We tend to think of Valentine’s Day as “owning” February, but this list says otherwise. Don’t let one day of red satin candy boxes limit your celebration, when there are month-long festivities like:
Berry Fresh Month
Canned Food Month
Celebration of Chocolate Month
Great American Pies Month
National Cherry Month
National Fiber Focus Month
National Fondue Month
National Grapefruit Month
National Heart Healthy Month
National Hot Breakfast Month
National Snack Food Month
Potato Lover’s Month
Sweet Potato Month
For week-long celebrations, there are:
Shape Up With Pickles Time
(First Week)
Great American Pizza Bake
(Second Week)
Kraut and Frankfurter Week
(Second Week)
National Pancake Week
(Fourth Week)
And then, there are the daily festivities:
International Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday (February or March)
Oatmeal Monday, second Monday
February 1: National Baked Alaska Day