Treasure Planet ride from Rocket Rods at DL

Mr D

New Member
Original Poster
Yes, thats the idea, retheme the old Rocket Rods building, design a solar-sail craft for the vehicles. Maybe like a futuristic boat with light cannons to interact with oncoming asteroids. Pretty much like the Buzz Lightyear ride at WDW. Basically like Buzz ride with the points counters and it would work for the peoplemover ride structure as long as the speed was kept down like the way it used to be.

I am editing this a bit to add another idea that the theme of TP may not be neccessary, it very well could be a futuristic POC, with cyborg pirates, robots and basically everything but the name TP in it.

Could it become Pirates of the Galaxies?
Pirates of the Cosmos (POC again...)
Galactic Treasure Adventure?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Treasure Planet was big a flop at the movies. This would not make a good ride since the movie did very poorly at the box office. Sounds interesting though.:)


Well-Known Member
Don't know how the lasters would work on the exterior, outside track of the old Rocket Rods...

It's certainly a far from impossible idea...

But's its improbable..

TP didn't do too good... A nice generic ride might work well, however. And just how would the asteroids come flying out? Suspended from strings on the ceiling? Hung up around the track? If the vehicles are going slow, it will take some sort of effect to produce the hurtling asteroid effect... Which might entail another overhanging track above the existing one...

Mr D

New Member
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What about having interactive screens on each car, like a movie type of video game? These could be part of a trek to find the hidden treasure, a storyline in essence. When the cars enter the buildings is when other things happen. The ride is all about each car finding the lost planet, make the right moves and you are teleported to Treasure Planet, wrong moves and you wind up elsewhere.

Its not at a reason that TP did poorly, its a really good theme to add to TL.

The movie about the Tower of Terror was not the best by many around, does that mean tear down TOT and cancell the one at DCA?

And when was the last Indiana Jones movie made? shall we retheme that ride?

Dinosaur was not a big hit, remove that ride at WDW?

And what about Star Tours......

Granted Atlantis was poor quality that IMHO was due to the style of animation trying to mimick Bluths films.

If everybody was to fit TP along similar lines of Disney type of films that were success then why don't we have a Tarzan ride? or Lion King? Or Toy Story?

Treasure planet has imagination, fantasy and it evolved from a story that has been around a long time with a successful movie history. It has a potential either as Treasure Island for a re-build of Tom Sawyers Island or as the futuristic version in TL as Treasure Planet. WDW can have Stitch in the Terrestrial show, but RR the building, the track begs for something of use and honestly do we really want it sitting empty for the next 20 years?


Well-Known Member
You could add a story to it, yes... With little scenes and all... However, with this type of technology, you might have to scrap the old Rocket Rods track itself, put in a different track, and maybe extend the track beyond where it travels now, like little offshoots and horizontal loops... If there are "wrong" moves, this extra track will compensate for them... In addition, this ride might turn out to utilize more of an Indy/Dinosaur-type ride system, because #1 it might have to dodge asteroids, #2 the action and the outcome of the ride depends on guest interaction (it might not just follow a single track) #3 it will need periods of "high"speed and "low" speed as it travels and track and encounters different show scenes, with different targets (right?) to shoot at...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Hate to break it to ya, but Disney does have a Tarzan, Toy Story, and a Lion King ride/attraction. The Tower of Terror ride was not based on the movie made by Disney a few years ago, but on the popular old Twilight Zone television show. The Dinosaur ride is not based on the movie. Infact, it was made before the movie, and got its name changed because it had some of the same dinosaur species as in the movie. Star Tours is based on all of the sucessful and popular Star Wars movies. The same thing goes for Idiana Jones as well. And ALIEN ENCOUNTER SHOULD NOT CHANGE TO A LILO AND STITCH RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alien Encounter is my most favorite ride in all of the Disney parks and it would be heart breaking ( :cry: ) if they got rid of it. The Disney parks don't base all of their rides on movies if they're Disney-made or not. Disney would be made a laghing stock of all of the companies if they made a big bucks $$$$$$ ride out of a movie that wasn't a box office hit and got poor reviews from critics.


Well-Known Member
It's a question of which came first? The chicken or the egg? THe ride or the movie?

If this attraction idea could be generalized, turned into a plot of itself, without a TP baseline, then it could be successful...

It would have to be generalized then... With a unique, exclusive story all to itself...

Mr D

New Member
Original Poster
Last I heard the building and peoplemover track is still collecting dust right?
TL needs a good sized infusion, something new but not a 2 or 3 year project, something to install inside of 2 years for the 50th anniversary.
What past Disney sci-fi or related film or idea even from yesterland is available that can be integrated into the PM/RR building/track?

Is it worth trying to copy something from TDS?
My family really like Buzz Lightyear at WDW, it was a participating or interactive experiance even though it was more of a kiddie ride, but it was fun.
And it does look like Disney is going to lose access to Pooh rights, Star Wars and possibly even anything from Pixar.

And basically TL is floundering pretty bad, it needs anything new or it will become a Disneyland Graveyard. Or is it already?

The synopsis is this, forget what TP did at the box office and instead visualize a storyline that is timeless, imaginative, captive and able to endure for say 20 or more years, well the original story has been around much longer than that and Disney holds all the rights to develope the story.

So what we have is this: An empty show and ride from RR, a viable future adventure experiance of TP, has long term potential since its timeless, Disney owns all rights to develope the storyline any way they please unlike ST where Lucas has the final say.

Bottom line of course is what the bean counters think, can it be done cheap and quick?

Do new complete vehicles need to be built, could they even be something like a Spiderman ride with 3-D technology? if so then does the track go into a building for the film scenes? what building or buildings? There are several of course existing and even nearby. Its a good sound idea and I am persisting on this.:king:
It is true that Disney does tend to recently only convert box office smashes to rides, but just because something is done does not make it the best solution.

Really ride succsess is completly different from movie success, as long as the ride is not a direct translation from the movie it will do fine.

That being said I think this would be a good replacment, I am not competly clear about the ride system you are using but I think it would be very cool if this ride could re-create the solarsail surfing scene form the movie. TP would nto really need to be tied in, but have the cars converted to look like the solarsail surf boards from the movie, the story could be you have been entered in a SolarSail Surfing Competion, the pre-show could be the preperation for the race and seeing interviews with the other more vetran competetors. The ride system then could use the same track and the Rocket Rods. The cars would look like the same SolarSail Surferboards fomr the movie but have a standing coaster restirants for 4 stagerd so that each person would get a clear shot of what ahead of them, the sail could be angled so that the stagering would not look too peculiar and each restraint would face forward on the track with the sail on the right hand side of the board. The outside portions would remain pracitally untuched except building facades would be placed on teh sides of the track so that it looked like you had flown off course ontop of buildings rahter than on a track, the indoor protions could look liek somesort of a futuristic race track and screens on the sides could have the other competetors on them, of course at the end you pull a total upset and win the race.

Just another idea based off of your concpet :)

Mr D

New Member
Original Poster
thank you for the support, even if it all fell together I doubt it would ever happen just because it was posted on the internet first by people eisner does not control.
I noticted that you posted this, "I'm typing it all up and mailing it to the OLC and also Disney in Anaheim" in regards to your concpet and I just thought I should inform you that this action would be in vain. The Disney company is very adiment about not accepting in any form ideas from outside of WDI, too many instenses in the past when they have have caused too many leagal problems. OLC really would not care unless it would be for Tokyo they have no power elsewhere, plus they really have no creative power and the same leagal problems would prevent OLC form sharing an idea with Disney even if they would accpet it in the first place which I am not sure of.

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