Tour Groups and what to do to handle them...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So I've seen with other boards some topics about the fun annual tour groups that go to WDW. I've been reading stories of how they wreck the place, are inconsiderate to anything American, and one designated group member will be the fast pass hog and run the machine out of passes.

My question/thought is this. If Disney knows these groups are coming (which they do), then why don't they incorporate a set amount of fastpasses and things to those groups?

I just think that when these certain foreign tour groups come in, they need to put the limits on them and what they can do. Far too many people are effected by these foreign visitors and it ruins their vacations. I don't think people should have to "plan around" them being there. If you go to their country and break the laws, they prosecute you to the full extent and there's little you can do, but here in America, if you come and spend money in a tourist destination but destroy it, it's ok, we'll shut down things that others pay to use and you can go home with your stories and send your friends to do their damage later....

I just think that Disney needs to see that these tour groups are important to the park, but WHY OH WHY do they let them get away with the stuff they do in the parks/resorts, when normal people who pay to go on family vacations and such get the shaft?


Active Member
I think as guests if we deal with situations like this at the parks we need to make sure we complain to guest relations or something, maybe if enough guests complain they will realize how its hurting everyone's experiences and try to find a solution for dealing with them

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
So I've seen with other boards some topics about the fun annual tour groups that go to WDW. I've been reading stories of how they wreck the place, are inconsiderate to anything American, and one designated group member will be the fast pass hog and run the machine out of passes.

My question/thought is this. If Disney knows these groups are coming (which they do), then why don't they incorporate a set amount of fastpasses and things to those groups?

I just think that when these certain foreign tour groups come in, they need to put the limits on them and what they can do. Far too many people are effected by these foreign visitors and it ruins their vacations. I don't think people should have to "plan around" them being there. If you go to their country and break the laws, they prosecute you to the full extent and there's little you can do, but here in America, if you come and spend money in a tourist destination but destroy it, it's ok, we'll shut down things that others pay to use and you can go home with your stories and send your friends to do their damage later....

I just think that Disney needs to see that these tour groups are important to the park, but WHY OH WHY do they let them get away with the stuff they do in the parks/resorts, when normal people who pay to go on family vacations and such get the shaft?

There's so much about this post that's wrong that I don't even know where to begin.

Can you provide specific examples of what they've "wrecked"? Or how they were inconsiderate to anything American?

One person getting fastpasses for the entire group is not an illegal activity. In fact, it's exactly what Disney recommends you do. Would you prefer there be a line of 50 people at the fastpass machines? They're paying customers like anyone else, so you can't deny them the use of fastpass.

Also, specifically, what laws do they break? However annoying it may be, singing and chanting while you walk around isn't against the law.

Can you also explain what defines someone as "normal people" and how they get the shaft?


Well-Known Member
So I've seen with other boards some topics about the fun annual tour groups that go to WDW. I've been reading stories of how they wreck the place, are inconsiderate to anything American, and one designated group member will be the fast pass hog and run the machine out of passes.

My question/thought is this. If Disney knows these groups are coming (which they do), then why don't they incorporate a set amount of fastpasses and things to those groups?

I just think that when these certain foreign tour groups come in, they need to put the limits on them and what they can do. Far too many people are effected by these foreign visitors and it ruins their vacations. I don't think people should have to "plan around" them being there. If you go to their country and break the laws, they prosecute you to the full extent and there's little you can do, but here in America, if you come and spend money in a tourist destination but destroy it, it's ok, we'll shut down things that others pay to use and you can go home with your stories and send your friends to do their damage later....

I just think that Disney needs to see that these tour groups are important to the park, but WHY OH WHY do they let them get away with the stuff they do in the parks/resorts, when normal people who pay to go on family vacations and such get the shaft?
I'm amused by your fastpass argument. All of these people are entitled to fastpass, everyone with an admission ticket is. If 50 people in a group decide to utilize fastpass the passes are gone regardless if ONE person goes up to the machine and gets them all or each person does individually. As Nick already said Disney prefers as few people as possible get on the FP line at once.

