News TRON Lightcycle Run Standby Line and Lighting Lane status

Riviera Rita

Well-Known Member
We’ve been lucky enough to ride this three times. Twice on Monday, once on Wednesday. Monday we had LL and boarding group 6. My daughter also has DAS (will be important later). We showed up at the 45 minute mark of our boarding group being called. I told the we had DAS and they said that we had to stand in the queue which conflicted with what we were told earlier. We stood in line for an hour and the queue was entertaining which was good. When we got off the ride we got in the lightnining lane line and we were half an hour late. The very rude CM told us we were late and that we couldn’t ride. I explained we were late because of the other line and she told us we weren’t allowed to have bothered VQ and LL. I explained I paid over $80 and we were riding. After rolling her eyes she directed me To a blue shirt who had to call
Someone to get approval for us to ride. I explained that if they allowed us to use the DAS like we were supposed to this wouldn’t have been an issue. Long story short the ride is great but the CMs need to get their act together regarding a number of issues

It's you. Traditionally Disney allowed guests to ride any time after their VQ was called, up to park closing.
Guests who are reacting to the change in policy aren't entitled in the sense you use the word. They feel entitled to rely on past policy.

Guests are being called prior to park opening. Sometimes ride window expires prior to time estimated when VQ is granted.

Guests are entitled to be able to plan their day. VQ return windows should be extended to at least an hour after park opening and to at least the time projected when their VQ is granted.
You have an hour's grace from your call time, we are talking people not arriving until 3 hours afterwards then going potty when they are refused entry. Meanwhile there are people who missed out on a place in the VQ who would have been organised enough to get to the VQ when called, but, hey! It's all about you and your lack of being able to organise yourself or feeling of entitlement to be able to ride at night when you have a 2pm call time. If everyone decided to be as entitled as the posters on here then it would be a massive shambles and even more people having a tizzy with CMs just doing their underpaid job.


Well-Known Member
You also got the blue light if you were a few hours past the suggested return time.

I understand the reasons for treating Tron differently.

Guests should have a grace period at least an hour, preferably 2, after park opening. Guests should gave a grace period at least to the time projected when the got their VQ.

That allows guests to plan their day and avoids guests waiting until evening to ride.

Alternatively go back to only offering VQ to guests who have already tapped in.

Edited to add...Soft opening, some guests waited 45 minutes before getting to tap point. They had a legit argument.
Expecting the same policy as GotG isn being entitled, it's bad communication by Disney.

The problem with AP previews were the number of guests who arrived early.
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Well-Known Member
You have an hour's grace from your call time, we are talking people not arriving until 3 hours afterwards then going potty when they are refused entry. Meanwhile there are people who missed out on a place in the VQ who would have been organised enough to get to the VQ when called, but, hey! It's all about you and your lack of being able to organise yourself or feeling of entitlement to be able to ride at night when you have a 2pm call time. If everyone decided to be as entitled as the posters on here then it would be a massive shambles and even more people having a tizzy with CMs just doing their underpaid job.
I don’t quite understand your point. We were in the VQ at the correct time and should have been able to use the LL because of my daughter’s DAS but weren’t allowed to. We then were 30 minutes late for the lightning lane that I paid $80 and would not have been late if we had been able to use DAS as the CM later confirmed. I guess it is all about me doing the right thing and Disney screwing up. I’m curious what you would have done differently since when we got to the ride it was too early to get in the lightning lane because my time hadn’t arrived yet. Perhaps before calling me entitled you should spend more time reading and less time being outraged.


Is it me or are there a lot of very entitled people on here?
You get your boarding group number you turn up when called and you ride, simple! Why are you complaining when you get refused for very valid reasons like turning up 3 hours late? I did the GOTG VQ three times on my trip in November, I turned up when called got on the ride and rode it. The first day my estimated time was 6pm, I panicked because I had a ticket for MVMCP that night, but, I kept an eye on the app and saw the boarding time get earlier and earlier and when I saw the time get down to 15 minutes I headed over to the ride, I did the same the third time, the second day I was in BG2 and was there at 8.45am and only six people were in line, 5 were in the back cars and I was alone in the front one. If you stick with the plan it works.
If you have plans that you made 60 days ago and your VQ clashes with it then tough luck and the CM probably asked for your dining receipt because they have people trying every excuse in the book when they can't be organised enough to be able to get in line at a time they were aware of at 7am. If you turn up a couple of hours late because you want to ride it at night and get refused, tough luck.
For on-property and local friends, it’s easy! I would always make sure to be at my boarding group on time. But I live an hour and a half away, and traffic on I-4 can balloon that to 2 hours. So if we get a 1-20 boarding group, we need to get out on the road by 7:30 for Tron. We also have pets at home, so we can’t stay for the whole day. But when we make a dining reservation for lunch or dinner or plan to see the fireworks, the VQ time isn’t quite helpful. When we were late to Rise one time, the CM said as long as we have a group, it was fine. This relieved us but when Tron didn’t allow this, the stress came back. Some may say just go to the 1:00pm drop in the park. Yesterday we did this and left at 10:30 and got into the park at 12:50 to get a VQ. We stayed for Harmonious as well, so yesterday was pushing our time limits. It’s not an inconvenience for resort and local guests, but for the people that drive and live at least an hour away, it’s a struggle. A possible solution to this would submitting a “preferred times” when confirming your party.

