Trip Report Two broke guys & a dog (for the last time.) (completed)

No, I’m not mad at Disney. We’ll be back (in fact, it can’t be soon enough.) But this turned out to be our last trip together as a family.

Who: Brian (R) Tony (L) and Kylie.

When: May, 2023.

Can’t tease this, so I’ll just come out with it.

We’ve posted TRs over the years under the “Two broke guys & a dog” banner (and other titles.) Our May trip was short, and we had already booked August for my birthday (complete with a planned meet up with @Tuvalu) so I thought I’d make one double TR after August.

I ended up with Covid mid-month and we had to postpone to December for Brian’s birthday.

In the meantime, Kylie, our 14 year old German Shepherd/Chow Chow was diagnosed with heart failure. That “heads up” turned out to be a gift and a blessing that allowed us to spend so much extra quality time with her.

Kylie’s 14th bday on Halloween:
She stayed with us through the holidays, rubbing on the Christmas tree when she walked past it, per usual (like a cat lol) and was really doing well - eating, going for walks, snuggling. I expected more of a slow, gradual decline…but she passed yesterday. Now my heart is failing.

I don’t know how far I’ll get with this today. It might actually be too soon. But I thought it could be therapeutic, and a nice tribute.

For some reason, since my 30s, if I cry even a little, my eyelids swell up and it’s hard to undo. Ice helps only temporarily. I fear typing all this out will continue the waterworks (it already has) and prolong that condition. OTOH, they’re already swollen, so WTH? I’ll play it by ear, if that’s ok.

This is my love letter to my pup.


Well-Known Member
Now that the cat is out of the bag…

The text from earlier that morning was from none other than @Tuvalu and we readily agreed to meet up with her and her fab friend, Kelly. Brian and I have met with Tu/Woody/Em several times, and it’s always a treat.

Brian ordered a chicken bowl and I ordered fish tacos, knowing full well we’d let each other sample, we do that all the time. Tu caught on and said she and Woody do the same.

It was so nice not just to see Tu, but to meet Kel, and to just have a normal conversation and not feel sad. Of course, we mentioned Kylie, and of course, Tuvalu knows who Kylie is, more than many of my friends “in real life” because she has read the TRs where we always talk about her and take pictures for so many years.

Brian and Kel talked nursing and…

I might be insulted if you didn’t.

(You can see more pics of this day on Tuvalu’s TR if you haven’t already. I’m slow with a camera!)

And then the bonus surprise of meeting @riverside ! What a day this turned out to be. It went from somber, to fun and healing with one text. Everything happens for a reason.

…everything except Tuvalu ripping my phone out of my hand and getting us into a Guardians boarding group! 🤣 There was no reason for that. 🤣🤣😉 I love ya for trying.

Every time she plotted and schemed at another customer service stand and came up empty, I gave it a good “aww, shucks” but I was so glad. 🤣🤣🤣 She tried so hard to torture me, I mean, allow me to enjoy this ride with them - well, not really “them” because she was as chicken as I was and wasn’t going to ride it, either! Just send me to my death and cheer from the sidelines.

I kid. I appreciate the thought and I give Tu props for having gone on it before!

Patti is hella fun. It took me awhile to put screen names and real names together, so these may be the only two I remember!

But wait…there’s more.
I loved seeing everyone have such a great time in @Tuvalu 's TR!

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So incredibly sorry for the loss of your girl. Losing a pet is never easy, but there's something especially terrible about losing a four legged best friend.
I was a little sad about her today after reading the old TRs and posting the pics.

I said out loud, “I’m missing my puppy today.”

Just then I had a text from her sitter, Trysch, saying she was thinking about Kylie today.

Then Brian reminded me: “What day is it?” The 13th. One month today.

Anyway…still not done packing - for 2 days 😆 I have about 2 hours before B gets home, get some rest, wake him up at 9:30ish and get on the road by 10-10:30.

Somehow can’t find my red t-shirt, just wore it for “wear red day” recently (heart health awareness.) Still looking… 👀

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The dirty laundry pile? The washing machine? The ironing pile? (Or in my case the drawer I stuff things into when I’m too lazy to take the 5 extra seconds to put it in the right place)?

It was in the clean t-shirt pile! (I had looked there several times already lol.) When my tees come out of the dryer, I lay them flat over the back of the couch, stacked, and "ironing" each one with my hand. It eliminates any need for ironing! Then I'll fold them later, or put the nicer ones on hangers. This one was so thoroughly hidden in the pile, I didn't find it until I was folding around midnight, even though I had flipped through them before. :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

Brian is up, packing is done...I'm afraid to say it, we might actually leave pretty much on time!