Please provide us with examples of laws broken, things "wrecked" and "destroyed" and who normal people are.

For the record, the most inconsiderate people I've ever encountered in Disney parks are homegrown Americans who feel entitled to the world and more.


Well-Known Member
Firstly - I don't know that they are breaking any laws and secondly where does Disney draw the line for things like Fastpass machines? What about a wedding group coming from Ohio - all 137 of them want FP's to the that banned too or would it only be banned if they were not American?

What about the cheerleaders - they are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more obnoxious, overbearing, loud, rude and generally unpleasant than any other group but they should get away with line butting, fastpass hoarding, making too much noise at parades, fireworks not to mention going places they are not allowed to go because they want a "cheer photo" there. Should we ban them or because they're American, it's OK.

I realize what you're saying but your reasoning is flawed and borderline offensive if you are insinuating that only groups that are not American ruin the parks.

Now, as for the answer to your question on how to deal with them - here's what I did in two instances. When a Brazilian Tour group tried to pass my family in line because one person held their spot and about 56 of them decided to join him later. I placed both hands on the sides of the railing and told them they were not getting past me. Then I alerted a CM who thankfully spoke Portugese and asked the one person in line to come out of the line and move to the end so the group could stay together.

When a group of cheerleaders were sitting on the floor in front of the lockers with their legs outstretched completely covering the floor for about a 10 foot section. I said, "Excuse me" response, "Excuse me, I need to get to my locker" This initiated some eye rolls and giggles so I said, "If you don't move your *bleeping* legs now I WILL step on them." One girl said, "You can go around the other way, we don't have to move" so I stepped on them. I managed to step on one girls ankle and another girls knee as hard as I could and the rest of them moved. Maybe not the proudest moment of my life but the little snots deserved it - I'm kind of hoping it hurt enough that they couldn't cheer later.


Well-Known Member
I think what Mousehockey was talking about was examples that are accounted for on other message boards, etc, that state that Disney has had to clean up after these groups wrecked pools at Disney resort hotels. As in throwing chairs into the pools and such. When was the last time you saw other groups do this? I'm not singling any group out here b/c there's the annoying cheerleaders and the Pop Warner kids are a whole other story. But this is really what I'm thinking he's talking about. Also, there are many many threads on here over the years with people complaining about the Brazilians. Some of the biggest complaints that come up multiple times are the chanting, line cutting, the rudeness, fastpass machines and how people are mad they cant get FPs bc they get bum rushed by brazilian kids and/or their tour guide at the fp machine that take all the fp's. So basically, pot. kettle. black.


Well-Known Member
But they're not doing anything illegal at the FP machines! Anyone with an admission ticket can access FP. Every time this comes up I become completely perplexed because I'm unsure what exactly people want Disney to do.

I could care less about the FP machines. Once again, no one is READING. All I stated is what other people always complain about on this board..


Well-Known Member
But they're not doing anything illegal at the FP machines! Anyone with an admission ticket can access FP. Every time this comes up I become completely perplexed because I'm unsure what exactly people want Disney to do.
It's scary how few people seem to grasp this concept, extremely scary. Next you'll be telling me these crazy foreigners are PARK HOPPING. The horror!!

Maybe on my next trip I'll throw a fit when I see a father grabbing FPs for his entire family. HOW DARE HE TAKE WHAT HIS PASS ENTITLES HIM TO??? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
It's scary how few people seem to grasp this concept, extremely scary. Next you'll be telling me these crazy foreigners are PARK HOPPING. The horror!!

