Two questions for anyone who ever wanted to be a CM


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Ok, let me tell you. You would be shocked at the rides that would be good to work and the ones that would not be. Carpets, Dumbo, Tri. Spin are not that bad to work. Think about the Haunted Mansion, only maybe 2 positions on the rotation dont include walking up a moving belt the entire time. The best positions are rides like Tower and Coaster when you are working in the tower position. Most of the other positions are kinda boring.

It's been my experience that any "Tower" position is the dullest position because you're alone, with nothing to do, often not even a button to push, without communication to the outside world, waiting for something to break, which only happens once in a blue moon, otherwise you're sitting in the dark watching the same thing happen on black and white TV without sound every few seconds. Oh, super exciting.

Oh wait, someone in the third row might be throwing up! Quick! E-stop! Yay! Something happened!


New Member
Yeah, it can be boring, but it can also be a nice break from working outside all day during a lovly florida summer or better yet, love bug season (now). Thats why I said the lift and spin rides can be nice. You keep moving and keep doing something.


Well-Known Member
Haunted Mansion. End of story.

I have a question. When I was at the world towards the end of August I made friends with some of the CM's (after riding 17 times in one day they started to recognize me :D :lookaroun . . . I'm serious. 17 times) and I mentioned how i wanted to work at the Mansion one day. They said they hire at 16 (I'll be 16 in November), but I live so far away. However, (This is the part where I need your help) my parents said they might be game to send me down for the summer next year so I can work there (yes, I'd be willing to "waste" my whole summer working!), but we're not sure if it works like that. I'd love to work at the mansion, but really anywhere would be fine (especially the mansion :D ), but i needed to know how it could/would come together, as in how long it takes to train for an attraction and then if there would be enough time left over for actual working time. I'd only have the 2 months or so for all of this, and I don't even know if Disney hires like that, so if someone who knew could help, it would be much appreciated.


Yensid "Oh, I wouldn't want to work the Indy Speedway. Between the fumes, the heat and they slow loading I would explode. Besides, I hate the Indy Speedway" tlaw1969


New Member
Haunted Mansion. End of story.

I have a question. When I was at the world towards the end of August I made friends with some of the CM's (after riding 17 times in one day they started to recognize me :D :lookaroun . . . I'm serious. 17 times) and I mentioned how i wanted to work at the Mansion one day. They said they hire at 16 (I'll be 16 in November), but I live so far away. However, (This is the part where I need your help) my parents said they might be game to send me down for the summer next year so I can work there (yes, I'd be willing to "waste" my whole summer working!), but we're not sure if it works like that. I'd love to work at the mansion, but really anywhere would be fine (especially the mansion :D ), but i needed to know how it could/would come together, as in how long it takes to train for an attraction and then if there would be enough time left over for actual working time. I'd only have the 2 months or so for all of this, and I don't even know if Disney hires like that, so if someone who knew could help, it would be much appreciated.


Yensid "Oh, I wouldn't want to work the Indy Speedway. Between the fumes, the heat and they slow loading I would explode. Besides, I hate the Indy Speedway" tlaw1969

I think its only during the summer and only for food (outdoor and QSR), entertainment, and i think some other roles, but i know you have to be 18 for attractions.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I would love to work the attractions where there is at least some guest interaction, HM, JC and ToT come to mind.

Attractions where you are nothing but an extension of a machine like the Tea Cups or the Dumbo style rides would bore me to tears.

If I could work anywhere it would be behind the scenes in design and or engineering. I would love to be walking through the park and overhear someone talking about how they loved something I had a hand in creating.


About the two captains, I've heard that before, I'm trying to remember if I heard it from a skipper, or if it was on the Keys to the Kingdom tour (If you do this, and Raye is still available, request her, she's the best!)


New Member
My first thought was that I would like to work at any indoor attractions b/c of the air conditioning. But I think I'd have to agree with some previous posters that I'd rather work at an attraction with the most guest interaction, as long as I don't have to act - like in the Great Movie Ride. I couldn't keep a straight face. :p


Active Member
I want to work at:
1. ToT
2. HM
3. Everest
5. LG at any pool

Do not want to work at:
1 Its a small world
2. Dumbo
3. Peter Pan
4. Any 3D ride besides Muppets
5. Any thing boring
Just curious... are 40 year old women worse at using toilets than most people? In my experience, the older you get, the better you are at using toilets, since, well, you've been using them for so long. Unless you are just a rude individual that just doesn't care, no matter how old you are. I'm just curious as to the age/gender single out here.


