To join or not to join!


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We have just returned from a trip to WDW and attended a DVC tour while we were there. Now back home in the UK we are seriously considering joining, however we have one doubt. Work commitments dictate that we have to take our holiday the middle two weeks of July each year and our local airport only has two flights a week to Orlando. This means that flights have to be booked about 12 months in advance to guarantee seats on the date we require. We would be buying into SSR, however would prefer to stay at the Boardwalk. I believe this means that we would have to wait until 7 months before travelling before we could book. I have heard that the Boardwalk is very popular and difficult to get into. My questions are: 1. How likely are we to get into the Boardwalk at this time of year? 2. What is the possibility of not getting into any DVC WDW resort? DVC sounds like a great idea for us as we visit at least once every two years and could have paid for it by now with past trips, however if we could be left with a flight and nowhere to stay it probably isn't for us. I would really appreciate your advice and comments.




Well-Known Member
Hi Karen and WELCOME :wave:

I'm a little puzzled about your flight problem - which part of the UK are you from that only gets 2 flights a week to Orlando ? I'm sure that for something as important as a WDW holiday you could drive or fly to a "major" airport.

I certainly understand the work situation - due to work committments our trip on Tues was booked 15 months ago to ensure availability on a flight on one of three available dates :hammer:

Sorry I'm unable to assist with the specific DVC questions


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I live in Newcastle and there are flights Thurs and Sat. We could fly to London or drive to Manchester which is fine when you are going, however when you get back and you just want to be home its a nightmare!
So you are not a member? If not why!


Well-Known Member
UKKaren said:
So you are not a member? If not why!
It was a topic of intense debate after our trip in 1999. We sent off for details and received literature through the post. We even got a phone call from Disney making sure that we had received the stuff in the post. It wasn't a pressure phone call and they even rang back days later when we had a list of questions ready for them.
The thing that put us off was the committment - Visiting WDW every other year (probably couldn't afford an annual trip) sounds good at the time - but there is a big world out there waiting to be discovered. Yes, we will return to Disney World for holidays - but not because we have to, not because we've got the financial committment, but when we're ready to.


Hi , we joined in 1996 , and it was the best thing we ever did. Your Questions 1. reasonable, july is a busy month (kids out of school all over the world) , but we have always been ok. 2. small , do not just thing DVC , you can also use the points on many of the hotels at WDW , we stayed at the AK lodge once , which was great, also you can use your points for DCL.

We normally do 2 weeks split , 3 days in a studio (any resort) , than 4 days DCL (GREAT) and than back to a One bedroom (normally at OKW).

May I suggest you look at purchaseing two sets of points, one at the BW (off the secondary market) make this your home , than points of SSR, this would allow you to book BW 11 months out and use ALL your points.

Very Important: do not forget you can use the points all over the world , we have used them in DL and DLRP , and trips to London.
The one thing to be careful about is the DUES , you most pay them each year, check what they are at the SSR.


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Sounds like a good idea - can we buy BW through Disney if we purchase SSR aswell? Not sure about having to go via a reseller when dealing from the UK - have you done this? We are quite open to stopping at the other WDW resorts, however being football and cricket fanatics found we spent a lot of evenings in ESPN so BW or BC are very handy.

ps - I really appreciate your rapid response - we have been told by our rep at DVC to buy before 1 August otherwise our use year will no longer be able to be backdated. Is there anything to be wary of when going through the purchase process?

Thanks again



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
You can only buy SSR points currently through Disney. To get BW, you would have to go through the reseller market, that's the only way they're available. The Timeshare Store is a sponsor here on WDWMagic, I suspect they'd be reliable [I've looked around, but haven't committed yet - I'm nervous...].


New Member
Renting might be better

I own at SSR and made several attempts to book at BW and BCV within 7 months in advance and have not had any luck getting a reservation and we travel during off season.

I agree, BW and BCV are very popular because of the pool and location.

If your window for reservations is only 7 months in advance, than you might be better off renting. It seems you need to make a reservation 9 months in advance to book at bw or bcv.

This year we tried to switch to the BCV (at the beginning of our 7 month window) only to be placed on the waiting list. Yet, I can make a rental reservation at the BCV. I always believe that DVC members should be given a priority.


Well-Known Member
Actually you can buy any of the DVC resorts through Disney, however you typically have to go onto a waitlist especially for the more popular resorts like Beach Club. The only resort they offer incentives and/or discounts for is SSR all the others (except Vero and Hilton Head) are going for $101 per point now. Buying through resale is the better deal but you can go through Disney if they have the points available.

