USA Today newspaper delivery to guest rooms to be discontinued


Well-Known Member
I liked the Orlando Sentinel being delivered there (as it used to be) much better, but even USA Today was nice.

Two topics here, though:

1. Newspapers themselves:

It is true that TV and the internet have cut into newspapers' business, but that is a shame. While TV and the internet have immediacy as a plus for most breaking news, newspapers allow the space and time for analysis and detail. The internet has room for that, too, but is less likely to have been fact-checked. Newspapers are, of course, capable of error and bias, but they are usually fact-checked.

The main thing that newspapers bring to the table is detail and analysis. More than a soundbite. Even USA Today (originally criticized as "McPaper") has "cover stories" and features that go into some worthwhile detail. They are nice also to read casually, over coffee, say.

2. Disney hotels and newspapers:

It is a reasonable amenity that is easily recyclable. Disney brings in the Four Seasons, and continues to degrade its own top-tier hotels. A daily newspaper is an amenity that should be at any deluxe hotel, especially the ones with convention business, or who seek to be seen as a luxury hotel.

It is not the only luxury, of course, but as others have stated, it is part of the package of a nice hotel... as should be wi-fi.

It should, however, be the local paper, in my opinion, over USA Today. But that is debatable.

And for the environmentalists, they already encouraged recycling at WDW. Just have the sticker on the recycle bin in your room be sure to include newspapers.


Make all the funny jokes you want, this is simply Disney with another cutback to pinch more pennies. Every other Deluxe Hotel in the world (including Universals) deliver a paper. Just because you might not read it, doesn't make it a good call on Disney's part. I loved getting my USA Today in the morning. I like reading the sports and entertainment sections.

I'm just waiting until they stop using elevators to save on electricity.

I doubt this will be saving much if any money the delivery person will not fired off they will have had other jobs not just delivering the paper for 1hr and I think the papers are supplied for free so where is the penny pinching?

It makes sense to cut all this wastefulness as many are left around unread. It also doesn't help that the paper is rubbish and all of the news is old news by the time it turns up at the door.


Well-Known Member
It makes sense to cut all this wastefulness as many are left around unread. It also doesn't help that the paper is rubbish and all of the news is old news by the time it turns up at the door.

I don't have a problem with USA Today. Sports is always up to date.

They should do what other chains do - Ask the guest if they want newspaper delivery. Simple enough solution.

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
Press me!



Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with USA Today. Sports is always up to date.

They should do what other chains do - Ask the guest if they want newspaper delivery. Simple enough solution.

Or leave a stack of complimentary newspapers for the taking out in the hotel lobby, as Fairfield Inn has been doing.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Or leave a stack of complimentary newspapers for the taking out in the hotel lobby, as Fairfield Inn has been doing.
This is essentially what they are doing. The papers will still be there, still be free, just not dropped off at your door. All Disney is really eliminating is the automatic delivery and I feel fairly safe in saying that they will probably bring you one if you ask.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I understand that people still read newspapers, but our world is changing and printed media is a dying market.

What kind of surprises me is that they don't give you the option for delivery rather than ending it completely.


Well-Known Member
Make all the funny jokes you want, this is simply Disney with another cutback to pinch more pennies. Every other Deluxe Hotel in the world (including Universals) deliver a paper. Just because you might not read it, doesn't make it a good call on Disney's part. I loved getting my USA Today in the morning. I like reading the sports and entertainment sections.

I'm just waiting until they stop using elevators to save on electricity.

Not remotely true about every other deluxe hotel. I'm in the business and the growing trend is to do exactly what Disney is doing. I've stayed in several over the last couple of Year's where newspaper delivery has stopped. It increasingly is a service that people don't want. And people are now complaining about receiving it. If people don't want a service you don't provide it. You use the money to provide something they do want, like free wifi perhaps.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
Another step back for Disney resorts, in my opinion.
Nonsense. I'd wager a big stack of mickeybars that most guests (a) get their news electronically, and (b) don't consider USA Today a "newspaper".

I subscribe to both NYT and WSJ. I get physical versions because it works out to be cheaper to do that for online access thanks to a quirk in educational pricing. And, we do sometimes glance at the physical paper. But, mostly, it's just a big pile of crap that has to end up in my recycle bin.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Make all the funny jokes you want, this is simply Disney with another cutback to pinch more pennies. Every other Deluxe Hotel in the world (including Universals) deliver a paper.

That simply is not the case. I don't know about the Universal hotels, but I've stayed at many hotels that cater to business travelers (the very crowd that would probably be most interested in receiving a paper in the morning), and no paper is delivered.

Just because you might not read it, doesn't make it a good call on Disney's part. I loved getting my USA Today in the morning. I like reading the sports and entertainment sections.

And you will still be able to read the sports and entertainment sections for free 5 days a week. You simply have to walk to the elevator now to pick one up. Is that that much of a bother to you?

Because everyone takes their laptop on vacation?

So funny people say having a newspaper brings the outside world in so it's good to get rid of them, yet they bring their laptops with them and that's OK.

The people who don't bring laptops can still get their news by either turning on the television, or walking to the elevators, where there will be a stack of free papers for the taking.

I've never understood the whole keep the outside world out mantra, but people are certainly entitled to do that. There are plenty of ways to keep up with the news while on vacation if you choose to do so.

Rescue Ranger

Well-Known Member
If anything, I cant believe they do not deliver a Disney Newspaper...much like what cruise ships do, every morning to give you general info and news as well as times of what the news and events are that day in all of WDW. Only fun and good news in it!

Be a nice touch if you ask me. They are their own little world...they should have their own little paper too!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know exactly what "near the elevators" means exactly? There are dozens of elevators across these resorts. Just in main lobbies? Or will there be stacks in individual longhouses at the Poly, for example?


Well-Known Member
A simple solution is to when a guest checks in, they are asked if they would like a paper delivered daily. Those that like to read it (myself included) can still enjoy that little perk.

I will say that the free wifi does allow us old fuddy duddy newspaper reader to still get our antiquated newspaper fix. Online that is.


Well-Known Member
If anything, I cant believe they do not deliver a Disney Newspaper...much like what cruise ships do, every morning to give you general info and news as well as times of what the news and events are that day in all of WDW. Only fun and good news in it!

Be a nice touch if you ask me. They are their own little world...they should have their own little paper too!

Excellent idea!


Well-Known Member
This is essentially what they are doing. The papers will still be there, still be free, just not dropped off at your door. All Disney is really eliminating is the automatic delivery and I feel fairly safe in saying that they will probably bring you one if you ask.

Works for me, then. Glad to hear they're being smart about waste and resources while continuing to maintain good guest service.

If anything, I cant believe they do not deliver a Disney Newspaper...much like what cruise ships do, every morning to give you general info and news as well as times of what the news and events are that day in all of WDW. Only fun and good news in it!

Be a nice touch if you ask me. They are their own little world...they should have their own little paper too!

That's a seriously good idea. So many resorts have campfires and movie screenings and other activities that seem to go relatively unpublicized, that something like this would be a perfect means of promotion.


Well-Known Member
I must not have read the original piece all the way through. If there will still be free papers by the elevator, I'm fine with this. We always picked the paper up and I read it while walking anyway.


New Member
Another step back for Disney resorts, in my opinion. Didn't some of these just get 4 diamonds? Well, I guess it isn't that big a deal since I can walk to the elevator and get the newspaper that used to be delivered to my door. :shrug:

Offsite, Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt etc. continue to provide more amenities for lesser cost. :king:

Not True at all....

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