Thunder Mountain broken yesterday

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
It does bother me but I just don't let it get to me

This kind of thinking leads to things being half-a**ed at the resort. People settle for okay, instead of great. I've noticed this difference between WDW fans and DLR fans. DLR fans will complain and complain, even about the little things.


Well-Known Member
You must be new...

Just for example...
How does a ride go down for a five-month refurb, yet has only one rainbow-cavern pool working?
Or the falling rock effect not working at all?
Or the lighting along the west side not working?
Or the exit-stairs maintenance lights being stuck on?

Am I complaining too much? Nah.
I'm not new. I follow you all the time and I respect the information that u give out to us but it seems like you have nothing good to say about WDW whenever you write about it


Well-Known Member
This kind of thinking leads to things being half-a**ed at the resort. People settle for okay, instead of great. I've noticed this difference between WDW fans and DLR fans. DLR fans will complain and complain, even about the little things.
Sure its pathetic for Disney to not fix all of the effects but I don't really remember the missing effects so it doesn't really bother me. The resort though IMO is in pretty mediocre shape especially epcot but I know the future is going to be bright for Disney once Iger leaves


Well-Known Member
I'm not new. I follow you all the time and I respect the information that u give out to us but it seems like you have nothing good to say about WDW whenever you write about it

This is true to life, people tend to spend more time discussing how things can be better rather than spending time discussing things that work correctly. It doesn’t mean you don’t like it, it’s just a more interesting conversation to discuss how it can be improved. This is why the human species is constantly moving forward and not stagnant.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Sure its pathetic for Disney to not fix all of the effects but I don't really remember the missing effects so it doesn't really bother me. The resort though IMO is in pretty mediocre shape especially epcot but I know the future is going to be bright for Disney once Iger leaves

I understand what you're saying, but just because you didn't notice the lack of show doesn't mean the show isn't lacking. People shouldn't be thinking this is okay. People need to be going to City Hall and complain about the unacceptable states some of the attractions are in.

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