Unsuitable Rides For Sensitive 5 Yr Old?


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My 5 yr old daughter is physically tall enough (44") for most rides, and she loves fast and bumpy stuff, but I'm worrited about her emotional sensitivity to some things. For example, in the movie Madagascar, the really quick part when they show a humming bird flying and then suddenly a venus fly trap looking plant eats it, freaked her out for days!! And it was only a 2 second shot! And the bible story of Moses, when Moses's mother puts him in on the river, actually makes her shake! She is fine with scarey things if she knows what is going to happen, and she is okay with sad things if I can tell her there is a happy ending. She has seen parts of the Haunted Mansion Ride on TV and is really excited for that, so I'm not concerned with the scary stuff so much. I'm more worried about sad things. Being that I don't have any experience with WDW rides, and can't prepare her. Are there rides that look like they are kid friendly, but might freak her out? Definite no's? Rides that would be fine if I can explain them to her first? Any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
decbysteph said:
My 5 yr old daughter is physically tall enough (44") for most rides, and she loves fast and bumpy stuff, but I'm worrited about her emotional sensitivity to some things. For example, in the movie Madagascar, the really quick part when they show a humming bird flying and then suddenly a venus fly trap looking plant eats it, freaked her out for days!! And it was only a 2 second shot! And the bible story of Moses, when Moses's mother puts him in on the river, actually makes her shake! She is fine with scarey things if she knows what is going to happen, and she is okay with sad things if I can tell her there is a happy ending. She has seen parts of the Haunted Mansion Ride on TV and is really excited for that, so I'm not concerned with the scary stuff so much. I'm more worried about sad things. Being that I don't have any experience with WDW rides, and can't prepare her. Are there rides that look like they are kid friendly, but might freak her out? Definite no's? Rides that would be fine if I can explain them to her first? Any help would be appreciated!
Snow White might scare her - it really traumatized my niece for years, and she might have difficulty with Pirates. Those 2 come to mind right away - my son was very sensitive at that age too.


Well-Known Member
Here's a few that MAY....they aren't bad, but they might scare her. (warning-the descriptions give away part of the rides)

I don't know if this would count....but in Tiki Room, Iago gets burnt up by the tiki god. He's okay in the end, and sing though. The Great Movie Ride, the driver gets kidnapped and a bank robber is then your driver. Afterwards, your host comes back and is okay.

That's all I can think of. They both have okay endings, but the part before the happy endings might be scary


My 5 yo daughter is sensitive in the same way. I think that the trolls on Maelstrom in Norway could be a bit much. They are more of a surprise peril sort of thing, so you might be able to nullify the effect if you warn her well in advance.


Active Member
The witch in snow white ride in the right in the beginning and there is the woodsman that tells snow white to go back, but in the end the prince comes and saves her, so all happy in the end.

Pirates is a bit, but you go down a small hill, see the pirate ship fighting with the towns people but in the end all the pirates end up in jail.

Test track is a good ride which she should like as it is not dark and just shows you how a car operates in different conditions, going over the different bricks, brake test, a room with environmental hot lamps, cold spray and then the handling run which first simulates an almost accident with a truck and look at the guy in the truck he's wearing a mickey baseball hat and hawaiian lai, but then is just fast driving.

Haunted mansion - you go into a small room before the ride and right at the end before they let you out of the room the lights go out and there is a scream, but then the doors open immediately. You get in the ride vehicle which goes through the library room, a room where someone is trying to get out of a coffin, the ballroom scene with dancing ghosts, then the attic which has things popping up and the dead bride that has her beating heat in red under the dress, the grave yard scene with the singing heads which looks like a big party and then the hitchhiking ghosts. There might be a bit more but this is the main parts I can think of.


Well-Known Member
afr117 said:
My 5 yo daughter is sensitive in the same way. I think that the trolls on Maelstrom in Norway could be a bit much. They are more of a surprise peril sort of thing, so you might be able to nullify the effect if you warn her well in advance.
forgot about that one - my DS was scared of that too.


Well-Known Member
At that age, my son was very sensitive to a lot of stuff too. What seemed to help us out is I would tell him what was going to happen first, before we went on the ride. He knew what was going to happen, so it didn't take him by suprise. I did take him on the HM, but I explained that it was full of "magic trick" (my son loves magic) and we tried to figure out how they did the tricks. When it came to the graveyard scene, I had him look up, so the things that jump up and down were not in his line of vision.

Believe it or not, as touchy he is about things, he loved Splash Mountain! I think the big drop was tempered by getting wet and the whole happy attitude of the characters.

He was kind of scared of Stitch because it was so dark at some points, so you might laugh about the chili dog burps ahead of time with you little one. That seemed to help us too.


