Yes, it is 2% that must be held back. The DVC member cash reservations come about due to members using their points for cruises, AbD, trading into RCI, etc. Same thing happens when you see availability at a resort through CRO, but not DVC. The formula is a closely guarded secret as to how they allocate the rooms for cash. If I use 150 points of my SSR ownership for an RCI trade, then Disney can decide to allow a certain number of days equivalent to that for a cash guest, so that Disney can pay RCI for the room. We just don't know if it is a few nights in a studio, and a few in a 1 bedroom, or a few in a 2 bedroom, etc. That part they really can't be too transparent, as I am sure that they are combining points used from many members at the same time. I can't even imagine how complex that formula is, but it is probably mind-boggling for juggling everything.