Ticket Prices Allegedly going up 1/1/06


Account Suspended
Mousesavers.com is reporting that ticket prices are to go up "substantially" on January first - so if you're planning on going, now might be the right time to buy tickets.


New Member
I just saw this also! I can not believe it, again! Is this the fourth time in a year that the prices have gone up?

This will definitely keep us out of range of going back? :cry:

The notice is awfully short as well! Has anyone even heard this before now?
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New Member
I have always found it wise to plan ahead when buying WDW tickets (not DVC). Disney tickets always go up in price from year to year. It just makes sense to buy as many ticket vouchers as you can afford. They never go bad and you can use them at any time.

We have unused AP vouchers from over ten years ago. When our current passes expire, we're ready to cash in the next set. We have given vouchers as presents. And, I'm not even going to mention the buy and sell deals.
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New Member
Glad we already purchased the 10 day passes w/ no Exp to use for our next 2 trips. Knew this happen! :rolleyes:

I didn't know you could buy an AP voucher that far in adavance. Figured you had to use it that same year.....

PS Just made our ressies for our sit-down meals!
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Well-Known Member
hopefully they don't go up too much...they already went up close to $10 in 2005. I would imagine this will more affect one-day passes than the magic your way passes, since the whole point of those is that they are cheaper if you stay a while.
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Original Poster
Disney's plan has always been to extend the length of stay, so I wouldn't be surprised if 1-day tickets took a serious jump while 7-day or longer (Disney wants you there for a week and has said so in no uncertain terms) stays the same or only raise slightly.
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Well-Known Member
I couldn't imagine an increase for 1-day tix like we saw this year, though. Could you imagine? $70 for one day...and Sea World and Universal would, of course, match that...crazy...probably one of the reasons Universal's attendance had a pretty huge drop this year.
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New Member
That's interesting about the prices of tickets going up. We booked from the Disneyworld website have a package, but have only paid the $200 deposit. Is it possible that the total cost of our package might go up due to these increases? If anyone knows, that would be helpful!


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Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Hi, I called Shades of Green Today. They told me that the ticket prices are suppose to go up 5%, but are still waiting from Disney for the final confirmation.
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ISTCNavigator57 said:
I couldn't imagine an increase for 1-day tix like we saw this year, though. Could you imagine? $70 for one day...and Sea World and Universal would, of course, match that...crazy...probably one of the reasons Universal's attendance had a pretty huge drop this year.

To be fair Disney will not be the first to raise prices this/next year if/when it happens. Other local Orlando attractions raised prices last month.

My only advice to you would be that if you have money to get tickets now, I'd get them a lot sooner than later.
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Active Member
The tickets will more than likely match SeaWorld's increase. Even though the parks want to attract more than the other guys, they don't want to be the least expensive. If they are, they would be the, "cheap" park... fearing it would scare people away.

It also shows the parks that if one park can charge a certain price and people pay, then they'll obviously pay the same amount to get in other doors!

The price to see Shamu and friends on Jan 2 will be $61.95 before tax.
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Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
babyboy443 said:
Does that include Florida Residents Seasonal Pass Moriah?:veryconfu

I am not sure because she told me that "ALL Disney Tickets were going up" I assume that it would included all the disney tickets, but call Shades of Green to find out for sure. (if you can get ahold of someone, I about choked when someone actually answered the phone at their ticket office when I called last night)...lol...

Phone converstion went like this:
Me: Hi Can you tell me what the disney tickets are going up to after the new year?
Lady: We were told that they are going up 5 Percent, but we don't know for sure yet. We have to wait for the final say from Disney.
Me: Do you know when that will be?
Lady: Probably not until later tomorrow or on the 1st.

As with ANYTHING MILITARY, I never believe anything till I see if for myself. Anything can change at anytime even down to the last minute or second. But, I wanted to tell you what I had heard from them since the topic came up.

FYI for those of you that don't know, Shades of Green sells Disney tickets to DOD and Military Persons (with valid id) at a discounted price. These particular tickets are the tickets that I am refering to that are possibly going up 5 percent. I don't know anything about the normal ticket prices and what they are going up too.
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New Member
Just got off the phone with Central Ticket Reservations and was it was confirmed that ticket rates will go up effective 1/1/06. However, if you have purchased or put a deposit on a vacation package through Disney, your ticket rates are locked in and won't go up!!!!! Yeah!!!!!:lol: :lol:
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I work at the Disney Store and so we sell Disney World passes. We got the new info yesterday for the new tickets, and we didn't see a big price difference from last years, especially as you got upwards for the 5 day passes and up. Last years info said 7 days for less than $29 a day and this years info says 7 days for less than $30 a day. Of course that may change at anytime, but I thought I'd pass on what I saw at work yesterday.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone noticed the cost of gas lately? :rolleyes:

How much more you think it's costing Disney to keep the busses running? Costs go up and prices need to go up. Oh, it's not like this is a huge increase. For the 7 day passes, it's about $5... that's less than a dollar a day or about $20/wk for a family of four. That's really not enough to get all bent out of shape over.

(Oh, interesting how people cry over an extra buck for tickets and they'll also be the ones that cry about paint flecks, burnt out bulbs, loss of magic etc...)
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