Premium Member
It was in the clean t-shirt pile! (I had looked there several times already lol.) When my tees come out of the dryer, I lay them flat over the back of the couch, stacked, and "ironing" each one with my hand. It eliminates any need for ironing! Then I'll fold them later, or put the nicer ones on hangers. This one was so thoroughly hidden in the pile, I didn't find it until I was folding around midnight, even though I had flipped through them before. :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

Brian is up, packing is done...I'm afraid to say it, we might actually leave pretty much on time!

Glad you found it. Have a great trip!

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, we arrived in plenty of time, and it was gorgeous out, so we decided to take the ferry. Unusually, it was right there waiting for us, and we were the last to board. (All this after getting a great parking spot lol!)


We had about 30 minutes to lunch time upon entering the park, so we just wandered around the entrance - paying a little more attention to some of the details we often hustle past. Although it was only 71 degrees, it was nearly pure sunshine and wonderfully warm.


It seems like nothing, but it was a nice time!

At 2pm, we checked in for our 2:15 lunch at Tony’s, and looked around in the shop next door as we waited for our text.

A few things seemed relevant for the day.




I 💕 disco Mickey! 🪩


Premium Member
Well, we arrived in plenty of time, and it was gorgeous out, so we decided to take the ferry. Unusually, it was right there waiting for us, and we were the last to board. (All this after getting a great parking spot lol!)

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We had about 30 minutes to lunch time upon entering the park, so we just wandered around the entrance - paying a little more attention to some of the details we often hustle past. Although it was only 71 degrees, it was nearly pure sunshine and wonderfully warm.

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It seems like nothing, but it was a nice time!

At 2pm, we checked in for our 2:15 lunch at Tony’s, and looked around in the shop next door as we waited for our text.

A few things seemed relevant for the day.

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I 💕 disco Mickey! 🪩
Pixie dust is all over you guys!😊 Ohh crowds look sparse.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Gurrrl, I got stories - especially one that kind of freaked us out (in a good way) last night, but some of you may think we’re nuts.

But first…back to lunch.

I was suddenly starving lol. We were seated on time, and the interior of Tony’s was cute. Lots of Lady & The Tramp stuff. Very “my Disney childhood.”

We never heard good reviews about Tony’s. Just recently I started reading it had gotten “better.” We looked at the menu and I was between the chicken parm and the short rib, but leaning parm.

As our host seated us, he asked if we’d been there before. I said in all these years, no, and it’s named after me! (😆) He said, “It will be your new favorite.” I mean, that’s a bold prediction lol.

He said he’s worked there for years and always said his favorite was the chicken parm. I said great, that’s where I was leaning. He continued: “…until recently, when they added the short rib. Now that’s my favorite.”

Of course, Brian says let’s get both (plus two Pinot Grigios. So we did the eat half and switch plates thing.


I started with the chicken parm. I thought it was very good. The marinara was not sweet - I consider that a good thing. Too many restaurants put sugar in it. But I could have used a little more. (I’m saucy! 😉) Brian said he liked the short rib. We switched.

Our server was a little stiff. He had a bad line we heard him use on multiple tables: “Everything still tasting good here?” No, we got halfway through and the flavor changed! 🤣🤣 (sarcasm.) He did come by and notice, “You guys pulled the old switcheroo, huh?” Yep.

B enjoyed the chicken but thought it was a little dry. I enjoyed the short rib but thought it was just ok. I thought it tasted more liked pot roast (which I like.) It had pepperoni on it, which was kind of odd. Brian suggested pairing it with the potatoes, which made more sense.

So my honest review (as an Italian who is a tough judge with Italian restaurants but had realistic expectations) it was good. I would have thought better of it had I only eaten the chicken. I would have thought “one & done” had I only eaten the short rib. I can see a late dinner reservation here on MK nights.

I do think it was a good choice for Valentine’s Day! On the way out, I tried to take a selfie with L&T in the background.


A CM saw us and offered to retake it.


He didn’t tell me I was standing in front of L&T 😆 but thank you!

He offered to take another in front of the fountain.


What fountain? 🤣🤣🤣 But we appreciate the thought. (He took 2 shots here, and B’s eyes were closed in both.)

I always have to sanitize my phone after someone touches it. 😆

I thought my selfie accidentally came out the best!

But why did I text this to Brian during the meal?



Premium Member
Gurrrl, I got stories - especially one that kind of freaked us out (in a good way) last night, but some of you may think we’re nuts.

But first…back to lunch.

I was suddenly starving lol. We were seated on time, and the interior of Tony’s was cute. Lots of Lady & The Tramp stuff. Very “my Disney childhood.”

We never heard good reviews about Tony’s. Just recently I started reading it had gotten “better.” We looked at the menu and I was between the chicken parm and the short rib, but leaning parm.

As our host seated us, he asked if we’d been there before. I said in all these years, no, and it’s named after me! (😆) He said, “It will be your new favorite.” I mean, that’s a bold prediction lol.

