Castle Cake Apologist
Well-Known Member
It's a bus stop, not an E-Ticket. What's next, special "fun buses" because Junior can't sit still for 2 minutes? I wish Disney would put a fraction of the effort into entertaining guests within their parks as they do with those waiting at their bus stops.
Have you actually ever waited for a bus at Disney? Two minutes? Right.
And what exactly would be the problem with a "special fun bus?" That sounds pretty cool to me.
You are legitimately upset about a bean bag toss. Please think about that. Disney is constantly in a damned if they do and damned if they don't scenario. They don't ever seem to do enough to satisfy people on these forums, but when they add little things like this, people still find a way to gripe about it. It's ludicrous.
This is a positive thing and it does nothing but enhance the guest experience, something people constantly complain is lacking from modern Disney.
There's plenty to be upset about with WDW. Adding stuff like this to keep guests entertained is certainly not even close to being one of them. And how inane to somehow try to compare this to stagnation at the parks as some type of causation. At most, this cost them $15 to put together. Come on.
This is what sets Disney apart, little details like this.
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