Maybe not the most exciting theme, but...
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It really is starting to resemble the sort of amalgamation creations I made in my own childhood that others were forced to step over- though mine were mostly made of Lionel, Lincoln Logs, Lego, and the greatest forgotten building toy ever, the excitingly named Girder and Panel:
I think the low profile of the ride along with the props and "grass" this should make for a fairly unique and visually interesting ride. Still hoping Andy may still have made some excavations for trenches- that first dip does seem to go below ground level. Doesn't look like there will be on-board audio, but some external sounds seem likely (revving up for launch, character voices.) I'd love it if Andy was actually the only voice- think of the opening scene of the original Toy Story. Andy played all the parts by providing each character's dialogue with his own inflection. He could narrate the major events of the ride while adding his own vocal sound effects just like an imaginative kid at play.