He said he’s worked there for years and always said his favorite was the chicken parm. I said great, that’s where I was leaning. He continued: “…until recently, when they added the short rib. Now that’s my favorite.”

Of course, Brian says let’s get both (plus two Pinot Grigios. So we did the eat half and switch plates thing.

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I started with the chicken parm. I thought it was very good. The marinara was not sweet - I consider that a good thing. Too many restaurants put sugar in it. But I could have used a little more. (I’m saucy! 😉) Brian said he liked the short rib. We switched.

Our server was a little stiff. He had a bad line we heard him use on multiple tables: “Everything still tasting good here?” No, we got halfway through and the flavor changed! 🤣🤣 (sarcasm.) He did come by and notice, “You guys pulled the old switcheroo, huh?” Yep.

B enjoyed the chicken but thought it was a little dry. I enjoyed the short rib but thought it was just ok. I thought it tasted more liked pot roast (which I like.) It had pepperoni on it, which was kind of odd. Brian suggested pairing it with the potatoes, which made more sense.

So my honest review (as an Italian who is a tough judge with Italian restaurants but had realistic expectations) it was good. I would have thought better of it had I only eaten the chicken. I would have thought “one & done” had I only eaten the short rib. I can see a late dinner reservation here on MK nights.

I do think it was a good choice for Valentine’s Day! On the way out, I tried to take a selfie with L&T in the background.

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A CM saw us and offered to retake it.

View attachment 768542

He didn’t tell me I was standing in front of L&T 😆 but thank you!

He offered to take another in front of the fountain.

View attachment 768543

What fountain? 🤣🤣🤣 But we appreciate the thought. (He took 2 shots here, and B’s eyes were closed in both.)

I always have to sanitize my phone after someone touches it. 😆

I thought my selfie accidentally came out the best!

But why did I text this to Brian during the meal?

View attachment 768545
Good to know about Tony’s. We’ve never eaten there either. I think we kinda forget about it being there. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Well-Known Member
Using the principles of keeping it simple, staying warm, and taking advantage of the resort where you already are, we booked Sebastian’s at CBR. (Darlene had already let us know the fireworks weren’t happening, so that made the decision easier and it made more sense to stay close.)

The last time we ate at Sebastian’s, it was not prix fixe. Now it was. Shouldn’t make much difference. Either way, it was better than the old version of the place called Shutter’s (aka Shudders. 😆) I kid. Shutter’s wasn’t even that bad.

When the server came around to explain how the menu worked, you know how it went: I had to ask about dessert for Brian. I expected a response similar to our Be Our Guest experience - sorbet, etc.

Instead, the young man reacted almost incredulously, with kind of an “are you crazy?” tone. “Sugar free for dessert? I don’t know, man, maybe some fruit or something. I mean I can ask the chef, but I don’t think so.”

Knowing I knew better than this ignorant person, I shot back, “Well, fruit is pretty much all sugar, so that would make no sense. Yes, please ask the chef.” And we ordered our drinks. I was fairly confident the chef knew more than the server and would come up with something.

I ordered a version of an old-fashioned with “pig” in the name that was supposed to come with bacon (garnish.) It did not. Brian had another beer (grapefruit.)

The server returned, again with this kind of snicker, “Yeah, the chef can’t do anything except fruit.” Like, “I was right, I can’t believe you would even ask for sugar free dessert.”

Now you see why I am the one who asks. Brian prefers not to mention it at all. I was annoyed at this point.

It wasn’t so much the lack of option, it was the attitude, like no diabetics had ever dined there before. I had no issue with Rose & Crown the night before, who just offered a simple, “I’m sorry, we don’t have anything” without sounding like the request was insane.

Our runner came out with the bread service, and explained the onion jam and the guava paste (which he preferred mixed together.) It was night and day, the friendliness of the runner vs. the server. The bread was great, like last time. But I was already so turned off, I didn’t take pictures at all.

I wasn’t going to be moody during the meal, but I barely acknowledged the server again.

The food was decent, served family style. There was some nice mojo pork, a sliced steak (like London broil but spiced for the theme) chicken legs & thigh, and sides of rice, beans, carrots, broccoli, etc. I may be forgetting something because…no pics lol.

What I didn’t know is while this is not advertised as all you care to enjoy, you may ask for seconds of certain things, similar to what we did with the skillets at wilderness Lodge on a recent trip. So we asked for more steak and more pork. Cool.

When it got down to the dessert, I suggested we could either take it to go, or take it off the bill, because I wasn’t going to sit and eat dessert in front of Brian while he went without.

We took it to go. It was a kind of tropical bread pudding. I told Brian I’d eat it at the room.

Without missing a beat, he said, “We’ll have dessert together. My husband already got me a mango cheesecake that’s in the fridge.”