Riviera Rita

Well-Known Member
I feel people aren't understanding the point of having times for VQ groups. One said that you could go on any time after your group is called, but, think about it - your group is one of the early ones, so you get called at 9am, so are you saying you can join the line any time after 9am to park closing? Then what is the point of having the call times? Then you have a ride that is considered a better experience after dark, so you have people who has got into a VQ group deciding they will wait the however many hours to go join the line so they can ride at night meaning the lines will be extra long then. The point of the VQ is to make sure the lines don't get stupid silly like the 6,7 or 8 hours that rides like Frozen and FoP experienced in their openings. Because that is what you would looking at if there was no VQ as well as the rope drop stampede where people run like heck and take no notice of CMs telling them not to. But, hey, if you decide to go to Disney for the day from your home a couple of hours away and plan to use the VQ then think ahead just in case you get the early group. As for leaving your pets all day? Seriously? I regularly leave my cats alone all day with plenty of food and water and what about asking a neighbour to check on your dog or pay the neighbours kid $5 to walk it?
I'm not changing my view on entitlement, so deal with it.


I feel people aren't understanding the point of having times for VQ groups. One said that you could go on any time after your group is called, but, think about it - your group is one of the early ones, so you get called at 9am, so are you saying you can join the line any time after 9am to park closing? Then what is the point of having the call times? Then you have a ride that is considered a better experience after dark, so you have people who has got into a VQ group deciding they will wait the however many hours to go join the line so they can ride at night meaning the lines will be extra long then. The point of the VQ is to make sure the lines don't get stupid silly like the 6,7 or 8 hours that rides like Frozen and FoP experienced in their openings. Because that is what you would looking at if there was no VQ as well as the rope drop stampede where people run like heck and take no notice of CMs telling them not to. But, hey, if you decide to go to Disney for the day from your home a couple of hours away and plan to use the VQ then think ahead just in case you get the early group. As for leaving your pets all day? Seriously? I regularly leave my cats alone all day with plenty of food and water and what about asking a neighbour to check on your dog or pay the neighbours kid $5 to walk it?
I'm not changing my view on entitlement, so deal with it.
Okay, no worries! I understand your point. Life will be life at the end of the day it’s a ride haha.


Well-Known Member
I feel people aren't understanding the point of having times for VQ groups. One said that you could go on any time after your group is called, but, think about it - your group is one of the early ones, so you get called at 9am, so are you saying you can join the line any time after 9am to park closing? Then what is the point of having the call times? Then you have a ride that is considered a better experience after dark, so you have people who has got into a VQ group deciding they will wait the however many hours to go join the line so they can ride at night meaning the lines will be extra long then. The point of the VQ is to make sure the lines don't get stupid silly like the 6,7 or 8 hours that rides like Frozen and FoP experienced in their openings. Because that is what you would looking at if there was no VQ as well as the rope drop stampede where people run like heck and take no notice of CMs telling them not to. But, hey, if you decide to go to Disney for the day from your home a couple of hours away and plan to use the VQ then think ahead just in case you get the early group. As for leaving your pets all day? Seriously? I regularly leave my cats alone all day with plenty of food and water and what about asking a neighbour to check on your dog or pay the neighbours kid $5 to walk it?
I'm not changing my view on entitlement, so deal with it.
Are you happy with the virtual queue, and is it the most efficient way to ride rides at WDW? If it is then why hasn’t Disney switched to a Volcano Bay system? They’re hurting their guests!

Or you can accept that the VQ is a needless annoyance to guests with the aim of keeping costs down (no long lines at close, no need to staff extra people at the new ride to deal with crowds, increase demand for LL by artificially limiting riders) that is detrimental to all guests.

Riviera Rita

Well-Known Member
It looks like I touched a nerve here, but, I heard every excuse in the book when I was in management and although I never said it myself I was told very early on in my career by my own manager that I should put as much effort into being organised as I did into coming up with excuses and that was one of the best pieces of advice I ever had. People call it overplanning, but, at least I get things done and get to do things I want to do as well.
'No long lines' Well, Hallelujah to that!
We are locals; we built our house behind Magic Kingdom. Ever since Rise, then Rat, then Guardians we’ve always just booked a VQ and showed up whenever we were free that day. I’ve been seven hours after my boarding group has been called and the policy has always been the same. Since 2020 when you were able to book Rise from home at 7am (just needed a DHS reservation for the day) the policy has been the same.

This isn’t about guest entitlement. It’s about consistency and guest service. The boarding group call back estimates are insanely inaccurate and a guest should not be faulted for planning their day around the estimated callback time. Disney already makes it difficult by having to micromanage and plan every minute of your day in the parks, but now with Tron there is a problem? It’s absolutely ridiculous.

