I feel like Bladerunner, more than the original Mad Max, started this whole bleak-future thing. I hated it then, and I hate it now. It might be well-made film or cinematography, and I recognize that sometime stories are necessarily dark or bleak; but I really appreciate the big adventures like Star Wars and Indiana Jones that have fun and don't dwell always on depressing.
We don't always have to have bleak, cynical, sarcastic, ironic movies. And for that I am encouraged here. Even George Clooney has said as much about why he was drawn to this film.
(Come to think of it, I remember his mother, Rosemary Clooney, overcoming cynicism in her character in the very positive and sentimental White Christmas. But I digress...)
I, for one, am looking forward to the meticulous recreation of the 1964 New York World's Fair, and of the Carousel of Progress' role in the movie. It will be good to hear "Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" again!
The movie may also spark debate again about utopian visions, as well, especially of Walt's original ideas that led him to envision an Experimental Prototype City/Community of Tomorrow, and whether it could ever have been achieved as originally envisioned. But nevertheless, it was clear that Walt believed in a bright and industrious future.