This "system upgrade" is starting to tick me off


New Member
the way to solve it is to do what they say, they say save the receipt and you will be reimbursed later THEN DO IT, they cant do anything else, they cant just take down your name and give you free food

and very few times in life is there a cure all solution that will fix everything in 20 minutes


New Member
That really sucks!

I hope it gets figured out already... would suck if you had to be doing this for the rest of your stay.

I really do hope you get to enjoy the rest of your vacation and have fun with your family!!!


Well-Known Member
Maybe Disney could have DDP guests use guest's own credit card, Disney could hold off on submitting charges until system upgrade is completed, and allow guests to present receipts to cancel charges as they are applied to plan allocations. Any non-cancelled charges could then be submitted.
Good idea, but people shouldn't have to do this and not everyone believes in credit cards (or even has one).

Here's an easy contingency plan--hand each party vouchers for their DDP meals when they check in and allow them to "cash in" their vouchers every time they eat.
I was going to suggest this too. Why couldn't Disney do this?? They should at least be willing to issue something like this and let people get their meals. They could even give you a few counter, table, or snack vouchers or what you wanted for a day or two, and then when the system is back up, Disney could officially take them off for what they gave you in advance. This would save the guest having to go back and get a refund! Disney should get it together and not expect their guests to put out more money for something they already paid for! I know for myself, we make a budget and stick to it, to show up to Disney and be asked to pay for your own meals when they're prepaid already is not acceptable.


WOW!In the last couple of weeks this has been sounding like the "other board" and not too magical in some instances. I agree with the OP, if this would be happening to me I would be upset too. This would def. take a part of that Disney magic away especially after 2 days. Some of us only get to go every 2-3 years and YES this would put a damper on the vacation! I hope it straightens out for you!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Five hours invested - an hour on refunds with a CM and now -- I'm shortchanged points because of the reservation change.

They cannot add the points back because I haven't used enough yet -- try again tomorrow when I use enough points.


Oh, in reaponse to them just giving us something free, they offered a free invitation to wait again in line to get points. My family is really starting to miss me this trip.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Five hours invested - an hour on refunds with a CM and now -- I'm shortchanged points because of the reservation change.

They cannot add the points back because I haven't used enough yet -- try again tomorrow when I use enough points.


Oh, in response to them just giving us something free, they offered a free invitation to wait again in line to get points. My family is really starting to miss me this trip.

It does sound like your luck is finally turning around for you. I do hope you can make the best of what's left of your vacation and have a good time. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I see Disney has another outage scheduled for NOVEMBER 30-DECEMBER 1st!
And there is one more from Dec 14-15.

So I can't really add much more to the discussion. OP, PLEASE enjoy the rest of your vacation. It sucks, and I know that. You'll have to spend some more time in line, but you will get through it.

WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN! Every interaction with a CM, how much time you spent at the front desk, if you ever received wrong information, every time you never get called back. Just keep a log and forget about it. Once you get home, write an email to Guest Communications ( Don't be nasty, just tell your story. Something should be done about it. Just try not to let it ruin the rest of your vacation.

To everyone else out there, know that it's as much a headache for the Cast as it is for you. Please be patient and bear with them until this is all over. I'm sure they will greatly appreciate it.


Just some fyi, the current system is ANCIENT! It is older than I am. It no longer serves our guests and we literally HAVE to change. Yes it is going to have hiccups during the changeover and that is why it is happening in waves. Please be patient with your CMs. They are doing everything they can and want you to have a magical stay. You WILL be reimbursed for charges that were unable to be applied to your dining plan. Some wholesale free dining reservations were being stubborn during the changeover but please remember that the resorts who changed were All-Stars, Port, and Boardwalk which have A LOT of rooms and reservations to move to the new system. That is where the difficulty lies, in moving a reservation that has already been checked-in in a DOS based system to a Windows based system, keeping all the charges, keys, tickets, packages, comments, and room numbers associated with the reservation together, and do it overnight. The reservations that are coming in after the downtime are running very smoothly as there is no changeover occurring with them. Again please bear with the resorts as they change to the new system. There is no option for us to just "go back" if it has a glitch because that would force all the reservations to be re-changed to the DOS system. We have contingencies in place for room keys and tickets, the dining plan is only thing where we can't physically give you a coupon that says "This entitles one guest to one meal" thus the need to pay out of pocket and be reimbursed. Also all of our systems talk to each other: Reservations talks to inventory talks to property management (new system) talks to ticketing talks to dining talks to cash registers. So this is why some people have had difficulties accessing their reservations online, they are still in the system but the dining system isn't giving that information to you on the website.
Change is scary but it has to be done. Be nice to your CMs!


This guy had a horrible experience because of a major upgrade gone awry. And from what I have read at other sites some CMs (perhaps many CMs) were expecting major problems because of the scale of the upgrade.

