Tight fitting rides?


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I'll be in Disney in September and have this phobia that I may not be able to fit on some of the rides. I have been to Disney before (albeit 10 years ago) and don't recall that I couldn't fit comfortably. However, having recently been to an amusement park, I found that some of the rollercoaster bars were somewhat tight. Does anyone know if I'm just being paranoid, or are there rides that might be considered a tight fit for someone who is, shall we say, a "larger" person?


New Member
Well, for a larger person, some rides that MIGHT be a problem are...
Space Mountain...
Maybe Kali River Rapids and Test Track...
Rock'n Roller Coaster...
That's all I can think of right now.


New Member
About 3 years ago when we went I was 100 pounds heavier than I am now and couldn't fit into the roller coasters at Sea World San Antonio, Fiesta Texas and Six FLags Dallas, however, I never had any problem with any ride at WDW. The closest I got to trouble was having to fight to get to the buckle release on Body Wars, but I made it and never worried while i was there. I don't know how large you are, bur I was wearing a size 48 jeans then and 3x shirts. My love for roller coasters was part of the reason I went on a diet so that I could ride them anywhere I go but Disney is great about making their rides accessible to all guests.


Well-Known Member
It's not just a weight thing either--being tall doesn't help getting your legs in the ride. I can hardly do BTMR for lack of leg room.


Active Member
DH is a big & tall man...he's doing so well on his "life-style change" though - down from tight 46 to loose 42! :sohappy: Anyhow, he's quite tall and big-boned. He can ride BTMR - the rides he has trouble with are at Universal. The last time we were there (this was before his weight loss), he could barely fit on BTTF (my fav!) or ET, and he wouldn't even try to go on MIB after I went and told him about the size of the ride vehicles. I was really upset about that cause I know he'll love it! Anyway, he's lost a good bit of weight (I'm SOOO proud of him!), so here's hoping we'll be back in the area soon! He'll always be a tall, big-boned guy, but I'm hoping he'll have a better time on our next trip....all he got to do before was watch me ride!


New Member
Primeval Whirl at AK has very small seats. I am an average sized male and my rear would not fit in them. Amazingly, with such small seats, they have a 48 inch requirement.

The Mom

Premium Member
You might also want to keep your companion/fellow rider's size in mind. There have been posts by smaller riders complaining about being unrestrained because their neighbor was larger..ToT and BTMRR come to mind....or any other bar across both seats type ride. I know my son bounces around quite a bit on BTMRR when he rides with me! (not that I'm terribly large...he's pretty small. ;))

I had no problem on PM. ;)


New Member
I'm not really large but I am quite tall for my age being only 15 and 6' 1". I don't know if it wasa my height or because I have rather long legs but I was seriously scared on Space Mountain as I was in the front which is even smaller than the other seats and my legs were nearly hanging right out the car!:lol: I also felt I had to duck when I saw a support through the dark but it is still great fun!


New Member
me and my wife were there at the begining of august. we are both the large size (46 jeans). my wife lost 16 pounds already and is doing very well I might add. anyway, at disney you won't have a problem on any ride except primevil whirl. I am not sure about BTMRR or Space mountian or RNRC. we missed them this trip. and since we were both big we were still able to both sit next to each other in many rides. the problems were at universal, MIB we were stuffed in like sardeans, the belst barely fit and the ride was so uncomfortable. BTTF we fit in but it was a tight squeeze. my wife got bruses ofter that one. hanna barbara we got in but also a very tight squeeze the lap bars looked like they were made for kids and it really hurt. ET we didn't even attempt it. jurassic park lp bars also hurt, we fit but tight squeeze. we felt like a herd of cattle in universal and universal gets the maximum people on a ride, and they look at you funny if you ask to have a row to your self so you could be comfortible. one employee even told me that for safty reasons they can't do that. we never have a problem like that at disney. at disney if we ask to have a car to ourselves they are very accomidating.


New Member
RnR isn't a problem that I remember. I know exactly what you mean, I have the same problem, but not at WDW usually! I rode RnR two times back to back in 2000 with no problems. Don't remember problems on Test Track either and I've always been able to ride Big Thunder MRR. Anybody have any thoughts on the new lapbelt thing on TT? I never had a problem with it before, but if they added belts it may be a different story now.

