I am sure this can be moved, but it sure seems there is more to this story than meets the eye.
I am quite sure that several options were presented, but the guy was making too much of a fuss and Universal felt it better to just refund him.
Again, local media fail to do more than drag the theme parks in the gutter by reporting half stories. Seems that Universal is getting the full Disney treatment now.
Journalism sucks in this town.
I am sure this can be moved, but it sure seems there is more to this story than meets the eye.
I am quite sure that several options were presented, but the guy was making too much of a fuss and Universal felt it better to just refund him.
Again, local media fail to do more than drag the theme parks in the gutter by reporting half stories. Seems that Universal is getting the full Disney treatment now.
Journalism sucks in this town.