Tower of Terror... Shadow of a man?


New Member
Are these real spirits, or ones made up for the ride. It's kind of hard to tell, the way you are talking about it................If you could share more Ghost story's about WDW then that would be great. I believe in this sort of thing, and have on a few ocasions seen my grandmother and a few "random" ghosts around the country.


New Member
i seen it before too.i was riding once when the cab goes into the eleavator when it stoped.lights came on sat there for a momment and a voice said remain seated and in the middle of that the ride started dropping with the lights on the whole was awsome with the lights. the detail disney put into themeing a ride is great saw stuff u rarely will get to see.also the shop they work on the cabs are to the left or right of you when you get off the ride depending on what side u are on.


Well-Known Member
Rammstein said:
Are these real spirits, or ones made up for the ride. It's kind of hard to tell, the way you are talking about it................If you could share more Ghost story's about WDW then that would be great. I believe in this sort of thing, and have on a few ocasions seen my grandmother and a few "random" ghosts around the country.
One of the drop sequences has a part where it falls and then shakes briefly. The lights flash and air is blown on you and for a second you can see two ghosts (statues really) right in front of your face. If you've never seen it before, it makes you jump. I for one jumped big time when I was sitting in the front row, and I know it was coming!


New Member
cac2889 said:
One of the drop sequences has a part where it falls and then shakes briefly. The lights flash and air is blown on your and for a second you can see two ghosts (statues really) right in front of your face. If you've never seen it before, it makes you jump. I for one jumped big time when I was sitting in the front row, and I know it was coming!

Ahh thanks for that. I have only ridden ToT once, back in 2000, and was more interested in seeing the "golfball" at Epcot through the open elevator shafts than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Rammstein said:
Ahh thanks for that. I have only ridden ToT once, back in 2000, and was more interested in seeing the "golfball" at Epcot through the open elevator shafts than anything else.
Well make sure to look for those ghosts next time you visit. You might have to ride it more than once. And so you don't worry about it, EPCOT is actually behind Tower of Terror, so there would no way of seeing Spaceship Earth. ;) You can see the MGM Mousetower though. :D


Well-Known Member
I've been on ToT tons of times, but I've never noticed any ghosts other than the 5 people who were zapped in 1939. I'd love to see a video of this "hip ghost". That would be pretty cool (and creepy) to see.


New Member
Also...not sure if its true, but at the very end when you are sitting in the unloading area and waiting to be let out of your elevator, look at the dolls/statues/mannequins...(whatever they are), me and two other friends of mine all swore that one of their heads moved as we got down safely and then moved right back to position...we all looked at each other the same time and "were like...WHOA!, did you all see that?"...let me know if anyone else has noticed it


New Member
Sorry to change the subject slightly but i just remembered something i was gonna ask..

You know at the end of the ride, where the elevator goes backwards, and you watch the screen. Well just as the doors close on the screen, im sure you can just see a man's face appear as the voice comes over. Is there more video than they let you see or am i speaking rubbish?

Oh and im pretty sure i've seen the 'hip ghost' before, a few years ago. Pretty creepy if you don't expect it.


Well-Known Member
What that is is what other have explained, they are 2 ghosts attached to the wall of the elevator shaft that get illuminated during certain sequences of the drop. They will light up and the lightning/electrical effect will surround them, then you shoot back up.

What happens if you do not get this particular drop sequence is you get brief glimpses of the silhouette, as you pass by them going up and down. Which still freaks some people out, I wouldn't doubt if that was planned by the imagineers.


Well-Known Member
casconi said:
Also...not sure if its true, but at the very end when you are sitting in the unloading area and waiting to be let out of your elevator, look at the dolls/statues/mannequins...(whatever they are), me and two other friends of mine all swore that one of their heads moved as we got down safely and then moved right back to position...we all looked at each other the same time and "were like...WHOA!, did you all see that?"...let me know if anyone else has noticed it
Ok, those dolls freak me out, ESPECIALLY the puppet doll. Everytime I ride I watch it thinking its going to turn and look at me and laugh or something. :lookaroun


New Member
casconi said:
Also...not sure if its true, but at the very end when you are sitting in the unloading area and waiting to be let out of your elevator, look at the dolls/statues/mannequins...(whatever they are), me and two other friends of mine all swore that one of their heads moved as we got down safely and then moved right back to position...we all looked at each other the same time and "were like...WHOA!, did you all see that?"...let me know if anyone else has noticed it

hey wait ive seen that,it freaked the s*** out of me (pardon my french)
i have also seen the ghosts that everyone is talking about,i was in the front row when i saw them i it didn't freak me out at all,i just thought it was a cool effect.

just a side question
does anyone know the exact number of sequences and what happens in all/any of them.
i have seen the swirl befor you are sent back up,the ghosts that have been mentioned and i have been on ToT when the lift stopped at what looked like a busted power terminal,the lift shuck there was an crack and a blinding flash of light and then we pelted up again,has anyone else seen this?.


Well-Known Member
.:Adam:. said:
You know at the end of the ride, where the elevator goes backwards, and you watch the screen. Well just as the doors close on the screen, im sure you can just see a man's face appear as the voice comes over. Is there more video than they let you see or am i speaking rubbish?
I saw that too. It was Rod Serling's face and i don't see why they had to close the doors so early.


Well-Known Member
yeti said:
I saw that too. It was Rod Serling's face and i don't see why they had to close the doors so early.
If I remember correctly, its him from the pre-show video, and he along with everything else is going back into the "Twlight Zone," kindof segwaying you back into reality if you will.

As for the drop sequences, I believe there are 4 different sequences, and the sequence itself determines what elements you see. I personally like the two sequences that drop you first. For one, its more fun to get dropped first...two, those two sequences seem to go on forever!

splash_mt. jr

New Member
ive never seen that and never seen any1 who has until now but ill check it out because im ging to WDW in a week cant wait!


Yo Ho,Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me!


Active Member
splash_mt. jr said:
ive never seen that and never seen any1 who has until now but ill check it out because im ging to WDW in a week cant wait!
Wow, are you browsing this site on your cell phone? That's amazing!
Punc:brick: tu:brick: a:brick: tion:brick:

At any rate, I've never seen this effect, and am really hoping to on my next trip.
Does anyone remember way back before the current drop sequence premiered, a Disney news site posted pics of these figures before they went "live" (no pun intended)? Someone caught a glimpse of something in the shaft, so they rode repeatedly, snapping pics in the elevator until they got blurry shots of the "ghosts". A few months later, the 4th drop sequence was rolled out. I searched around, but i can't find that article, or even what site it was.

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