Trip Report feb 12-15


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

I just got back, here is the first part of th e report:

Feb 12: arrive at all star Music, check in, Brad(earning his ears) gives us the wrong room number. We find our room, and then go to MK. It was desserted! Went on PotC, SM, BTMRR, then HM. The CM there are great, especially John or Josh ( I think thats his name) Went to TL, 10 minut wait for SpaceMt, so me and my sister go on it, That is a wicked ride!!! Went on BTMRR, SM, HM a couple of more times, than back to the Hotel.

NOTES: All FedEx references have been removed from SpaceMt, but Guide maps still stay 'presented by FedEx'. Diamond Horse shoe is closed 'for refurbishment'. Avoid the FL fry cart as much as you can, the seagulls there are KILLER! At guest relation windows there is a sticker in the corner that says 'Disney Visa:____, _____, Magic.' I also spoted a AL CM on Main Street, isnt that what utilidors are for?

later Epcot....


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Day 2 Epcot:

We wake up around 7:30, go to the food court and have some french toast and lemonade. I noticed someone using mugs from the 25 Anniversiary! We take the bus to Epcot, go through the security checks... We get in and go on SSE. AT&T signs are still up. The safety warnings are not as bad as I thought they would be. We go to Test Track, it had a 5 minute wait, go on it twice. Then we looked at M:s, it looks reallt cool!!! Next we went to WoL for the first time. Body wars was good( and really retro!) After that we went to Mouse Gear, and I got an 82 EPCOT shirt. Did anybody else notice that the WoL symbol is not on the grey shirt? We had lunch at the Land. The chicken strips are awesome. Next, IMAGINATION!, the new ride was OK, then we went to HISTA. Me and my sister split from my dad to go visit world showcase.
We meet up with him around 1, and watched American Adventure. My sister and I then take the monorail to MK. The MK monorail loop was closed so we had to take the boat. At the security check the person in front of us was being an a$$. He kept asking if the checks were because of the 'high' level of terror attacks, and then told the CM he could be hiding stuff in his shoes. All of this in front of kids waiting to get in! He should have not been allowed in the park. Did all our favourite rides, and headed back to the hotel.

NOTES: American Express in longer found on the American Adventure sign, but is still mentioned on the Guide maps. The Mexican ride really needs a rehab! At MK saw more CM in the wrong land. Fantasyland costumes dont fit in with Tomorrowland! CoP and TK were open.

Tomorrow: Disney MGM Studioes...
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Well-Known Member
Can't wait to hear more! I love reading these especially cause I'm usually listening to Live365 and it makes me remember all the fun of walking into the parks for the firsttime on a trip to WDW! ahhhhhh.........
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New Member
Originally posted by castlecake2.0
Hi all!

I also spoted a AL CM on Main Street, isnt that what utilidors are for?

later Epcot....

there are exceptions.....parades....lost children escorts....first aid close's on hard tic event nights.....ect ect

i have been on main street many times in a Splash or Thunder Costume. All were for valid reasons like the ones mentioned aboved.
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We arrive at MGM around 8:30 and walk up hollywood blvd. We were going to be sneaky and go out the side doors that exit onto sunset blvd of the store near the hub. There was about 10 of us waiting there, but then a CM told us we would have to enter the park from the street. The park opens and we rush to TOT and RnRC. After that we go on 1MD. Really cool, thats the 2nd time Ive seen it, and there is still stuff i have not seen! Next we went on the Animation tour, and got to see some new movies in production. After a snack we went on Sounds Dangerous! If u have not seen this attraction, you should because it was excellent. After that we head over to the MK again! I was starting to remember some of the CM and their names. FL CastMember do you know Adam at Splash Mt? My sister and I split from our Dad and go to 2morrowland, and low and behold CoP was open! We ran over and rode it, got our dad rode it again, then went on the TK, which was pretty good, it was the 1st time i have ever been on it. Rode HM, Splash Mt, big thunder was closed. Not sure why??? Went to HM again and there was a custodial CM standing near the turnstiles directing people to fill in all 'dead space'. They were really pushing you through the ride! The hall after the streching room was completely full of people waiting to get in line. It was getting close to closing so we decided to head back to the hotel. Tomorrow is our last day.