Maybe on my next trip I'll throw a fit when I see a father grabbing FPs for his entire family. HOW DARE HE TAKE WHAT HIS PASS ENTITLES HIM TO??? :rolleyes:

Yeah because God forbid. We are all stupid on this board and don't know what PARK HOPPING IS!!! Really. Please. You have to come up with a better argument than that. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Yeah because God forbid. We are all stupid on this board and don't know what PARK HOPPING IS!!! Really. Please. You have to come up with a better argument than that. :rolleyes:
Not knowing that everyone in a Disney park is just as entitled to a Fastpass as you are is equally absurd as not grasping how park hopping works. So no, I'll be keeping my example of absurdities, thanks.

Not to mention that was, ya know. SARCASM.


Premium Member
My question/thought is this. If Disney knows these groups are coming (which they do), then why don't they incorporate a set amount of fastpasses and things to those groups?

uhm, because they pay for their ticket just like everyone else?

I just think that Disney needs to see that these tour groups are important to the park, but WHY OH WHY do they let them get away with the stuff they do in the parks/resorts, when normal people who pay to go on family vacations and such get the shaft?

For the same reason Disney will let a group of 5 do the same exact thing. Lack of enforcement - not entitlement as a tour group.


Well-Known Member
Yeah because God forbid. We are all stupid on this board and don't know what PARK HOPPING IS!!! Really. Please. You have to come up with a better argument than that. :rolleyes:

I believe the argument is valid since the comparison was that tour groups use FP's which they are absolutely allowed to do so it would be the same as complaining about something else they are absolutely allowed to do - for example, Park Hopping. I don't think anyone was insinuating that someone doesn't know what park hopping is just like every one knows what fast passes are...both are able to be used by tour groups and no-tour groups alike so - valid argument.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I believe the argument is valid since the comparison was that tour groups use FP's which they are absolutely allowed to do so it would be the same as complaining about something else they are absolutely allowed to do - for example, Park Hopping. I don't think anyone was insinuating that someone doesn't know what park hopping is just like every one knows what fast passes are...both are able to be used by tour groups and no-tour groups alike so - valid argument.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's scary how few people seem to grasp this concept, extremely scary. Next you'll be telling me these crazy foreigners are PARK HOPPING. The horror!!

Maybe on my next trip I'll throw a fit when I see a father grabbing FPs for his entire family. HOW DARE HE TAKE WHAT HIS PASS ENTITLES HIM TO??? :rolleyes:

So if you waited in a long line for your fastpasses for a certain ride and the guy infront of you got the last 50 fastpasses for the ride you want, you wouldn't be a tad upset?

1. You just wasted X amount of time for nothing
A. You now have to go wait in the standby line which the group that the guy took the last FP's is already standing in.
B. You'll have a longer wait time due to A.
C. You'll see them get off the ride and go right back past you onto the ride using the fastpasses.
2. You would hopefully think that it was rude that he/she took that many fastpasses.
3. Don't bother with the single rider line, that'll be clogged up too.

So, maybe this is where Disney is going to with the NextGen fastpass. Where it's just on YOUR bracelet/card/whatever they use for it.

Back to my topic though...

What do you think Disney should do with massive groups (international or not) and their etiquette in WDW and the resorts? I find it interesting how people are always complaining about the Brazilians, but yet, here you are defending them?

I'm looking to see what Disney can do to protect the interest of the small families who are not in a group that have to deal with these "groups" to ensure that EVERYONE can be entitled to the same fair options.

Example. I've seen many a story where the huge Brazilian tour groups are the last to a bus stop at the end of the night, and a line was already formed for the bus. They cut in line, take up the whole bus and all the smaller families and such, who have been waiting patiently and courteously now have to find an alternate way to their resort (if there is no other running transport). Why is it not already planned for these huge groups that there is alternate transportation, as to not interfere with families who are visiting that are NOT part of a group.

Topics like this are what I'm looking at answers for. The reason I'm refering to our "friendly" international toursists from South America is because that is who is complained about the most. I can imagine that there are other groups that will rank right up there, but they are not near as publicized about.


Well-Known Member
Not knowing that everyone in a Disney park is just as entitled to a Fastpass as you are is equally absurd as not grasping how park hopping works. So no, I'll be keeping my example of absurdities, thanks.

