Update not such good news :(


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I've been too bummed about the situation to sit down and type an update about it, but....Well, we didn't get the house that we reeeeeeeally thought we were going to get, and really really REALLY wanted. From what we were told, basically we lost it to someone who makes more money than we do. My dh makes about 24K at his job, and because we have been struggling for years with that, he's taken on a parttime job now too, which brings our total income to about 34-35K, that's working two jobs. Unfortunately, the Orlando area is not cheap to rent, and so we are struggling, and struggling even more to find a place to live. I am just getting so down from the blows and letdowns, yanno? Once we lost a place because I had called on Wed to see the house on Fri (when both dh and I could go) and by Fri the man signed a lease w/someone else. Then there's the fact that many realtors want you to make 3X the rent, which would have us looking in the 900/month range, and ummmm you're NOT gonna find a house for 900/m (3bdr, 2ba) in this area. So we're screwed. Thats why we figured we'd try private landlords (not to mention our credit is less than a 600 score, so it sucks basically). Well, you see what we've experienced with that~being blown off for someone who makes more money, or else the lease is signed by the time we are supposed to look. And yes, we really were slashed only at the fact that they make more money, because the landlord didn't even verify any of our other info (she could have seen that we have perfect rental history), and just decided to give our app fee $50 back. At least we'll get that back, but I'd have rather lost the $ and had the house! LOL Sighhh. So, I'm feelin' kinda down about things these days, just wondering how many more blows we have to take before something works out.


Well-Known Member
Don't give up hope, Tasha.
Maybe you should rethink what you really could get by with and what you can really afford. Maybe stay where you are till you can get your financial situation a bit more stable, and are able to have the funds for a better down payment. I don't know what your present housing situation is, but if you can stay there and reevaluate your needs and your finances for a bit, I'd think about doing that. We did. We were house hunting like crazy and had a talk with a financial advisor. He told us to wait 6 months, think about what we really wanted and needed, and in that time, save more for a down payment. We did all that and found the place we really wanted. . .and we were able to better afford it.
Just some thoughts.
I know it's hard, but try not to overstress.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. Things are bad for a lot of people right now. About the only advice I have for you is to hang in there, keep looking and work on getting your credit score back up. Its going to take quite a bit of hard work, but it can be done. ((HUGS))


Well-Known Member
Don't give up hope, Tasha.
Maybe you should rethink what you really could get by with and what you can really afford. Maybe stay where you are till you can get your financial situation a bit more stable, and are able to have the funds for a better down payment. I don't know what your present housing situation is, but if you can stay there and reevaluate your needs and your finances for a bit, I'd think about doing that. We did. We were house hunting like crazy and had a talk with a financial advisor. He told us to wait 6 months, think about what we really wanted and needed, and in that time, save more for a down payment. We did all that and found the place we really wanted. . .and we were able to better afford it.
Just some thoughts.
I know it's hard, but try not to overstress.

A financial advisor is a great idea. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Don't give up hope, Tasha.
Maybe you should rethink what you really could get by with and what you can really afford. Maybe stay where you are till you can get your financial situation a bit more stable, and are able to have the funds for a better down payment. I don't know what your present housing situation is, but if you can stay there and reevaluate your needs and your finances for a bit, I'd think about doing that. We did. We were house hunting like crazy and had a talk with a financial advisor. He told us to wait 6 months, think about what we really wanted and needed, and in that time, save more for a down payment. We did all that and found the place we really wanted. . .and we were able to better afford it.
Just some thoughts.
I know it's hard, but try not to overstress.
Great advise!


New Member
Hey tasha... Just wanted to say that I know it's tough outgrowing a place, but having to work so very hard to find a new one. I'm sorry for your frustration and the added stress this is placing on your family right now. My only encouragment would be to just keep trying, as tough and discouraging as your market may be right now, something is out there, it's just a matter of finding it. I can't even imagine trying to schedule showings with 4 kids, not to mention around your husbands schedule. Someone gave me some great advice this week "So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time" What an awsome thing to be a mommy of 4 kids, I've just got one and I'm exhausted daily. Keep looking, stay strong for your family, and good luck with everything. I hope things take a turn for the better for y'all very soon...


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Thanks for the encouragement guys...I really need it. You may not realize it also, but it's also nice to hear from people who have BTDT, b/c it means you understand what it's like, yanno?

Yes it's very hard to schedule showings w/4kids, much less work it around dh's schedule, so we are basically to the point of just ME doing the footwork. We learned that unless we just happen to find something on Saturday when we're looking w/dh, or Sunday, then I have to do it alone. Learned that when I had made that appt w/that guy to see the house a couple days later, and by then it was gone. Grrrr. Obviously people aren't gonna wait lol. Then too I understand why they would do that~how did he know I would call back? I try, even though I feel like we keep getting these blows, to understand it from the other person's point of view too. Anyway....Uponastar, I am to the point now where I'm beginning to re-think what we need, what we could live with, etc. That's actualyl something that kinda just dawned on me this morning.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement guys...I really need it. You may not realize it also, but it's also nice to hear from people who have BTDT, b/c it means you understand what it's like, yanno?