75 days til Disney!:sohappy:
I am very busty/hippy and 5' 10'' -- I was a little uncomfortable on Primeval Whirl, but they squished us with another larger couple. Otherwise, I've never had a problem on anything at the major theme parks at Disney. They have added seat belts to the whole back row on Tower of Terror -- I think part of the reason for this is to place larger guests in those seats so smaller guests don't feel as if they have no protection. The seatbelts are VERY long. I prefer the center seatbelt seat anyway (keep the seatbelt loose, put my feet straight out, don't hold on, arms in the air -- it's the best ride ever created!). And I've absolutely never had a problem at all on RnRC -- I do prefer the front of each car to the back, because I think there's more leg room, but I've probably been on it atleast 40 times now and never had a problem fitting in the ride.

I did have a problem with CyberSpace Mountain at DisneyQuest -- my bust prevented the bar from locking into position last year (it needs to reach the seat and two little locks slide into place). I lost 8 pounds for our most recent trip last week and didn't have the problem this time (talk about anxiety waiting in line for the ride -- worse then the embarassment having to get off the year before!).

Also, in case you're going to Islands of Adventure, I did have a problem on their coasters as well. My bust prevented the shoulder harness on regular seats from coming down to meet the belt (not to mention my hips were digging into the side of the seats). They let you line up yourself at IoA, and each coaster train has a "larger persons" seat in row six. You'll know it's the right seat because it has two seat belts instead of one. The only down side -- you don't get to ride in the front row. However, I did Dr. Doom's Fearfall this time, and the seats for that are much larger and very comfortable -- no problems at all.

Happy riding!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ukcoasterfreak
I'm not really large but I am quite tall for my age being only 15 and 6' 1". I don't know if it wasa my height or because I have rather long legs but I was seriously scared on Space Mountain as I was in the front which is even smaller than the other seats and my legs were nearly hanging right out the car!:lol: I also felt I had to duck when I saw a support through the dark but it is still great fun!

Yeah, make sure on space mountain to get in the back seats so you can put your legs around the seat in front.

Big feet dont go in there too well though!


New Member
The only attraction at WDW that either my husband or I were uncomfortable on was in the Millionaire seats. We didn't have any problems with the Primeval Whirl because they let us get on the ride just the two of us so we didn't have to be squished in. Maybe you can ask before hand on this one. I was going to but the CM read my mind! :animwink:


Active Member
Thank you chellnjr - you have just shown me that the Disney Magic is alive and well! A few yrs back DH & I were at USO and were cueing up for BTTF and in our cue there were 7 large people (DH is large - they were all just as large) and myself - I'll mention at this point that at the time I wasn't particularly tiny either!- Anyway, I'm thinking that this will be WAYYY too crowded a load for the little Delorean, so I went and said something to the CM. The only response I got was that the ride seats 8 and there were 8 of us. It was one of the most inconsiderate things I've ever seen! As it was we ended up leaving the attraction...there wasn't enough room in the car and they wouldn't reseat us in another - I was so ill! :fork: I'm so glad that Disney did accomidate you! :sohappy:

As for me personally, I do note the size of my fellow riders (especially on ToT) - the bigger the better....I get so much more air time that way!!! :D


The seatbelts on Dinosaur (and Test Track, too I think) are a bit over six feet long, so they'll go around anything. The biggest problem on Dinosaur for larger people is getting to the buckle itself, but Test Track is better laid out in that regard.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darroy
I'll be in Disney in September and have this phobia that I may not be able to fit on some of the rides. I have been to Disney before (albeit 10 years ago) and don't recall that I couldn't fit comfortably. However, having recently been to an amusement park, I found that some of the rollercoaster bars were somewhat tight. Does anyone know if I'm just being paranoid, or are there rides that might be considered a tight fit for someone who is, shall we say, a "larger" person?

In what way are you "large" ?? I'm 6'6" and some rides are a bit "snug" (space mountain, test track) but I've been able to ride those which I want to.


New Member
Originally posted by mbro2002
The seatbelts on Dinosaur (and Test Track, too I think) are a bit over six feet long, so they'll go around anything. The biggest problem on Dinosaur for larger people is getting to the buckle itself, but Test Track is better laid out in that regard.

I read a tip a while back that if you grab the seat belt straps before you actually sit down that it really helps. We tried this on our last trip and it worked great. It also works on airplanes!

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