I had forgotten about that. (And that’s how I didn’t come to share the 2nd mango cheesecake 🤣) The bread pudding was good, too.
I'm so sorry to hear that the server was so rude! What's insane is that he hadn't encountered a diabetic patron before. Even if he hadn't that was such a rude thing to say.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
(Yes, I just noticed the female dog is the one blocked in both pics. Because I needed more weirdness.)

Our table was admittedly in an odd spot - kind of diagonal, but up against the back wall, where I guess the wall was diagonal (?) To my left (my back was to the wall) the next table was pretty far away. There was a couple finishing up there, having their picture taken, nice red & white checkered tablecloth. Very few other tables had a tablecloth. Ours didn’t.

Valentine’s Day can be a little odd when people assume we are just friends or whatever. Maybe we should make out in public. 😉😂

To our right was a family of at least 6, including kids. I grew up taking care of kids, I kind of block out normal kid sounds naturally (unless they’re crying or misbehaving.)

They were misbehaving.

There was not enough room for a human to fit between our two tables. (Not their fault.)

First, their little girl squeezed through, putting her hand on my area of the table. I know you all love your kiddos, but I’m only half kidding when I say that they carry as much germs as pigeons. 😉😉 Brian and I exchanged glances.

While they continued being loud and obnoxious, their little boy (bigger than the girl) tried the same move and slammed into our table, moving it over. I stared incredulously at Brian and said out loud, “That’s two.” The mom (nearest me) seemed oblivious and didn’t correct either of them.

You know there’s another side of your table, right!?

In all seriousness, it wasn’t a big deal, just part of my “parents don’t know how to parent these days” and “no respect” narratives.

Thats when I texted Brian. He laughed.

After we left, he told me that when the kid knocked our table, the father made eye contact with Brian and did the up and down praying hands move, like, “I’m sorry” or “Managgia mia!” (He thought they seemed Italian.)

Full, satisfied, happy, we basked in the sun for a moment. I thought about taking a train ride just because it had been awhile. I floated the idea. But our room ready text had come during lunch, and B wanted to check it out. I concurred.

Port Orleans, French Quarter, here we come! 💕


Premium Member
(Yes, I just noticed the female dog is the one blocked in both pics. Because I needed more weirdness.)

Our table was admittedly in an odd spot - kind of diagonal, but up against the back wall, where I guess the wall was diagonal (?) To my left (my back was to the wall) the next table was pretty far away. There was a couple finishing up there, having their picture taken, nice red & white checkered tablecloth. Very few other tables had a tablecloth. Ours didn’t.

Valentine’s Day can be a little odd when people assume we are just friends or whatever. Maybe we should make out in public. 😉😂

To our right was a family of at least 6, including kids. I grew up taking care of kids, I kind of block out normal kid sounds naturally (unless they’re crying or misbehaving.)

They were misbehaving.

There was not enough room for a human to fit between our two tables. (Not their fault.)

First, their little girl squeezed through, putting her hand on my area of the table. I know you all love your kiddos, but I’m only half kidding when I say that they carry as much germs as pigeons. 😉😉 Brian and I exchanged glances.

While they continued being loud and obnoxious, their little boy (bigger than the girl) tried the same move and slammed into our table, moving it over. I stared incredulously at Brian and said out loud, “That’s two.” The mom (nearest me) seemed oblivious and didn’t correct either of them.

You know there’s another side of your table, right!?

In all seriousness, it wasn’t a big deal, just part of my “parents don’t know how to parent these days” and “no respect” narratives.

Thats when I texted Brian. He laughed.

After we left, he told me that when the kid knocked our table, the father made eye contact with Brian and did the up and down praying hands move, like, “I’m sorry” or “Managgia mia!” (He thought they seemed Italian.)

Full, satisfied, happy, we basked in the sun for a moment. I thought about taking a train ride just because it had been awhile. I floated the idea. But our room ready text had come during lunch, and B wanted to check it out. I concurred.

Port Orleans, French Quarter, here we come! 💕
Oh my goodness! At least the Dad acknowledged the incidents. I have the same narrative. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yayyy POFQ!! 😊

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just avoid room 7345. I hear it has a leaky toilet. 😉😘

But I thought they replaced it?!

We got 7131. There’s that 13 again. My lucky numbers are 13, 3, 31. (My bday is the 31st.) Kylie passed on 1/13. I keep seeing those numbers everywhere. Every ride: row 3. Seated at table 33. The whole bit. My Grandma would tell me to play the lottery lol.

It was an easy drive from MK to POFQ. We had been here before, but not stayed here. We visited Tu and Em at the pool bar once. And that one time, many years ago, when we stayed at Riverside, the shuttle dropped us off at POFQ by mistake. Brian reminded me how long it took to walk with our old, crummy suitcases from one to the other!

We went directly to our room, and we were pleased with all of it.


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