Tower of Terror female narrator


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I am at DHS right now and just finished back to back walk on rides at ToT and noticed something that I hope someone can help with. I think the female narrator giving the safety spiel in the boiler room before the elevator loads and in the elevator before it unloads sounds like Linda Hunt, Heddy from NCIS Los Angeles. Does anyone know for sure?

p.s. Mods I tried a search and didn't see anything. If this is in the wrong place, my apologies in advance.


Well-Known Member
^ her voice sounds a bit raspier and not quite as deep as the Tower of Terror safety spiel, but I can see the resemblance.

If you've ever been on Tower of Terror when it breaks down, the man or woman also does that spiel that plays in the ride.


Well-Known Member
Confused as to what "female" you're talking about. The pre-board safety spiel vocal is a man, unless it's been changed in the past 2 years...



Well-Known Member
Haha, I've got to laugh, because my brother and I have had a long standing argument as to whether that narrator is man or woman, for about 8 years straight now!

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I've always thought it was a man. The spanish safety spiel is also a man's voice and I know that Disney usually tries to have the same gender when it comes to these.


Well-Known Member
I've always thought it was a man. The spanish safety spiel is also a man's voice and I know that Disney usually tries to have the same gender when it comes to these.
Tower of Terror is one of the only (or possibly THE only) attraction where the spanish spiel is the same voice as the english one.

The same voice does the spiel before the library doors open, the load safety spiel, the "watch your step" exit spiel, and the spiel for when the ride breaks down.

I say its a woman!


Well-Known Member
Weird...I never really thought about it before...just assuming it was a man speaking.

But when I listened again just now, I could hear it as a female too.

All I know is that it's androgynous... and creepy.


Well-Known Member
I always thought it was a female, particularly because it sounded like Linda Hunt. (who was also the voice of Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas.)


Well-Known Member
I always figured it was male. The voice seems plausible as the bellhop in the elevator, which would make sense given how ghostly and creepy the voice is...who knows? Of course, it could always be voiced by a female while the character is meant to be male. Only the Imagineers would know.


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In the Parks
Well whatever gender it is. If the person who did the voice over saw this discussion I would assume they are really embarrassed or really proud of the work


Well-Known Member
I have always always thought this was a man's voice. I picture Droopy as a bellhop (not Dis I know!). But now I am doubting myself after seeing this conversation.

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