NOTES: I could here noises coming from the side doors of the diamond horseshoe. Sounded like some1 was doing dishes??? Spanish safety spiels have been added to the WDWRR. The SplashMt, BTMRR area becomes very crowded, make sure to hold onto little ones hands!

Later.... the last day!
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New Member
Sounds like you had a great time.
And also i got one of those Epcot retro t-shirts.I think they are really neat and i wear it all the time.:)
Sounds like crowds were pretty good.
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Now, the last day:

We wake up really early and go to the food court for some food. Me and my sister are going to Animal Kingdom while my dad is packing everything. We get to AK at about 8:45, and everything was already open, but it wasnt supposed to open till 9!?!? We head over to Dinoland and go on PrimeavleWhirl. It was pretty good! The CM let us go around again because there was no one in line. The only thing I dont like about that ride is when you evit the right track it takes forever to get out of the que. We go to Its tough to be a bug next. Im almost 16, and some of the effects scared me! So make sure if you take children on it they are not startled by things that 'go bump in the night'! Then we walk through Aisa and go to Kilimonjaro Safaries. Didnt use FP, there wasnt much of a line. Saw lots of animals!!!! Our Safari Guide didnt use the Disney point:eek: After that it is time to head over to Epcot to meet our Dad.

We took the bus to the TTC, then the Epcot Monorail. We still had some time b4 we had to meet my dad, so we went on SSE. We walk over to Canada and spot my dad near the refresnment port. as we walk up to him a man asks him to take a ficture of him and his girlfriend near the WS Lagoon. My dad is just about to take the picture and then..............

the man gets down on one knee and asks his GF to mary him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Disney Magic!!!
After that we head over to Living Seas. Its a pretty good pavillion, it was my 1st time in it. The movie could be updates though. We get a few more photos and decide to end our holiday at the MK.

When we get to MK we go on all the usual rides: SplashMt, BTMRR, and HM. Make sure you do up your shoelaces at HM! A little girl got them caught in the conveyor belt and stopped the ride for about 10 minutes. We watched a bit of SpectroMagic. Those 'spectro men' are creepy! Next we went on JC, our guide was really funny! When we passed the airplane she says: 'Uh-oh, a downed plane, that could only mean one thing....HIPPOS, and if they down a plane, just imagine what they can do to our boat!' That was hilarious! We go for our traditional last ride on HM, and I get a picture with the CM out front. We meet our dad on MainST, and get some pop while we watch everyone leave. We head back to the hotel and get some sleep.

We leave for Ontario at around 8, and drive straight-through home, we arrive in ajax the next morn at 7.

And that was our holiday! If anybody has any questions about anything, just ask!

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Originally posted by devilred
Sounds like you had a great time.
And also i got one of those Epcot retro t-shirts.I think they are really neat and i wear it all the time.:)
Sounds like crowds were pretty good.

Yup, i agree there wicked shirts. My mission for that trip was to get one!

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New Member
Sounds like you had a blast.. now it's going to be painful waiting the 10 days till our trip. My only question, if you left Florida at 8pm how did you arrive home at 7am. I live about an hour from Ajax, and even driving straight through it usually takes us 20-24 hours... how did you do it in 11??? Just curious...:)
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Originally posted by aj_macack
Sounds like you had a blast.. now it's going to be painful waiting the 10 days till our trip. My only question, if you left Florida at 8pm how did you arrive home at 7am. I live about an hour from Ajax, and even driving straight through it usually takes us 20-24 hours... how did you do it in 11??? Just curious...:)

We left at 8am on sunday, and got home 7am monday:) It took us longer than usual to get back though because of the snowstorm in the northern U.S.. What part of Ontario do you live in, if you dont mind me asking? Hope you have a great time on your trip!!!

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New Member
Sorry 'bout that... i thought you meant that you left at night not that morning... yeah that would be awful to drive in the snowstorm... bakc in 94 we drove home throught the famous New York ice storm... my parents couldn't understand why no one was on the highway and why all the exits were blocked... we had been listening to tapes and didn't know that all the highways were closed because of the storm... oops!!!!:lol:
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