Too Much Lovey-Dovey in WDW


Original Poster
No matter where you go, people can go to all sorts of extremes: they get too mad at something and it leads to fights (that's another thread though) and other times, people don't have the sense to cut off their public displays of affection when it goes a little too far (thus, not saying ALL public displays are bad). Have any of you witnessed this, no matter where in WDW it may have happened?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
While my Mom and I were waiting in line for Peter Pan's flight, a young couple behind kept kissing each other. They did that until my Mom and I finally got away from them when our Pirate Ship took off from the station.


Well-Known Member
For each individual or couple there is a different comfort level for displaying their affection in public. For some folks, a simple kiss is too much, for others groping has gone too far.

The important thing to remember is that we all have the ability to not stare. If something is offending you, simply move on quickly, turn your back, or look away. In this day and age, I would think that it would be prefererable for couples to show their love for each other. This is by far better than the public fighting and violence we often times witness.

I personally will never forget the night I was in the Magic Kingdom walking past the wishing well and saw an elderly couple involved in public displays of affection. That incident renewed my feelings of hope that our current society isn't totally lost. It also sure beat the heck out of the numerous parents fighting with their children and couples fighting over money etc.


Well-Known Member
I never want to be those people oozing on each other in the long Space Mountain queue. But I have to agree that Disney magic brings out a comfort level. Love blossoms in those parks/resorts and it's hard to control yourself at time. But in saying that, keep in private. A little PDA here and there is excellent, but don't go nuts.


Well-Known Member
WDW was actually the first time I saw someone french kissing "in real life." :lol: I was 5 and my mom quickly covered my eyes. :cool:


Active Member
I've never personally seen anything too bad at WDW.

However, there have been a couple "Can ya'll just get a room?" moments at Six Flags!

And I am still too disturbed to speak of the horrific moment at the Jimmy Buffet concert a couple of years ago....

*Diva shudders in revulsion*


New Member
Um I wouldn't say I've witnessed an overly zealous PDA...

But my wife and I honeymooned at WDW in October of '99... wedding ears and all. So I'm sure we've been an overly zealous PDA.


Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
I agree that there is a limit of PDA and that ppl often pass it but I know that WDW is place were everything is perfect and happy. It is one of the few places I feel free to hold a hand or grabing a quick peck from my boyfriend.


New Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
While my Mom and I were waiting in line for Peter Pan's flight, a young couple behind kept kissing each other. They did that until my Mom and I finally got away from them when our Pirate Ship took off from the station.

So it was you?? :eek:

:lol: :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MicBat
WDW was actually the first time I saw someone french kissing "in real life." :lol: I was 5 and my mom quickly covered my eyes. :cool:

Originally posted by hmppan
I agree that there is a limit of PDA and that ppl often pass it but I know that WDW is place were everything is perfect and happy. It is one of the few places I feel free to hold a hand or grabing a quick peck from my boyfriend.

Americans... :lol: Isn't culture a funny thing? While I'd never "french" my girlfriend in public (simply because I don't feel comfortable about it), we hold hands, exchange small pecks, maybe walk with one hand in each other's back pockets :)o ) and constantly hug. Oh, and with the kinds of ads and soap-operas we have down here, I doubt there's a 5 year old around who hasn't seen open-mouth kissing, or probably worse! :hammer:
But seriously, I love reading about these little differences... A bit of a drift: here, we have the custom of kissing cheeks when meeting (girls on girls and boys on girls, not boys on boys like Russians). During my time at the International Program, I got REALLY funny looks from female neighbors when I tried to greet them like that! :lol: And while working, I'd greet Brazilian friends like that, and some Guests sure looked funny. After I dated this American CM, I started greeting her like that and she was ok with it, unless her manager was around... :rolleyes: Memories... :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by hmppan
I agree that there is a limit of PDA and that ppl often pass it but I know that WDW is place were everything is perfect and happy. It is one of the few places I feel free to hold a hand or grabing a quick peck from my boyfriend.
Not wishing to pick on you, but yours was the post that best addressed the point I'm about to ask.

Just exactly IS the LIMIT for personal displays of affection and who sets it.....

My wife and I are in our mid 30's, with two children (2 & 7) and we still kiss and cuddle in public and have no intention of stopping just because someone else is so about their emotions that they can't handle it.