My kids (now 10 and 11) are not terribly sensitive, but here is a list of some of the rides/shows that freaked them out at 4-5 years old (4-5 year olds are just beginning to understand what is going on around them and really freak out)

1. Honey I Shrunk the Audience (really loud and scary)
2. Its Tough to be a bug (really loud and scary)
3. Space Mountain (too dark)
4. The Great Movie Ride (Couldn't understand that the kidnapping wasn't real because they knew they were real people)

Generally, if there is a warning sign saying that it might be too intense for young children, believe it. Better safe than sorry.

I also found that ages 4-5 were really tough. Rides that they had no problem going on at age 3, they absolutely refused to go on again until between ages 6-7 :confused:

Good luck and I hope you have a blast!!!!!!


I haven't been on it, but I hear Stitch's Great Escape can be scary. And I have been on PoTC with kids that are frightened by the cannons on the ship (not sure if it will be open when you go) and Dinosaur in AK has scared kids as well. These rides are usually more startling than sad or too scary. Mostly, I would be concerned with Snow White.


New Member
I think Honey, I Shrunk the Audience is a bit too scary......even for some adults....The snake gets me every time. I think she could handle PotC and Tough to be a Bug. At AK, they have the Conservation Station area. I don't remember exactly, but I think they talk about animal extinction. Some of that my upset her. BUT, if she likes animals, it is great! They have a cute little petting zoo area, so bypass the sad stuff and move along to the cute stuff. I had to do that a lot with my daughter.

You didn't say whether you would be visiting "other parks," such as Universal or Sea World. But, let me warn you if you do.
  • Universal: If they even still have T3, DONT DO IT with a child that is that young and sensitive. It scared the crap out of my 8 year old daughter who is not afraid of scary stuff. She was (still is) a very sensitive person and is 17.
  • SeaWorld: When you go to the manatee exhibit, you HAVE to sit through a short video that talks about how many manatees die every year because of humans. My daughter cried for a long time after she saw that.


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Thanks so much! I appreciate all of your input!! Are there a lot of rides that we might be slightly separated in? I heard Stitch has a divider between people, and I want to make sure I can always hold her hand if needed.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone mentioned Dinosaur in AK, but that is a very intense ride, especially for young children. One of the first scenes you encounter on the ride is one Dinosaur eating a little Dinosaur. That rides still scares me :eek:


Not old, just vintage.
Things id skip:
-Honey I shrunk/Tough to be a bug- scary 3d effects and effects with the seats. im 22 and i still close my eyes, lift my feet, or lean foward in certain parts of the ride.
-Snow White- If she knows the story REALLY well she might not have a prob
-Stitch's Great Escape- It just sucks. To answer your question...i think there are small dividers between the seats...u might still be able to hold her hand tho. There is this harness that goes over ur shouldrs that i hate tho bc i feel like im trapped
-Space Mountain- if she has any issues with the dark skip it. it only goes about 40mph but there are some drops. since the drops are in the dark i didnt find them too scary as a kid tho bc i couldnt see them...for me that took away the scariness. I went on it first when i was 6 and i loved it. I boycotted it for the years i was 8 and 9 tho bc i suddenly realized that the dark was supposed to be scary.
-Ellens Energy Adventure-(Epcot) Huge,loud, dinosaurs.
-Dinosaur!-(AK) VERY bumpy, LOUD, and terrifying. This deadly dinosaur is supposed to be chasing you. Im 22 and this ride flips me out. Ive seen many small children come off this ride screaming.
-Norway-(epcot) Trolls. Enough said. (altho this is now one of my fav rides)

I think thats about it. These were the ones that i either had/have problems with or really scared my 6 yeard old neice when I took her there last year. She is also very sensitive and easily scared and these were the main ones that did her in.


Well-Known Member
Some children can't handle the Voyage of the Little Mermaid at Disney/ MGM, the LARGE Ursula usually does them in. I think that If she has seen the movie and you explain the story( happy ending), she might be fine.
Tower of terror- probably no.


New Member
I echo the suggestion of skipping Dinosaur in AK. From what you have described, it would absolutely terrify her - especially when you stop and it looks like the carnotaurus is about to eat you!!!!

I think she would like Buzz Lightyear's Ranger Spin - that is not scary and it is very brightly lit. It can be a little loud and you do spin, but the theming is not scary. There is always "It's a Small World" - that is anything but scary! I would avoid any of the "Mountains" (Space, Splash, Thunder Mountain). One thing you can do though is let her see the final drop on Splash, that will help her decide if she wants to try it. Take the TTA around so she can go inside Space - she may not like hearing the people screaming.


New Member
All the suggestions have been great so far, but here is one for consideration, (it may or may not be and issue, but I'm just throwing it out there, just in case):

Fantasmic! is usually a show I'd recommend for everyone to do, especially a first timer. However, I was about 6 years old when I first saw it in Disneyland, and I had nightmares for like 2 weeks. I dont want to give too much away, but one of the main themes of the show is good vs. evil. Lots of villain "cameos". It has some loud pyrotechnics, and large dragons and snakes and stuff like that. Of course it has a happy ending.... but I was seriously scared for Mickey.

:lookaroun :lookaroun :eek:

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