Tower of Terror and a dime


New Member
Original Poster
I have heard that in the Tower you are falling at a rate that exceeds the rate of gravity (i.e. faster than freefall :eek: ) so that if you put a dime on your leg or palm it will float about six inches above...can anyone confirm this?


Well-Known Member
I like to let my whole back pack fly when I am sitting int he back...its so cool watching it hit hte roof :D


Active Member
Yes, if you are falling faster than freefall on the ride, it will appear to float, but not for long. Freefall under gravity will give a constant acceleration until reaching a terminal velcoity. Tower of Terror does not accelerate all the way down, so the speed of the coin will soon catch up! Plus, u could hit somene with it if it goes high enough and u reach the bottom before it does!
My camera bag flies up near my head on the tower of terror. I've also tried the dime on natural free fall rides like the Demon Drop at cedar point. Even when falling at the same speed it flew off my knee. However, I think this may be more likely due to me moving my knee slightly to have it lift up slightly then maybe the wind caught it.


Active Member
Originally posted by WDWEric
We do this at Cedar Point when we ride the demon drop. It Is just a free fall ride not an accelerated one.

Sorry to be pedantic, but during freefall you accelerate at 9.8m per Second(squared). Well, if there are no resistive forces acting at least. The coin will accelerate if you perform this trick. I'm assuming you travel at constant velocity so it will catch up after a short time, depending on how long the drop it is, and how much resistive forces act against the coin! Lots of factors affecting this!


Active Member
Originally posted by DarkMeasures
I remember going on ToT and someone brought a stuffed animal. It was fun watching it float.

That sounds like fun, I might try that! Its fun and safe if it hits someone!


Well-Known Member
Egg on Tourist's Face

I like to bring 3 or 4 eggs and toss them out of the elevator at the top floor. Sometimes the eggs clear the facade and land in the queue. You just have to be careful not to throw during the picture-taking, because then there would be evidence.

My friend tried doing that with water balloons once, but the balloons burst half way through the ride. You should have seen the looks he got walking out of the attraction (because ToT is obviously not a "wet" ride.) It's the CM's, not the regular guests, that do the crazy stuff.




New Member
I will smile at the day when you get hauled out of the park by 5 burly security guards.:sohappy: :sohappy:

Let me be the first to say that that's just not cool. You are just making a mess for the janitorial staff to clean up. Oh no, they don't have a hard job, they just have to clean up and ENTIRE THEME PARK EVERY DAY. :mad:


Active Member
next time i go i am going to take a park map and let it fly ohh ohhh paper airplane through it out the side and then it flys and then later i will try and find it. that would be fun. but advice from me"do not let go of something really heavy, because it will come back and hit u hard" but i wanna throw and paper airplane out that would be awesome.


Beta Return
First of all, it's 100% ignorant, inconsiderate and dangerous to THROW anything out of the elevator - if I see you do that, I will make sure to it that Disney is WELL aware of your actions - take my word on it!

As for the dime thing, yeah, it will come off your leg/hand a bit at first, then it SHOULD hover there and fall when the elevator slows down or changes direction and heads back up.

The elevator is initially pulled downward at a rate slightly faster than 32 feet per second^2, then maintains a constant velocity of approximately 32 feet per second. They do this to give you the slight feel of weightlessness - and then, since it maintains velocity, everything that "lifts" during the initial pull down, it stays where it lifted to.

Throwing an egg (stupid) or even a paper airplane (also stupid) out of the elevator can damage the ride, make a mess or even hurt someone below (yes, even PAPER). If the paper were to NOT make it outside the shaft, due to the VERY HIGH suction created when the elevator moves, it could get caught in the shaft and screw up the mechanisms that make your elevator go up and down SAFELY. Don't do it - PERIOD!
Originally posted by edwardtc
First of all, it's 100% ignorant, inconsiderate and dangerous to THROW anything out of the elevator - if I see you do that, I will make sure to it that Disney is WELL aware of your actions - take my word on it!

As for the dime thing, yeah, it will come off your leg/hand a bit at first, then it SHOULD hover there and fall when the elevator slows down or changes direction and heads back up.

The elevator is initially pulled downward at a rate slightly faster than 32 feet per second^2, then maintains a constant velocity of approximately 32 feet per second. They do this to give you the slight feel of weightlessness - and then, since it maintains velocity, everything that "lifts" during the initial pull down, it stays where it lifted to.

Throwing an egg (stupid) or even a paper airplane (also stupid) out of the elevator can damage the ride, make a mess or even hurt someone below (yes, even PAPER). If the paper were to NOT make it outside the shaft, due to the VERY HIGH suction created when the elevator moves, it could get caught in the shaft and screw up the mechanisms that make your elevator go up and down SAFELY. Don't do it - PERIOD!

Well Said!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
If you wanna test it, take a dime add some string and tape the string to the dime. No more than 8 inches. That would be a good test.


New Member
Originally posted by edwardtc
Throwing an egg (stupid) or even a paper airplane (also stupid) out of the elevator can damage the ride, make a mess or even hurt someone below (yes, even PAPER). If the paper were to NOT make it outside the shaft, due to the VERY HIGH suction created when the elevator moves, it could get caught in the shaft and screw up the mechanisms that make your elevator go up and down SAFELY. Don't do it - PERIOD!

Excellent point!!:D We no longer ride TOT for the reasons you have stated. It has become a serious safety hazard IMO. I have seen many different objects propelled out of those doors and many of them missed and fell down the shaft!


Well-Known Member
PLEASE DON'T USE COINS!!! I had someone try that behind me and the coin hit their hand and ricocheted into the back of my head, went to the roof, then hit me again on the way back down. Best method I've found is a still camera neck strap. Hold the strap tightly but leave slack and you can have the camera hovering in front of you but you don't risk getting a whoopin' when you get off. :lol:


RunDisney Addict
Last time I was there, my father-in-law dropped his sunglasses on the ride...when we dropped, they came up to eye level, and I snagged them out of mid-air.


Active Member
My son thinks ToT is stupid, just up and down and up etc. We convinced him to do it for a photo since we had 8 people on the ride and wanted the group photo. He asked for a penny to do the hovering thing. We dropped, he held the penny in his hand, it fell off his hand and was gone. Our family pic is great, we're all acting terrified and he is looking down for his penny.

Disney Hog

New Member
I remember as a kid riding a ride called Sky Screamer. It was a free fall ride that dropped you from 10 stories up and the rails that the car was attached to would curve at the bottom so that at the end of the ride you were on your back. Lots of people would do the coin thing and the coin would hover and then go behind you as the ride curved and you were on your back.

Whenever we ran out of money and needed to buy a hotdog or something to drink, we would ride it a couple of times. Before we got out we would look under and behind the seats for the loose change. We'd find almost $10 on some trips.

I have been hit in the eye several times with people trying to use coins. I would definitely suggest using something that is tethered.


New Member
What ever happened to just enjoying the ride? Maybe this is a direct result of spending TOO much time on Disney rides. When the ride itself no longer satisfies, maybe it's time to simply go do something else. I heard sneaker surfing off the back of the parking lot trams is a lot of fun...:p

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