You are but one individual in a large cross section of people. You may be able to afford to pay that elevated prices without making shambles out of your financial status. There are many that really cannot afford it and are spending money they haven't earned yet and are swimming in debt that they may never get out of.
Yes, it is a good experience and, like yourself, I'm sure there must be some solid reason why people are willing to pay the looonnngg price for what they offer. If it can be done and nothing else goes unpaid or shortchanged then more power to them. In my comments on it, I have been using my personal outlook on what is worth what. Of course, you are allowed to spend your money whatever way you want to spend it. But, excuse the rest of us if we question exactly what makes it worth that much more then surrounding options. If it's the ease of touring, no other independent transportation needed, earlier ability to line up Fastpasses or ADR's. OK, but there is nothing offered there that to me is worth anywhere near the cost. It is indeed a personal thing.
So when referring to brainwashed, I can think of no reason why that isn't valid. What have you determined has made it worthwhile. Disney has been flouting the concept of total immersion since the beginning of Disney itself. They obviously have convinced thousands of people that there is a value in what they charge. Fine... but understand that it is very difficult to see why when one sees the benefit of not spending more than what something is worth to people like me. I am a person that has enjoyed WDW enormously for 38 years with only one trip that included onsite. I apparently did not see the value even after experiencing it and even later years when I could have afforded to if I wanted. I could find no value in being basically an inmate (at least that is what it felt like to me). The bottom line is everything has a reason. People that will spend that much, I don't believe enjoy their experience one iota more then I enjoy mine.