TK and CoP- good or bad?

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
Original Poster
By now, its all but officially confirmed that Timekeeper and Carousel of Progress will stay open during the Alien Encounter/Stitch makeover.

My question-- is this a good or bad thing?

Sure, its great that these 2 attractions get dusted off for another year to entertain guests. After all, isn't that what people on these boards have been begging for?

But could TK/CoP evenutally be hurt by its current ties to AE/Stitch?

Next November, when Stitch re-opens, Disney will have justification for PERMANENTLY shutting down the other two attractions.

Regardless of its long-term success, Stitch will definitely enjoy enormous crowds its opening year due to its novelty and subsequent advertising campaign.

It's safe to assume Stitch will draw visitors away from CoP and TK. With fewer guest counts in those attractions, and the new operating costs of Stitch, it would be very easy for Disney's beancounters to justify the other attractions closure.

Just a thought....


Well-Known Member
I dont care if they close AFTER Stitch. They will still be there, operating seasonally, just like they were before Stich, so, its a great thing either way


Account Suspended
I know its just a thought and all but

I highly doubt they will shut down two attractions just because of Stitch.

CoP will more than likely be one of the classiDisney attractions that will never shut down permanently.

As for TimeKeeper, hey I love Robin and all, I've been to his show when he was on tour last year, I've met him in person. But Time Keeper needs to go back in time and stay there. Bring in something new. I like the whole 360 deal, its great how they make those but Im tired of turning around every 30 seconds to look at whats going on, not to mention you have to stand up (I realize why you have to stand up). but still, I wouldnt mind seeing that old rumor of the Buzz Light Years Blaster Cars from Disney Quest put in there, I love that ride. Reall challenge because Im normally by myself when I go on that ride so I have to drive, load and shoot the other cars at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dr Albert Falls
By now, its all but officially confirmed that Timekeeper and Carousel of Progress will stay open during the Alien Encounter/Stitch makeover.

My question-- is this a good or bad thing?

Well...with the assasination of AE...for the time being, Timekeeper and CoP will be good for the crowds until Disney lets Stitch Escape....but I think its also a good thing afterwards...perhaps the powers that be at Disney will view the possiblities for both attractions then (although I may be thinking a little wishfully). :lookaroun

I would like to see CoP updated a animatronics maybe new theater paint job and seats would be a nice change....the attraction is a classic and a crowd favorite.

Timekeeper I would have too say to completely do away with...this in my opinion is nothing but a complete waste of seems to me that Timekeeper was the perfect place for Stitch to escape but hey thats not the way things turned out.....

It should be interesting to see what happens to TK in the months and years ahead...MK can use another E-Ticket...perhaps we'll see it in Tomorrowland...perhaps not...the bottomline is...TK should be replaced soon....

With what??? I really don't know...the possibilities are endless...I just hope its not another kiddie ride...



New Member
I can't see them permanently closing CoP - the outcry would dwarf the complaints about Mr Toad's Wild Ride!

I can see it going back to being 'seasonal', especially if the reason given for that kind of schedule (lack of spare parts, high cost of manufacture) is to be believed. Better to keep it open part of the time than to have it close forever, IMHO.

Timekeeper is another classic ride to me (as a Robin fan) but yes, it doesn't have quite the same clout as CoP and I can see it being replaced with something new.

But as to the opening while AE becomes Stitch Escape, I think it can only be a good thing, giving hundreds of thousands of guests the option of seeing it - guests who would otherwise have missed the magic of those two rides.

So it's a good thing. IMHO. :)

General Grizz

New Member
Disney should NOT close either Timekeeper or Carousel of Progress.

Because AE opened in 1995, does that mean they had justification to close it then?

I put my faith in Rasulo to keep these two, especially "Progress."

Disney doesn't know what would hit them if they pulled such a blasphemous scheme. That would be quite horrible.

Here's to more Great, Big, Beautiful Tomorrows...just as Walt himself desired.


New Member
Hopefully Disney will see that if they keep COP and TK open everyday for like a year, the numbers will be better than in the past (attendance wise) and maybe they will realize that they should keep them opened all the time.


i say that at some point they make a new attraction with the characters of AE (disney will soon realize that the characters were loved). could this be a replacement for TK (though i love it)?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bjunderwood
i say that at some point they make a new attraction with the characters of AE (disney will soon realize that the characters were loved). could this be a replacement for TK (though i love it)?

As much as that would make my millenium I would bet every last dime I've got that we've seen the last of the Alien Encounter characters.