I can understand why TDC needed to do this, however I think they really should have perhaps warned guests before hand. It's not like they didn't know room charging could/would be down (again info from other sites) for a period of time and possibly an extended period of time. Without knowing all of the details of the actual upgrade I don't want to comment on what they should have done to pixie dust up the situation but I am sure they could have done something.
It hasn't gone awry. There are hiccups in the conversion process that were expected, anticipated, and being dealt with.

Also the guests were informed. There is a letter in the welcome packet and room. Also DVC members were sent letters in the mail regarding member services abilities and limitations during the change over.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The CMs have all been great, and we have had great laughs. Both sides treated well. At least we are on a 2 week trip. This morning was much easier.

If the hundreds of CMs on the front line, including supervisors and managers just had a little more top down communication, everything would be fine.

The fact that they had no plan to even communicate to me that there was a fix, or what exactly guests should do in the meantime is the problem.

Hopefully the next rounds will go easier and they are better prepared.

Handing out 2-3 days of vouchers would be a step in the right direction.


Active Member
The fact that Disney is telling the OP to just save the receipts and (basically) "go away" is inexcusable. If that were me, I'd be speaking SO loudly and making such a stink that they'd do anything just to get rid of me from the front desk area!! HAHAHA!! :lol:
You do realize that speaking loudly at a Cast Member is not the way the best way to solve a problem....
Somethings, believe it or not, are out of the Cast Members control.


Well-Known Member
There is no option for a back out in this case.

If it is going as poorly as it is, there should have been an option. Of course, depending on exactly they are doing, there are 'points of no return'

This system has been in development for 10 years and has been running in a test environment for at least 5. User acceptance has already happened and happens again with each roll out.

Running for 5 years in a test bed ? It's out of date before it's depolyed then.

Of course they don't. A lot of time has been put into this system, but as you said, things come up.

I know full well that things come up. I have had things come up with systems I support. It just seems lax for problems as large as Disney is having to come up if proper testing was done. When we do work on live network elements (which my systems do not interface with) there is NO room for error. Any outages that we have are reportable.

Non network systems that are mission critical (like the ones I have) have their upgrades tested, retested, and tested again, and are then upgraded during low impact windows. i realize that WDW most likely has NO low impact windows though.



If it is going as poorly as it is, there should have been an option. Of course, depending on exactly they are doing, there are 'points of no return'

Running for 5 years in a test bed ? It's out of date before it's depolyed then.

The thing is it isn't going poorly. The OP is having an exceptionally bad time. A few types of packages aren't responding well to the new system. Most of them are free dining as it sees no monetary value associated with dining component. These reservations are being rebooked by DRC and the problem is resolved.

Also keep in mind this is not a static system. It is constantly going through builds that can update functions. The reason we can't go back is that literally we have no contract with IBM (the maker of the old system) and therefore have no support on their behalf. We have to change and as the days go by its getting better. According to a friend All Stars was crazy yesterday, and today is MUCH better. Our support team is literally there around the clock helping implement the new system. Again please be patient.


Well-Known Member
The thing is it isn't going poorly. The OP is having an exceptionally bad time. A few types of packages aren't responding well to the new system. Most of them are free dining as it sees no monetary value associated with dining component. These reservations are being rebooked by DRC and the problem is resolved.

Also keep in mind this is not a static system. It is constantly going through builds that can update functions. The reason we can't go back is that literally we have no contract with IBM (the maker of the old system) and therefore have no support on their behalf. We have to change and as the days go by its getting better. According to a friend All Stars was crazy yesterday, and today is MUCH better. Our support team is literally there around the clock helping implement the new system. Again please be patient.

That is just asinine


To not be able to roll a major deployment back because of a CONTRACT is inane.

There are plenty of legitimate technical database reasons to have a point of no return, but because of a piece of paper?



That is just asinine


To not be able to roll a major deployment back because of a CONTRACT is inane.

There are plenty of legitimate technical database reasons to have a point of no return, but because of a piece of paper?

Fine I can give you a technical reason complete with a metaphor.
Think of each hotel at Disney as a tree in a forest. Each hotel works independently of the others. They are all in the same system and they touch each other but the still have their own root system.

This is why anytime you have a problem with your dining plan while having breakfast at another resort they are usually unable to do much other than call your hotel.

We are planting a new tree. This tree is going to be larger, sturdier, and have longer branches than all of the old trees combined. However in order to flourish we have move the birds nests from the other trees. If we move them all at once the tree will be overwhelmed and die. Plus it takes a lot of volunteers to move nests.

For each tree, we move the birds nests to their own branch of the new tree. We then have to cut down the old tree to ensure the new tree can get enough nutrients. Sometimes if birds are flying, they come back and the tree is gone so they become lost and unsure of where to go. Eventually after some searching they find the new tree and get on with their happy lives.

Ultimately it is a slow process but the one large tree will have branches for each hotel. This will allow birds from one branch to easily visit birds on the others. But have you ever tried to replant a tree after you cut it down? Not so easy is it?

At the end of the day we are moving to a single composite system that will make it easier to do EVERYTHING!


Beta Return
If I had been in the restaurant, finished my meal, and was told that I would need to pay OOP for the meal because they couldn't charge my DDP, I'd kindly inform them that it was...well...not my problem - and then my family and I would excuse ourselves.