Not to mention that was, ya know. SARCASM.

Which apparently, you arent sure how to read others sarcasm because I darn well know what park hopping is. I've only been doing the park hopping every other year since it was introduced, thank you.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
So if you waited in a long line for your fastpasses for a certain ride and the guy infront of you got the last 50 fastpasses for the ride you want, you wouldn't be a tad upset?

1. You just wasted X amount of time for nothing
A. You now have to go wait in the standby line which the group that the guy took the last FP's is already standing in.
B. You'll have a longer wait time due to A.
C. You'll see them get off the ride and go right back past you onto the ride using the fastpasses.
2. You would hopefully think that it was rude that he/she took that many fastpasses.
3. Don't bother with the single rider line, that'll be clogged up too.

So, maybe this is where Disney is going to with the NextGen fastpass. Where it's just on YOUR bracelet/card/whatever they use for it.

Is it frustrating when the person ahead of you grabs the last FP's? Yes. However, it just as well have been Dad getting FP's for his family of 5. It doesn't matter. Neither person did anything wrong and sometimes things just don't work out in your favor.

Back to my topic though...

What do you think Disney should do with massive groups (international or not) and their etiquette in WDW and the resorts? I find it interesting how people are always complaining about the Brazilians, but yet, here you are defending them?

I'm looking to see what Disney can do to protect the interest of the small families who are not in a group that have to deal with these "groups" to ensure that EVERYONE can be entitled to the same fair options.

Example. I've seen many a story where the huge Brazilian tour groups are the last to a bus stop at the end of the night, and a line was already formed for the bus. They cut in line, take up the whole bus and all the smaller families and such, who have been waiting patiently and courteously now have to find an alternate way to their resort (if there is no other running transport). Why is it not already planned for these huge groups that there is alternate transportation, as to not interfere with families who are visiting that are NOT part of a group.

Topics like this are what I'm looking at answers for. The reason I'm refering to our "friendly" international toursists from South America is because that is who is complained about the most. I can imagine that there are other groups that will rank right up there, but they are not near as publicized about.

The last bus of the night leaves with the last guests. Disney NEVER leaves guests stranded to make their own arrangements to get back to the resorts. It simply doesn't happen. Never has, never will. Disney will always ensure their guests get back to the resort.


Well-Known Member
Is it frustrating when the person ahead of you grabs the last FP's? Yes. However, it just as well have been Dad getting FP's for his family of 5. It doesn't matter. Neither person did anything wrong and sometimes things just don't work out in your favor.

The last bus of the night leaves with the last guests. Disney NEVER leaves guests stranded to make their own arrangements to get back to the resorts. It simply doesn't happen. Never has, never will. Disney will always ensure their guests get back to the resort.

This is interesting, as in February of 2009 a friend and I had dinner in the World Showcase. The dinner went long due to the restaurants doings, not ours. By the time we got a monorail back to the TTC, the buses were DONE for the night going back to our Disney property resort. We were STUCK. We either had to brave walking with all the fun creatures that hang out in WDW at night or sleep on a ttc bench. Yeah fun. Luckily we were able to flag down a Disney utility van at the ttc and he graciously took us back to our resort. Like I stated we LUCKED OUT. Otherwise, we would have been in quite a pickle.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
This is interesting, as in February of 2009 a friend and I had dinner in the World Showcase. The dinner went long due to the restaurants doings, not ours. By the time we got a monorail back to the TTC, the buses were DONE for the night going back to our Disney property resort. We were STUCK. We either had to brave walking with all the fun creatures that hang out in WDW at night or sleep on a ttc bench. Yeah fun. Luckily we were able to flag down a Disney utility van at the ttc and he graciously took us back to our resort. Like I stated we LUCKED OUT. Otherwise, we would have been in quite a pickle.

Why did you go back to the TTC? You could have exited Epcot and boarded a bus at the front of the park.

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