Yes it's very hard to schedule showings w/4kids, much less work it around dh's schedule, so we are basically to the point of just ME doing the footwork. We learned that unless we just happen to find something on Saturday when we're looking w/dh, or Sunday, then I have to do it alone. Learned that when I had made that appt w/that guy to see the house a couple days later, and by then it was gone. Grrrr. Obviously people aren't gonna wait lol. Then too I understand why they would do that~how did he know I would call back? I try, even though I feel like we keep getting these blows, to understand it from the other person's point of view too. Anyway....Uponastar, I am to the point now where I'm beginning to re-think what we need, what we could live with, etc. That's actualyl something that kinda just dawned on me this morning.

I went thru that too when I stopped working to stay home with my kids when they were small. Make a list, you will be surprised at how little we really need as oppossed to want.


Finances are tough on my end also right now. Just take one step at a time and God will lead you where you need to be.

I hope nobody takes offence to that statement.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement guys...I really need it. You may not realize it also, but it's also nice to hear from people who have BTDT, b/c it means you understand what it's like, yanno?

Yes it's very hard to schedule showings w/4kids, much less work it around dh's schedule, so we are basically to the point of just ME doing the footwork. We learned that unless we just happen to find something on Saturday when we're looking w/dh, or Sunday, then I have to do it alone. Learned that when I had made that appt w/that guy to see the house a couple days later, and by then it was gone. Grrrr. Obviously people aren't gonna wait lol. Then too I understand why they would do that~how did he know I would call back? I try, even though I feel like we keep getting these blows, to understand it from the other person's point of view too. Anyway....Uponastar, I am to the point now where I'm beginning to re-think what we need, what we could live with, etc. That's actualyl something that kinda just dawned on me this morning.

I'd just like to add that if you put things on hold and give yourself a set amount of time, say 6 months, you may surprise yourself with what you can do, by way of saving money. Cutting back and pinching pennies takes on a real meaning, because now you have a goal in sight!
Also, when we did it, we were surprised to find that what we thought we wanted wasn't really what we wanted or needed after all. We wound up buying just the right place for us and we never regretted it.
Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to move forward.


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Disnut, *I* am certainly not offended by the statement ;)

Uponastar... you are right, that people don't NEED as much as they think. But for us, I feel like we HAVE cut back down to necessities. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe things aren't necessities. We have: rent, elec, van, van insurance, water, gas, auto gas, aol which is only 14.95, and phone. We have NO cell phone bills (we do prepaid) NO longdistance (again prepaid cards). I mean I don't feel like we spend anything nonessential, and yet down here, you still need more than the money my dh has been making (hence the p/t job) With the p/t job, we will still have to budget, and I actually plan to put his paychecks into savings, just so they don't get spend (what's left I mean). Ack!

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I heard something on the news that might give you some hope.

House sales are waaaaay down in Florida. That bubble seems to have burst. People are not buying as quickly as they were a year ago.

What this may mean for you is that people who need to sell will be willing to rent so they can have some cash flow (to pay for the other house).

We're on your side.


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I know, I JUST heard this last night on the news! I actually had a glimmer of hope that we may be able to buy something in a couple years but I never thought about what you said...about people possibly willing to rent, just to get some cash flow. Maybe start to see some more rent-to-own signs popping up. :)


Active Member
Oh sweetie I feel for you. Believe me I know money problems suck! For me sometimes it feels that I am trying to bail out the Titanic with a dixie cup. I hope things start getting better soon, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!:animwink:


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Thanks mouse :) We are currently dealing with having had our cable shut off, so dh tried to call tonight and thought the phone had been disconnected too. Apparently there was some glitch or something b/c I had just given them money on the 1st of the month, so I didn't think we were disconnected......although when we finally got the phone working, we realized that we are actually past due on the phone bill. Sigh.... I HATE this. I hate feeling like we are living paycheck to paycheck. :( Anyway, please send lots of prayers that we would get approved for this house I just applied for on Monday, in Davenport. I REALLY could use the prayers!


New Member
It is really difficult to support a family with $24K for a full-time job, especially with housing prices what they are.

If I were in that position, I would seriously consider a career change to something that pays better and do what ever it takes to get there. The company I work for hires young Engineers straight out of college at around $50-60K per year.

Heck, you could try something radical....go thru the yellow pages and find some service you think you could do, then try to start your own operation providing that service. Just do it cheaper than everyone else.

I know someone who just started cleaning newly constructed houses. From that he built a business that employees several crews and makes a very good living for himself.

It sounds like you've cut your spending to the bone, now you and your DH should sit down and start brainstorming ways to improve your income situation.

Don't wallow in self-pity, that has never helped anyone, turn your frustration into determination!!

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