I don't think you would have a problem finding a place to stay. If you buy you plane tix 12 months out, you can reserve at SSR at 11 months out just to guarantee a place to stay, then at 7 months out you can change over to BWV. Now the other thing you will typically hear is "Buy where you want to stay" that way you won't be disappointed if you don't get in where you want.
DisneyPhD said:
Actually you can buy any of the DVC resorts through Disney, however you typically have to go onto a waitlist especially for the more popular resorts like Beach Club. The only resort they offer incentives and/or discounts for is SSR all the others (except Vero and Hilton Head) are going for $101 per point now. Buying through resale is the better deal but you can go through Disney if they have the points available.

I don't think you would have a problem finding a place to stay. If you buy you plane tix 12 months out, you can reserve at SSR at 11 months out just to guarantee a place to stay, then at 7 months out you can change over to BWV.

Buying at SSR should give you 8 more years of ownership. Most of our points are at BWV (we own some at VWL and Vero) and our membership deeds back in 2042. What is SSR now, 2050 or 2052? That's something to be considered, depending on the age of your family.

I agree with DisneyPhD that you can make reservations at SSR and get yourself on a waiting list for BWV or BCV. You'll know you have a room waiting for you. Who knows? You may wind up loving SSR so much that you prefer staying there anyway.

As a DVC member, I have nothing but good things to stay about my membership. I'm really happy that we joined in 1999. Whatever you decide, good luck.


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Thanks for all the great advice folks - may just toss a coin! Can you pay the annual dues monthly by standing order or do they have to be paid all at once? I am going to speak to our sales person at Disney tomorrow and get his thoughts aswell and hopefully agree the go ahead - I think!!


Well-Known Member
We always pay our dues in one shot but I believe you can spread them out over the year if you do an automatic debit to your account.
We use the monthly debit plan for our dues. The first payment of the year is on the 15th of the month and is usually a little higher than the rest of them. After that, every 1st of the month, a payment is deducted from my checking account.

Could a member from across the pond answer the question about whether monthly payments are OK for their accounts?


New Member
from what i ve seen from other forums you have to have an USA bank account to do the autodebit, so the ansewer is yes but they need to bank in the USA.


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The deed is done!


Thanks for all the help and advice, I rang up yesterday to confirm and they are sending contracts out for signature so there's no going back now!

You never know might even bump into some of you over there in the coming years.

Thanks again and have fun!



Just as a rough guide, how much does all this DVC stuff cost?
I got some details through the post but didn't really get it? Maybe I needed to send off for a more in-depth pack.
We are also in the UK and there are 2 of us, both adults. We are trying to go to WDW every other year for 2 weeks. Not really a preference on where to stay, just wondered what sort of price we are talking?


Well-Known Member
UKKaren said:

Thanks for all the help and advice, I rang up yesterday to confirm and they are sending contracts out for signature so there's no going back now!

You never know might even bump into some of you over there in the coming years.

Thanks again and have fun!


Let me be the first to wish you this:




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How much does it cost

meryll83 said:
Just as a rough guide, how much does all this DVC stuff cost?
I got some details through the post but didn't really get it? Maybe I needed to send off for a more in-depth pack.
We are also in the UK and there are 2 of us, both adults. We are trying to go to WDW every other year for 2 weeks. Not really a preference on where to stay, just wondered what sort of price we are talking?

Let me help as it is fresh in my mind but first - guys you were the first to say welcome home and it sounds great - thank you!

Your situation is similar to ours but we also have one child to take along! We will typically travel across every other year and now some times every year! We purchased 250 points at SSR which will give us two weeks until 2054 in a studio or in most places a one bed apartment, but you can buy as many points as you want. The total cost was $25,250, however as the use year starts from March 1st we sold the first lot of 250 back to Disney as our holiday for next year is already booked. Because of this we got a $3,250 discount so total cost $22,000. ON top of that you have closing fees - ours were $124 but this depends on how you finance it and $1000 maintenance a year. Its a good deal for us because of the amount of times we cross that big pond! I just checked out the cost of staying in Boardwalk for 2 weeks with a UK travel agent and it would be £2850 (yes thats £) so it will pay for itself shortly.
Let me know if you need any more info, I know what its like trying to make a decision I've been pestering these guys for a week but they have been great. I can even put you in touch with my tour guide if you want who will explain it better in more detail with absolutely no pressure - honest

Hope this helps


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