Unexpected acts of kindness by CMs


Well-Known Member
Last year when we were switching monorails at TTC my son left his first BoSox cap on the one from MK and realized it as we got in line for the Epcot one. He was pretty bummed and we told him we'd check with lost and found. One of the CMs there (Tom) heard us and said he would check and seemingly went about his job. Eventually the Epcot one showed up, we shuffled in and JUST before the doors were set to close, in pops Tom with my son's cap in hand...total miracle-worker! We did call and leave feedback to thank him again. I hope all the CMs like those mentioned on here get the kudos/recongition they deserve :)


New Member
I'll share a quick, really impressive story. In AK about 3 weeks or so ago, and it began thundering during the afternoon, me and and partner had been enjoying the short lines on EE. As the thunder got closer, they would close EE on and off for the last 2 hours of the day. During which we'd hike over to Dino, while we waited for EE to come back online.

The park was closing @ 6 that night, so around 5:15 we headed back towards EE, and it was open! We walked on, and requested the back. We had to wait 1 train. Well, in that time, the thunder came again, and they closed the ride. A manager, at least that's what we surmised, came walking over, letting all the guests know the ride had closed due to weather, and that we were free to wait or leave.

Well, we decided to wait, seeing as how the park closed soon anyhow. After some friendly chit chit with a CM. The manager came back over, and told us since it was so close to closing time, EE was closing for the day. We were not upset, we had rode it several times already.

Well, as we go to walk out, that same manager comes over to us, and asks us if we will be back to AK during our visit. Since, its my favorite park, and it was the middle of our trip, we responded with a resounding yes. The manager puts out his hands, and gives us 4! yes 4! paper fast passes, to return. It was totally uncalled for, we did not complain or anything. But we really appreciated it.

This is just one, of the many great CMs we met over that trip. I could tell you guys 10 more stories...

**sorry, guess not such a quick story...


It was 2002 and I had recently seen Lilo and Stitch in the theater. Now I am NOT a pin collector at all, but while rummaging through a pin rack waiting for the rest of my party to show up a CM asked me which pin I was looking for. I mentioned I thought Stitch was cute and would make for a fun pin. She then informed me that since the movie came out Stitch had been very popular and they hadn't seen any in a few weeks. She then offered to call the other pin locations in the park to check availability. I was just killing time so I figured I would let her perform her magic. Unfortunately no pins were to be found. During the conversation I mentioned that I would check back on my next trip Labor Day weekend (several weeks out at this point) and she promised I would have a pin by then.

Fast forward to Labor Day weekend, I had noticed the Stitch pin was still nowhere to be found, but honestly didn't think to find this CM for my fulfilled "promise". As luck would have it, she saw me walking by the store front and motioned for me to come in. She had told me that her store never got the pin in stock, however one was returned to a Disney Store near her house and she held on to it for me. I was not expecting her to even remember our initial interaction several weeks earlier, or to recognize me strolling through the parks without engaging in a conversation at first. This was an above and beyond I never even imagined, but one that I will also never forget...


Well-Known Member

I have no idea if this is real or not but it makes my day every time I see it


Well-Known Member
Our first trip, our first day...we had a CM come up to me and tell me she noticed how well behaved my boys were being and asked if she could give them a treat!! I thought it was sooooo sweet. Made me tear up as a mom and it encouraged their good behavior the rest of the trip :D
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Active Member
Last night I was at the WDW 24 hr party with my kids and our drinks were confiscated for the Little Mermaid ride without warning and a CM wrote a voucher for 4 free drinks (no strings attached). Didn't know they did that but it made us so happy, especially since another CM gave us back our drinks after the fact. :)


Well-Known Member
We were in Starbucks at Epcot when my dd6 trapped her arm between the window and the automatic doors. I know right!! She was in a bit of a state but not too seriously hurt. Paramedics checked her out and gave her the all clear.
Then a nice lady called Lisa Maria came and escorted us to mouse gear and bought my dd a Winnie the Pooh teddy, and my son chip and dale. My dd told her that her absolute fave character was mike form monsters inc, but they didn't have any for sale.
We didn't expect disney to buy the kids teddies, after all only my silly dd could manage to pull off a trick like getting stuck.
So imagine our surprise when we returned to our hotel room after our day and mike wasowski was sat on the bed with a card from mickey to our dd. she literally screeched she was so pleased. The toy was huge. Someone had actually got it from the disney store and delivered it to our room.
We actually returned to Epcot later in our holiday to leave a letter for Lisa Maria to say thanks so much for making our dd trip.