As others have pointed out, Magic Kingdom is already a difficult park to access. That isn’t the guests fault. The boarding group call back estimates are wildly inaccurate. That isn’t the guests fault. The inconsistent policies regarding boarding groups and attractions, & day to day operational changes are not the guest fault.
It’s not entitlement.

What we’ve been doing is booking multiple MK reservations. We will get a boarding group at 7am and if we decide that we can’t make it in time or don’t want to head to the park so early, we’ll just remove ourselves from our group and go to the park later.
Then we’ll get to MK by 1pm and obtain a boarding group at that time. That way we are definitely already inside the park and we don’t have a chance of being late. We’ve been doing this the past two weekends and have had no issues getting boarding groups every time. After we ride Tron we head back home.

While not ideal, and I’m grateful to live so close, this method has been working for us.

We also have DAS. I’ve not had any issues with DAS and Tron. I don’t know if we’ve just been lucky. Once our boarding group is called, we just go straight up the ramp to the cm’s with iPad’s and let them know that our group has been called and that we have DAS. They confirm everything and convert us to LL. Then we head to the LL entrance with no issue. I personally think that DAS should have a greater return window. Some people have disabilities that prevent them from getting places at certain times.

We rode Tron initially at Shanghai in 2017, so we’ve been looking forward to the attraction opening up at WDW. Our cm friends invited us to a cast preview and we also did the AP preview. There is a significant change in the attitude of the Tron cm’s between cm preview and AP preview, and then this past week. I’ve never encountered such rudeness. I go out of my way to be kind to everyone, as I know they have a tough job. I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for them to take verbal abuse from guests these past two weeks, but clearly there is a problem. Leadership needs to support their cast and have consistent policies and consistent rules. It’s not fair to the cm’s and it’s not fair to the guests.

The whole thing has been a mess and I hope they get it sorted out soon. If not, then the leaders who make these decisions should be the ones getting screamed at by guests, not the frontline cm’s.


Well-Known Member
Guests should have a grace period at least an hour, preferably 2, after park opening. Guests should gave a grace period at least to the time projected when the got their VQ.

That allows guests to plan their day and avoids guests waiting until evening to ride.
This seems a reasonable policy that would avoid many of the problems with VQ. The other thing would be for Disney to get better at estimating return times. Even after a year with GotG estimated times at 7am are way off.


Premium Member
Final Day 14 Stats (4/2) [Day 14/14 soft openings/previews]:
7am: 3.6 secs
1pm: 1.7 secs

BG 56 (-38) is the last BG called for the day at 2pm (3 hours earlier than yesterday).

Notable stoppages: None

Average pace: 6mins/BG

VQ Drop Mean/Average:
7am: 3.6s -> 3.6s (+0)
1pm: 7.6s -> 4.6s (-3.0s)

That does it for Day 14 of TRON Lightcycle / Run! And that concludes the soft openings and previews for the ride! Ride officially opens on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.


Premium Member
There were 14 days of soft openings and previews available to all guests that had a valid MK park reservation from March 20 to April 2, 2023.

The morning 7am drop hovered around 3-4 secs on most days, while the afternoon 1pm drop fluctuated a lot. On its last day of soft openings/previews, it reached its lowest yet with 1.7 secs due to an early 3pm closure that day. Why bother to have a afternoon drop if the last call will be at 2pm?

Tron Lightcyle / Run officially opens this coming Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
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Well-Known Member
Or you can accept that the VQ is a needless annoyance to guests with the aim of keeping costs down (no long lines at close, no need to staff extra people at the new ride to deal with crowds, increase demand for LL by artificially limiting riders) that is detrimental to all guests.
I would be curious to know if fewer staff are needed to operate a virtual queue than would be needed to manage a 180 minute queue...

Typically at Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind, there are at least four CMs and a manager at the entry tap points. Did Flight of Passage or Mickey ever have that many crowd control CMs? Flight of Passage has several queue breaks when the line gest longer than 120 minutes. But Tron wouldn't need that, I don't think, due to the configuration of the entry ramps. So I don't think it I a labor saving technique. But I am willing to be convinced otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Traditionally the cast members wouldn’t even know you were late. If you enter Guardians before your number has been called it would illuminate blue and inform the cast member you were early. You would be turned away. If you enter guardians hours after your time as elapsed it would illuminate green and the cast member would have no idea you were late.

There’s a couple reasons they are handling Tron differently
This is not true. I have gotten to Guardians late and have received the blue lane, that CMs always let you in with.


Well-Known Member
It looks like I touched a nerve here, but, I heard every excuse in the book when I was in management and although I never said it myself I was told very early on in my career by my own manager that I should put as much effort into being organised as I did into coming up with excuses and that was one of the best pieces of advice I ever had. People call it overplanning, but, at least I get things done and get to do things I want to do as well.
'No long lines' Well, Hallelujah to that!
The return "deadline" for GotG was a request, nothing more then a suggestion. Guests weren't asked for a reason. No excuse necessary.

A change of policy should be communicated.

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