But I do agree that I believe that Disney is underestimating how much AE was loved. It was one of those attractions that brought out a strong emotion, you know. If you liked the show you almost were instantly a hardcore fan. It's like alot of humor in movies. Most people that saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail (for instance) either "got it" or they didn't. To those that got it "Grail" is probably one of their favorite movies of all time. But if you didn't get the humor or premise of the style of humor, it's probably going to be one of your least favorite movies.

Alien Encounter is the closest thing Disney will ever have to a "Cult Classic" (and to those that aren't familiar with the term it has nothing to do with religion :lol: ). I could see people dress up and quote lines and do stuff like that for AE, just as you would see if you went and saw "Star Wars" when it was re-released in theaters a few years ago or if you went to one of those special screenings of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show".

I think the biggest thing that hurt Alien Encounter was that I think it was ahead of it's time. Alot of Disney fans were not ready for Disney to make something that had effects that were so realistically scary. And they weren't ready to have a violent death in an attraction (not to mention his remains being splattered on top of you :lol: ). Alien Encoutner will, no doubt, be missed alot more than Disney will give it credit for. This is because for those of us that "got it", we REALLY GOT IT!

(Sorry for the constant rambling about AE in my posts. I just get a little worked up.)


New Member
I think AE's real problem was that it was located in the wrong park. If it had been built at Disney/MGM, I don't think there would have been nearly as much outcry. I also think they should have just made a simple rule that you have to be 12 to ride it. That would have made people pay attention that it was intense and take it seriously if they are the types that need to avoid those type of attractions. Then AE would have been more popular because it would be more like a rite of passage as kids got old enough to ride it.
Actually i see this as a great thing for TK and CoP because they finally get the attention that Disney has denied them for years now. No advertising, no mentioning of they exist at all. Even on the days they are open you never heard about it. Do i think Stitch will hurt the 2? Well, i'd say Buzz has more to worry about than TK and CoP. Yes TK has ran it's course, but think about this.. the area it's in is actually a very large building, would be great for a new ride. And yes, i said get rid of the 360 vision. To this day, the 360 theatre is great as far as technology, but they are uncomfortable for guests as they have to stand, kinda difficult to update, and seem to loose their appeal quicker than standard rides. Maybe we can save Spaceship Earth and put Time Racers where Time Keeper is.. hmm.. they both have time in them..:lol: Ok.. enough rambling :D
I would think that a brand new attraction in Tomorrowland would draw people there, maybe entice them to spend more time on that side of the park. While they're waiting to see Stitch, maybe more people will pull out their park maps and see what else they can do in Tomorrowland...that's assuming that TK and CoP stay open after Stitch opens.

I've never seen TK, so I can't comment on it. My parents feel a little sick on the 360 rides. However, CoP is one of my all time favorites at the MK, and I haven't seen it since 1998. I've missed it, and I can't wait to go in March and see it again FINALLY. And I guess I'd better enjoy it...cause if it goes back to seasonal, it will be a long time before I get to see it again. :brick:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by dxwwf3
Most people that saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail (for instance) either "got it" or they didn't. To those that got it "Grail" is probably one of their favorite movies of all time. But if you didn't get the humor or premise of the style of humor, it's probably going to be one of your least favorite movies.

<img src="">

General Grizz

New Member
Well, I don't understand the point. If CoP and TK WEREN'T opened, then that would defeat your argument . . .in other words, it's better to have them now than not.

And if Disney decides to permantely shut down CoP, they won't know what's coming at them. Hopefully, by then, we'll have a good CEO and appointed attractions officials who care about these attractions.


As much as I love CoP, it was looking like it was on it's last leg last week. The man's face was wet looking in two scenes, and in one scene, his eyes had fallen back in his head and he looked possessed. My husband and I both looked at each other and said they either need to fix it or close it. Its that bad.


I think what CoP needs most is to be fixed. I last went on the ride two years ago (we stupidly skipped it this year). When we went on it, it didn't rotate after one of the scenes so we saw that same scene again. It wasn't a big problem, and it was actually kind of funny. But it was clear that the ride needed a renovation.

Perhaps the ride could temporarily close so that the mechanical equipment can be repaired. The sets and characters don't need to be completely replaced, just fixed so they look and operate well.



This is a dumb question but I'm gonna ask it anyway - What exactly is Timekeeper? I've been to WDW many times but have never taken the time to check it out.


Well-Known Member
CoP - a highlight of our trip!

We were in Disney last week... we always go the week after Thanksgiving, a slow week, so CoP hasn't been open that week in years. This is the first time my daughter (now 6) has been able to see it.

It was one of her favorite rides! She really, really enjoyed it. It gave me hope, that a new generation can enjoy the ride as much as I do.

It really does need some serious updating and rehab, though. I agree with the comment about the guy's eye rolling back into his head. He looks demonic in a few scenes.


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