Well-Known Member
I know this is automated but for my wife and I, it was a pleasant surprise. We returned to our room and found a message on the answering machine. When I listened to it, it was a phone call from Mickey & Minnie wishing us a Happy Anniversary. We were very fortunate to get married at DisneyWorld and fortunate again to just celebrate our 7th anniversary at DisneyWorld. So this message was very special to us, we listened to it a couple of times.


Well-Known Member
Okay, this one is from a tumblr page that has since apparently been removed, so I can't link it or verify if the story therein is true, but I hope it is because it's AWESOME.

Anyway, in Adventureland, there was a little boy who loved the Princesses. He had a Princess t-shirt, a tiara, and a wand and was just thrilled to be there. An older "gentleman" saw this boy and didn't share the lads enthusiasm, and begin to loudly tell the lad how "gay" he was, and using other slurs. Peter Pan was out meeting and saw this. He went right up to the older guest and said, "Sir, I'm going to tell you something that I never thought I'd say to anyone- you really need to GROW UP."


Well-Known Member
Okay, this one is from a tumblr page that has since apparently been removed, so I can't link it or verify if the story therein is true, but I hope it is because it's AWESOME.

Anyway, in Adventureland, there was a little boy who loved the Princesses. He had a Princess t-shirt, a tiara, and a wand and was just thrilled to be there. An older "gentleman" saw this boy and didn't share the lads enthusiasm, and begin to loudly tell the lad how "gay" he was, and using other slurs. Peter Pan was out meeting and saw this. He went right up to the older guest and said, "Sir, I'm going to tell you something that I never thought I'd say to anyone- you really need to GROW UP."
I like that one...Peter Pan stayed in character and spoke the truth.


New Member
Last summer me and my family took a trip and stayed at the All Star Sports resort. Upon arrival we noticed that our room was next to a whole building of the South American group tourists and they weree playing loud music and "partying" around 9:30 at night. Which is fine we just wanted some quiet. Also we entered the room and it overwhelmingly smelled like paint. My dad suffers from migraines that can be triggered by smells like that. So we went to the front desk and asked if we could move to a quieter room and one that was not recently painted. After several phone calls the CM looked at us and said how would you like a room at the Port Orleans FQ no extra charge. We were so thankful. Thatt was extremely generous. We reported how helpful he was to the manager and also called againn when we got home. Disney CM's are some the most wonderful peoplee on Earth. customer service at WDW is second to none


One Little Spark...
My kid got sick in 2012, and I walked over to AoA from Pop to see if they had any Chicken Soup.

They didn't, but the head chef came out and spoke with me, and they threw together something that tasted like Chicken Soup (more of a vegetable soup, but an excellent attempt)...

It made my daughter's night, and I was so happy they took such an interest. I wasn't looking for service like that, but I got it.

Certainly a "magical moment" made by a group of CMs.


Active Member
My son and I both have a gluten allergy and the chefs and ASM and AoA made us gluten free entrees. It only takes about 15 but they give you a pager and personally give it to you when it's ready.
Really makes us feel special!;)


Don't know if this counts but last year we bought mickey ice creams for both our toddlers but by the time I got back to my kiddies one had fallen asleep. Ice cream melted, I thought it was done for. When she woke up I went back to the ice cream cart to buy another one and she had seen what happened and gave my little one a free one :)

Princess Hannah

New Member
When I first entered the Be Our Guest Resturant on our last trip I was speechless. I was standing alone at the edge of the ballroom staring with my mouth literally hanging open, and a nearby CM noticed and came over. He leaned over and asked how I liked the place. I told him, truthfully, that it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, and he told me that since I clearly loved it he'd tell me a 'secret'. He told me that the snow falling outside the windows is from the original animation from the movie! I stuttered in amazement for a few minutes before I was able to thank him. This made my trip, honestly, and it was so nice of him to take the time to tell me such a neat detail like that.

As we were leaving he called out to me, "Enjoy the snow outside! It was so nice to meet you!" He made an already magical moment so much more memorable for me.


Last year, my five year old was tall enough to ride Test Track for the first time. After we got off of the ride, as I did when my oldest son rode Test Track for the first time, I went to buy the on ride photo. The cast member printing out the photos heard how excited my five year old was about riding Test Track and started asking him about it. When the photo was ready, the CM gave me the bag with the photo along with Fast Passes for Test Track so we could ride again. Totally out of the blue. Made my kids' night right there.

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