My mailman hates me..... Well not me specifically, just my 85yr old house with a door slot. LOL He always has to knock if there is a package(which seems kind of silly because it takes me all of 10secs to get to my door) and has often taken it back to the postal office stating I was not home. I have no life, I am a stay at home, hermit mom so that is pretty much bs. LOL My UPS guy does not ever bother knocking, he just throws things over my back fence and I have asked him not to since I have five large dogs and the last thing he chucked over my fence was a tiffany lamp and it broke.

This is not the shot put people! I just try my best that when I know a package is arriving that day I open my front blinds so I can see who comes to the front door.
My husband used to be a letter carrier and man the stories he could tell! LOL Like the dogs that he could hear shredding the mail after he would put it through the slot and then the customer would complain that he let the dogs get their mail.... LOL