Have been reading and enjoying everyone else's trip reports for some time, and figured it was time to actually put the time in and enter one of my own - I've only been threatening my family for the past few years to do one - and figured this traveling odyssey would be the perfect one to enter.
For the cast of characters on this adventure, it will be just the family of three - me, my spouse and our little princess (ok, not so little anymore - 12 yrs old and a Disney veteran in her own right with 18 trips to the world).
We usually do a nice long, end of summer trip all in the world, splitting the trip between Pop and Beach Club, and always look to try something new every trip. In the past, it's been the Aqua Seas tour one year, Hoop Dee Do another, MNSSH the ony time it was offered before Labor Day. We were not sure what this year would bring, but after doing a May cruise on the Magic, we found what DCL considers a sale on the summer cruises and jumped again at the boat.
Because the princess is a sand and water rat, the decision was made to tag two days at Vero after the cruise before heading back to the parks for the rest of our trip.
We're flying into MCO from Philly on Southwest next Thursday for three days @ Saratoga in a studio. After than comes a 5-night cruise on the Dream, 2 nights in an inn room at Vero Beach and then 8 nights at Beach Club in a 1 BR villa. All the rooms will be on DVC points.
I'll be adding the updates at the end of each portion of the trip so enjoy as this could be interesting.
For the cast of characters on this adventure, it will be just the family of three - me, my spouse and our little princess (ok, not so little anymore - 12 yrs old and a Disney veteran in her own right with 18 trips to the world).
We usually do a nice long, end of summer trip all in the world, splitting the trip between Pop and Beach Club, and always look to try something new every trip. In the past, it's been the Aqua Seas tour one year, Hoop Dee Do another, MNSSH the ony time it was offered before Labor Day. We were not sure what this year would bring, but after doing a May cruise on the Magic, we found what DCL considers a sale on the summer cruises and jumped again at the boat.
Because the princess is a sand and water rat, the decision was made to tag two days at Vero after the cruise before heading back to the parks for the rest of our trip.
We're flying into MCO from Philly on Southwest next Thursday for three days @ Saratoga in a studio. After than comes a 5-night cruise on the Dream, 2 nights in an inn room at Vero Beach and then 8 nights at Beach Club in a 1 BR villa. All the rooms will be on DVC points.
I'll be adding the updates at the end of each portion of the trip so enjoy as this could be interesting.