P.S. - apologize if this post seems rude, I really am just curious

You would be surprised. Whenever I have to wipe down a toilet seat, I tell myself it was probably a little 3 year old, which always made it not so bad. The other day, a woman in her mid 40's walked out of her stall, smiled at me, and left. I entered her stall to sweep, only to me met by a completely wet toilet seat. It looked like it had rained, and I am not even kidding. I'm guessing she was trying to "hover" so her tush wouldn't have to come into contact with the toilet seat, but come on! That's what seat covers are for.

For the most part, I'm sure the messes are more generated by the youngsters, but there are some older people who really don't know how to use a toilet. It's kind of sad, and kind of aggravating.

And don't worry, I didn't think your post sounded rude at all.


New Member
I'd be happy to work at almost any attraction except the Hall of Presidents. I try to make myself sit through it every few years, but that's about all I can take! My top choices to work at would have to be Haunted Mansion, POTC, TOT (even though I'm too much of a wuss to ride it, I love the theme!!), and the Great Movie Ride.


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to work at the Jungle Cruise, but I don't know how to go about getting that job. I've looked on the website and it doesn't seem that they list cast members for rides.

Additionally, does anyone know how much a Jungle Cruise skipper makes?


Well-Known Member
I'd work at The Mansion, Jungle Cruise, ToT, or Soarin', (not cause it's one of my favorites, but because I like a challenge! Guest can be challenging on that one!)

I would never want to work at small world or Test Track.


Active Member
I've always wanted to work at the Jungle Cruise, but I don't know how to go about getting that job. I've looked on the website and it doesn't seem that they list cast members for rides.

Additionally, does anyone know how much a Jungle Cruise skipper makes?

Essentially, JC is part of a larger area (Adventureland/Liberty Square Attractions) that includes JC, HM, PotC, Hall of Presidents, Riverboat, ATT (Aladdin, Tiki, Treehouse). In order to work at Jungle, you have to work in Ad/Lib Attractions as an Attractions Attendent. Skippers make the starting wage for Attractions Attendents. Hopefully that answered your question. :)


New Member
I'm going to put my top five for both:

Would love to work at:
2. Space Mountain
3. TOT
4. HM
5. Dinosaur (cool theme)

Would hate to work at:
1. Dumbo
2. TTA (love the ride...but there's no way I'm standing up there all day!)
3. Any theater shows (too repetitive)
4. Anything with a moving
5. Jungle Cruise
Thanks for your earlier reply, Taryn...and good for you for keeping a smile on your face, no matter what. Gotta be tough. Hope your Skipper dream comes true!

I'm not sure I'd want to work at the World...I like being on this side of the magic.Though I guess if I had to choose, I'd go with PoTC. Just 'cause it's my fave.


Well-Known Member
Jungle Cruise has to be one of the toughest jobs. The skipper is out there performing alone, with mostly shaky material to work with. It's like the old Johnny Carson monologues, where most of the humor was in his delivery and improvised lines rather than in the script he was given. I've had 3 different skippers on JC: one was incredibly good, another very good and one embarrassingly bad.


Well-Known Member
Just curious... are 40 year old women worse at using toilets than most people? In my experience, the older you get, the better you are at using toilets, since, well, you've been using them for so long. Unless you are just a rude individual that just doesn't care, no matter how old you are. I'm just curious as to the age/gender single out here.


P.S. - apologize if this post seems rude, I really am just curious

I know this is an old post, but when I worked in retail, the womens' bathroom was ALWAYS filthy and the mens' room was always spotless.
My co-workers and I would go to the mens' bathroom in pairs and one of us would stand outside the door to make sure no guys wandered in while we were in there.
It's generally the ladies who "hover" who make more of a mess. That's what the seat covers are there for.

Oh, and I am a girl :wave:

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