And to the person who's mother hid their eyes, why oh why on earth would she do that. Was it likely to turn you into a serial ess, eee, exx freak or something, somehow I doubt it.

Rather than complaining about other people kissing, maybe some of the people who seem to find it uncomfortable should take an introspective look at themselves....

Just my $0.02 that I'll be putting towards the flame retardant jacket I will now need to wear.....

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Showing affection in Disny is just like showing affection anywhere does not matter

who cares if people show affection......dont look at them if you dont want to see it


New Member
I don't see anything wrong with PDA, I engage in it as often as my BF will go along with it. :)

I do think there is a limit, I guess I would draw the line at groping and the behavior that usually goes along with it.


Active Member
I've seen many a display of public affection... but I think it's great, since they're in Disney World and all. To be honest, I would love to be in their shoes! I think I should start planning my next trip there with my girlfriend!


Well-Known Member
I don't mind the pda, its when the clothes don't cover the body that bothers me. I mean come on, its a FAMILY PARK! I am NOT talking about the water parks. I am strictly speaking of the 4 main parks. We actually saw one woman "fall out" of her top...and believe me, even my husband said it wasn't a pretty sight!

I don't have a problem w/the human body, hugging, kissing, pats on the bottom etc., my only complaint is when they just look like they came from some skin flick, I don't care if they are the buffest looking person on earth w/buns,abs, arms, etc of just seems SO unnecessary thats all. there is a time and a place for it...pleasure island maybe? I don't know just doesnt seem right for IASW, Dumbo etc

ok let the backlash begin~


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dwarful
I don't mind the pda, its when the clothes don't cover the body that bothers me. I mean come on, its a FAMILY PARK! I am NOT talking about the water parks. I am strictly speaking of the 4 main parks. We actually saw one woman "fall out" of her top...and believe me, even my husband said it wasn't a pretty sight!

I don't have a problem w/the human body, hugging, kissing, pats on the bottom etc., my only complaint is when they just look like they came from some skin flick, I don't care if they are the buffest looking person on earth w/buns,abs, arms, etc of just seems SO unnecessary thats all. there is a time and a place for it...pleasure island maybe? I don't know just doesnt seem right for IASW, Dumbo etc

ok let the backlash begin~

Do you mean like guys with no shirts on and girls with very small shorts?


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Americans... :lol: Isn't culture a funny thing? While I'd never "french" my girlfriend in public (simply because I don't feel comfortable about it), we hold hands, exchange small pecks, maybe walk with one hand in each other's back pockets :)o ) and constantly hug. Oh, and with the kinds of ads and soap-operas we have down here, I doubt there's a 5 year old around who hasn't seen open-mouth kissing, or probably worse! :hammer:

See, thats the great thing about cultures, they are all different! At Disney, culture boundries are in a manner of words.. cut. The sort of melt and mold into one.. Its kind of a nice thought... :sohappy:
I think its just fine to show that you care for someone in public.. Whats the big deal.. A kiss here, a hug there.. I'm not saying bump and grind but that is my personal thought. I totally believe that if you don't want to see it, don't look at it. There are plenty of things to keep your eyes busy in the parks that you don't have to look at someone PDAing. Look for a hidden Mickey or something and get on with your day. :)


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Americans... :lol: Isn't culture a funny thing? While I'd never "french" my girlfriend in public (simply because I don't feel comfortable about it), we hold hands, exchange small pecks, maybe walk with one hand in each other's back pockets :)o ) and constantly hug. Oh, and with the kinds of ads and soap-operas we have down here, I doubt there's a 5 year old around who hasn't seen open-mouth kissing, or probably worse! :hammer:

See, thats the great thing about cultures, they are all different! At Disney, culture boundries are in a manner of words.. cut. The sort of melt and mold into one.. Its kind of a nice thought... :sohappy:
I think its just fine to show that you care for someone in public.. Whats the big deal.. A kiss here, a hug there.. I'm not saying bump and grind but that is my personal thought. I totally believe that if you don't want to see it, don't look at it. There are plent of things to keep your eyes busy in the parks that you don't have to look at someone PDAing. Look for a hidden Mickey or something and get on with your day. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't mind the PDA. I just want you to know that you should be closing your curtains when it moves indoors. Try explaining that wrestling match to your kids!!

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