And to anyone who wants to say, "That would be considered stealing!" - no, it wouldn't. If I'm on the DDP, I ALREADY PAID for that meal. Period.

There would be no payment made by me, to Disney, for a meal I'd already paid for. If they want to use an IOU system, I'll issue the IOU, not them. I owe them one Dining Credit, not the other way around.

They could write down the number on the front of your KttW and then go enter them all later. Or, like someone suggested, they could have issued paper vouchers that could have been applied to your plan at a later time.

I understand that this is a terrible burden on the CMs - I really can appreciate what they're going through - but it is absolutely inexcusable to put the burden on the guest. The CMs are getting paid to deal with it. They guests are paying to NOT deal with it.

Then again, perhaps there's "the other side of the story" we don't know about regarding the OPs situation. Who knows.


Well-Known Member
There is no other contingency for charging to dining plans. The POS systems at the restaurants have to charge something. I'd like to hear any ideas if you have any.

And there we have the EXACT problem here. I am usually the last one to call foul on Disney, and quite often I tell people stuff isn't as big a deal as they may think, but this is a huge deal for a myriad of reasons.

If this system has been in development for a decade as you say, then it was ______-poor planning not to have some sort of plan for if something like this happens.

I work for a company on the Forbes 100 who works with millions of financial transactions across dozens of systems every day. You are absolutely right - downtime happens. Especially when you are making a wholesale change to the system.

HOWEVER, it's my company's responsibility (and Disney's, in this case) to make this as PAINLESS to the customer as possible by HAVING contingency plans.

I know that in the Disney-bubble people who work there are trained to think that each shop, restaurant, etc. is it's own financial entity, which on some cases it is WITHIN WDW. But it's still all owned and run by Disney for the most part, and even the places that aren't (like in WS) they still use Disney terminals/etc.

You know what happens at my work (who deals with just as many, if not more, customers per day than Disney)? We pull out sheets of paper and start writin' stuff down. We do what it takes to keep the customer experience, get them on their way, and we deal with it all later. If we lose some cash in the process, it's on us - the customer gets taken care of.

In this case, there are about a dozen different methods they could use. Just because they can't run it through the machine doesn't mean the entire place is frozen up. They could have issued emergency "coupons" (you know, little pieces of paper, like before everything had to be on a card?) at the hotels, they could have kept manual track of them at the restaurant and reconciled them later (and if people ended up with extra free meals, hey, that's the price the company pays for downtime, anticipated or not), they could have set up a mini-call center for restaurants to verify things at, any number of things could have been done.

I'll tell you why this peeves me - it's because many families couldn't afford to do what the OP is doing. I help a LOT of people plan Disney trips, many of whom never dreamed they could afford to go. Families spend years saving for a one-week trip. And many that do the dining plan do so because they want to have a fixed-food cost so they don't have to worry about that during the trip. Not everyone has some AMEX Platinum card without a limit they can just throw stuff on. I know families that, if this happened to them, and they were "trapped" on Disney property without a car, they'd be hard pressed to be able to afford to spend $100's extra on food they hadn't anticipated (even if it gets reembursed later).

So, big bad on Disney for this one. We all know system outages and updates/upgrades happen and can go wonky, but that is DISNEY'S problem, not the guest. Disney should have done whatever they needed to and given people out the food they had paid for without making them pay their own $$ in advance. It's great they FINALLY let people put them on room charges, but it's pretty inexcusable that it took as long as it did.

To anyone who thinks, "Oh this is no big deal, if you can't afford a few extra meals you can't afford to go to Disney", I ask them to think about the 5-year old with them who's dreams the parents scraped money together to be able to make come true, and how not everyone is in a financial position to come up with $100's of extra dollars with no notice when they had already paid for the meals in advance.


New Member
Fine I can give you a technical reason complete with a metaphor.
Think of each hotel at Disney as a tree in a forest. Each hotel works independently of the others. They are all in the same system and they touch each other but the still have their own root system.

This is why anytime you have a problem with your dining plan while having breakfast at another resort they are usually unable to do much other than call your hotel.

We are planting a new tree. This tree is going to be larger, sturdier, and have longer branches than all of the old trees combined. However in order to flourish we have move the birds nests from the other trees. If we move them all at once the tree will be overwhelmed and die. Plus it takes a lot of volunteers to move nests.

For each tree, we move the birds nests to their own branch of the new tree. We then have to cut down the old tree to ensure the new tree can get enough nutrients. Sometimes if birds are flying, they come back and the tree is gone so they become lost and unsure of where to go. Eventually after some searching they find the new tree and get on with their happy lives.

Ultimately it is a slow process but the one large tree will have branches for each hotel. This will allow birds from one branch to easily visit birds on the others. But have you ever tried to replant a tree after you cut it down? Not so easy is it?

At the end of the day we are moving to a single composite system that will make it easier to do EVERYTHING!

Great now the birds in Disney will be lost and the trees will be weak? :shrug:

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