Well-Known Member
I think pay vs responsibility/phisical danger have very little to do with each other.This is going to sound harsh, so don't take it the wrong way. I'm just going to give you a sense of what I feel is reality. You may disagree, but I think I'm right.
People might like your post and it sure sounds good, but this is America, not a communist country. Pay scale is generally commensurate with job responsibility. This applies to CEO of a top 50 company.You don't like Iger? I don't either, but he's helped lead the way in making shareholders billions and billions of dollars. He's the big dog, so gets most of the credit and yes, the money.
With tens of thousands of hourly employees, an extra couple bucks an hour just for charity is real to the bottom line. Companies still exist primarily to make money. Don't like it? Find another job. Sorry, but that's life and it's not Disney or any other company's responsibility to pay you a wage that you feel is right. You have freedom and other options. Again, this is absolutely not just Disney.
Don't like evil corporations, their hiring practices, and rich management? Boycott their products and start with A for Apple.
Take a wild stab at what a professional photographer gets paid to drive a $300,000 Satellite Truck into the most dangerous neighborhoods at 3:30am.