Traveling with 3 month old?


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Traveling with a 3 month old for the first time!! Any suggestions for handling WDW? Leaving in 4 days!!!:xmas:



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At least at this time of year, the weather should be cooler. I have always felt sorry for tiny babies who are carried around the park in August when it is sweltering. At least you shouldn't have that problem!:) I think that one of those infant carriers that you wear around your shoulders would come in pretty handy for walking around. We never took a little one that young, our youngest went when she was 11 months old & we really feel that she did better than expected! So enjoy your trip & just take lots of time outs when needed for baby!


Well-Known Member
We've taken our son wheb he was 6 weeks, 3 months, 9 months, 13 months, and we'll be going at xmas when he is 16 months. Biggest advice is to takei it slow, take advantage of the baby stations at each park, and try not to cram alot in. You might want to go back to the resort at mid day and take a nap. Do a search for posts by me and you can find some of my thoughts on trips at each of my son's ages. Have a great tripand enjoy your little one at Disney!


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traveling with 3 month old

I figure I have seen most at WDW except for Christmas - so whatever we do, we do - just enjoy being there. He is a very good baby - but I know he may get "over stimulated" by everything going on around him. Are the Cast Members helpful in getting you on and off rides with an infant??:xmas:


My son was there for the 1st time at 3 months. He was a great baby..and was even better at the World. We did a lot of character meals (we were traveling with other families with kids) He enjoyed it all. He smiled at them and they even took the time to sit with him and give him a bottle. It made for some great pics.

A front carrier is a must!!! Also take it easy. Most of the rides are easy to ride when the baby is in the carrier. We took him on everything except the big rides! He loved its a small world!

Beware I think that Mickey brain washed him while we were there ! He said mama and dada early but his first real word was MICKEY!!!

He still loves him to this day. Just took him back earlier this month! And are heading back in Feb.

(make sure you back enough diapers, wipes, formula etc..its very expensive at the world!) :)


Well-Known Member
Use the baby stations, they are great! Pack everything you think you'll need and then some. I averaged how many diapers my son used in a day, then added a bunch more (you never know). The same goes for formula bring more than you could need. You do not want to have to buy it there. I was shocked at the price of a package of diapers when walking around the resort store. Also make sure to pack extra clothes each day in your diaper bag, again, you never know.

I also took a towel from the hotel with me to the parks everyday. I used it to cover the stroller when DS was not in it to keep the seat and buckles from getting too hot from the sun.


Active Member
We first took my daughter when she was 3 mounths old. Use a sling or a front carrier. It was a life saver for us. It's so much easier to get around that way than if you try using your stroller.


New Member
We took our youngest at 3 months old and many trips after that. She was definitely the easiest at 3 months. She slept most of the time. She fed during the longer attractions and she was overall a breeze. You should still be able to do and see everything with yours. She was much harder when she was 15 - 24 months.

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