lol...right...i was telling someone a little while ago that I found out another 6th grader likes me...Greeeat...How come all the younger kids like me?! lol...jordy likes any girl that has...nvr mnd...Corey is odd, and unusual, so of course I think he's cool! I don't think he likes me though...I'm not even supposed to talk to Dan, and plus he's 19 and one of my best friends, so it'd be odd if he liked me (I wouldn't mind it though, hehe. it's so funny coz one of my 6th grade freinds thinks Dan is reeeally hott and when I found out she thought that I was like YES! coz I was the only one in my school that thought that, hehe'z. me and her now refer to him as "The hott guy that supposedly lives in ama and never leaves except when he doesn't wanna talk to us" LOL.
That's another thing me and some friends do...if a guy is busy or something, we'll be" Oh...u hate me " and then if they don't hate us (Which they don't :goodnevil) they'll be like awww I don't hate u! or something, funn funn funn