Trade City, USA - Trip Report

Hello again, everyone.

It's been a while since I did my trip report on here, so I thought this will be a good time to do it again. The trip this time will be a short one, and it is mainly to attend this year's Pin Celebration event at the World Showplace at Epcot. The theme of the Pin Celebration event this year is "Trade City, USA", and it also commemorates the 10th Anniversary of Disney pin trading. So it promises to be a lot of fun.

I fly out to Orlando very early tomorrow morning, and will be there until late Sunday. As with my previous trip report, I'll try to post each day's summary of all my activities whenever I'm back at my resort. This time, we will be staying at the Boardwalk, which will make it very convenient to go to the World Showplace. I've also signed up for the event dessert reception on Saturday evening, which will include a special viewing area for Illuminations.

If you wish to follow my "live" reporting, visit my Disney blog where I'll try to post reports and pictures as they happen. As for now, I need to go finish packing and make sure I'm not forgetting anything.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't know how I lost track of the rest of this trip report, but thanks for all the great pics. The funny thing is, I recognized someone from your dessert party! I see her pin trading at DCA all the time! Small world, right?

Well, with pin trading, it's really is a small world. You tend to recognize a bunch of people if you attend these events regularly. I know that whenever I see pictures of the monthly pin trading nights at the Contemporary, I inevitably recognize a few people that I've either seen, or met before. So I'd say that I'm not surprised you recognize someone from all the pictures that I took. :)


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