited 30 min or so for the MGM/Hollywood studios bus. One thing with the All Star Resorts is they sometimes share resorts, but not a big issue in my opinion. Staying at POP this year for my vacation, cant wait. Haven't stayed there since 2007.


Well-Known Member
I would have to second jcldtrek's opinion. We noticed the bus situation was not as good at the deluxe....esp. Yacht/Boardwalk/Swan/ Dolphin....those were some long waits and multiple stops.


Active Member
I stayed at Art of Animation and it was spectacular-there were constantly new buses picking up and dropping off. I highly recommend that resort for convenience in transportation and many other reasons.


Active Member
In general I have found no real difference between buses at values, mods, deluxe or dvc, at times you will walk straight on, at timely will waitvfor ages and see two buses for everywhere else

At park closing no matter what the resort the buses will be packed

The worst can actually be the deluxe the monorail resorts can be spotty (probably because of the monorail) and the epcot resorts often share and get very crowded

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