Update: 'Epic Mickey' on PS3 a Joke?..


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Update: 'Epic Mickey' on PS3 a Joke?

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By: Leslie Horn

Mickey Mouse fans who were disappointed that "Epic Mickey" was only released on the Wii last month could have a reason to rejoice. The game will reportedly be released for PlayStation 3.
According to Spanish site PSNow!, Disney Interactive has plans to release a PS3-exclusive version of "Epic Mickey."
PSN said that Sony will announce "Epic Mickey" for PS3 on January 3 in Orlando. PSN also said that Nintendo will have at least six months in which the Wii will be the exclusive console for the game, which could mean that PlayStation's version will be released in May.
Sony did not respond to a request for comment on the matter.
"Epic Mickey" will be compatible with the PlayStation Move, Sony's answer to the Nintendo Wii. Players will be able to buy the physical Blu-ray disc or download it from the PlayStation store, the site said.
Although the original release of "Epic Mickey" was exclusive to the Wii, PSN said that Sony has had its own version in "an independent development since 2008, with an engine optimized to the capabilities of PlayStation 3, which will allow 720p native resolution and a rate of 60 frames per second sustainable."
The game follows Mickey into a world called Wasteland, populated by Disney's forgotten characters. It resurrects characters like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a precursor to the iconic mouse that hasn't been seen since 1928. In the game, there's a sibling rivalry between the two because while Oswald was thrown to the wayside, Mickey gained international fame.
"Epic Mickey" lets players use paint and paint thinner to change the dark world and help the mouse become a hero.
The game is $49.99 for the Wii, with an accompanying paintbrush-style controller available for $24.99.
Although no details on price were given, PSN said that there would be a collectors edition of the PS3 game that will include the movies "Fantasia" and "Fantasia 2000" on Blu-ray.
UPDATE: PSN later updated its site to say that Dec. 28 is the Spanish equivalent of April Fools' day. The story was just a joke, and there is no truth to the report, the site said.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
This has been a rumor for a long time. My guess is that the game will come out for the move and the kinect. In a developer interview they said both xbox and PS are possibilities.


Well-Known Member
Considering the whole game would need to be re-written and ALL the visual assets will need to be redone in HD... I say no. Unless they were already done in HD and scaled down for Wii, which I could see.

The problem is that the Wii remote, Move, and Kinect are all fundamentally different. The Wii uses the pointer option a lot, and that doesn't work well with the Move and is horrendous on Kinect. Not all motion control systems are created equal.


Well-Known Member
I think the game would actually be improved by porting it to the Xbox or Playstation IF you could play with the systems' normal dual-stick controllers. The loss of the gimmicky point-and-paint mechanic would be a small price to pay for on-the-fly camera adjustment.

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